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cyborganism ,

Man if it wasn't for Israel and their bullshit, Biden would be an awesome president.

cyborganism ,

Who are you referring to?

cyborganism ,

Because you're supposed to tip them. Duh... /s

cyborganism ,

It still applies today.

cyborganism ,

Same! There was a shortage in IT for a little while and I took advantage of it and got a $30k increase! With same benefits and paid vacation.

Now even a 2% pay raise is significant on the salary I make. I feel like I'm finally being appreciated and paid what I'm really worth after a decade of struggling.

cyborganism ,

How to make every woman and doctor flee your state.

talesofaprinny , to KDE avatar

Plasmashell inverts(flips?) screen after running a game? (X11/Plasma 6)

Hi, I'm using nvidia drivers. FOr whatever reason at times Plasmashell would get "cute" and flip the screen to the point I just run plasmashell --replace and everything goes back to normal...

Is there something... I could do ?


cyborganism ,

What do you mean by flip? Like rotate the screen upside down? Or mirror the image?

cyborganism ,

Maybe you’re pressing some key binding that is set to rotate your desktop. Like ctrl+alt+arrow? Or something like that?

cyborganism ,

Ah ok.

What distro are you using? What’s your video card? Do you have any customizations to your Linux that we should be aware of?

cyborganism ,

Can you try rolling back you Nvidia driver to a previous version and try again to see if it still happens?

cyborganism ,

Oh wow! Ok I never even heard of him. I’m going to have to look up his bibliography and read some of his work.

Thanks for posting this!

Has anyone seen the blurry decoration font problem (with Aurorae themes) resurface with Plasma 6? ( )

This was fixed for me since 5.27 but it resurfaced with 6.0. Breeze/Lightly/etc are fine; it’s Aurorae themes with fractional scaling in Wayland that have the issue. Not sure whether it’s a bug or something left over from somewhere in my system.

cyborganism ,

One thing I learned with plasma is not to fuck around with the themes.

cyborganism ,

Of course that’s KDE’s strength. But it’s also it’s greatest weakness, I find.

Since KDE 3 came out, I find that whenever I install a new version of plasma and mess around with the themes, something breaks. And often breaks permanently to a point I have to delete all KDE files in my home directory.

cyborganism ,

It’s not YOUR economy. It’s the BUSINESS economy.

cyborganism ,

I hate rounded corners. But that’s just my taste. Good for you if you enjoy it!

cyborganism ,

The horror! 😱

cyborganism ,


For real, I think Windows 10 has been the OS with the best ergonomic UI design so far. Especially with the Power Toys window tiling feature.

kde , to KDE avatar

Plasma 6 Beta 2 released! We are nearly there, but more testing needed.

Just in time for the Winter Holidays 🎄, Happy New Beta 🎉!

After this second Beta, there will be two Release Candidates, one on the 10th and the other on the 31st of January. All these releases are not final, they are for testing and should not be used in production...


Animations showing of the multiple desktops and wallpapers available for Plasma 6

cyborganism ,

If I want a Debian based distro with the latest stable plasma, which one would you recommend?

cyborganism ,

Hmm… does it have any telemetry? I’m worried about user data collection. I know Ubuntu has that. It’s fairly easy to remove but I’d rather not have it to begin with.

cyborganism ,

I think the reasoning behind it is to counter the LinkedIn corporate slave driving culture where upper managers think everyone should be tied to their open air desk like dogs in a kettle so they can feel in control.

He’s trying to set an example for others to follow.

cyborganism ,

Men are all such fucking shitbags amirite?


cyborganism ,

No. I’m just tired of all the blame men are getting. It’s like being a man makes you inherently a bad, evil person and a persecutor of women.

Men have their flaws, sure. And yes there is toxic masculinity. But at some point, blaming men all the time for everything is like they’re using them as scapegoats for their own shortcomings. Fait exemple, is it because of men that this author isn’t assertive?

And I also disagree with her other one about the mental load over responsibilities in her household and how men are lazy. And how, according to her, it’s all women who have this problem and all men are like this. In my household, I’m the one who takes care of these things. I’m the one who plans groceries, thinks about repairs, thinks about laundry, cleaning, dishes, cooking, etc. Yet my girlfriend used her fucking comic to point out to me that I’m the lazy one in the house somehow because I have a dick and balls and spend longer periods in the bathroom than her.

She has a problem with assertiveness and she blames men for her own shortcomings.

And I’m so sick and tired of the anti-men bullshit that it’s really affecting my self esteem and my perception of myself. I can’t express how I feel about this either because someone will just repeat some fucking anti-men text they read off of some feminist meme and mock me by saying “nOt AlL mEn”. As if “yes all men are bad”. I’ve seen girl friends post shit on social media where they said all men should die and even mocked articles about suicide rates in men. They also laughed as they reposted articles about men committing suicide.

At some point, when are we going to recognize there is some toxic feminists who are just outright mysandrists and there is nothing men will ever do to make them happy?

Or maybe that’s the solution isn’t it? Maybe I should just fucking kill myself and do all women a big fucking favor.

cyborganism ,

I know my shortcomings. I know that, like the author, I lack assertiveness. Maybe that explains why I face the same problem she does. Except, I’m a man. Should I also blame men for what’s happening to me?

Men face a lot of pressure from society. Society has a lot of expectations for men in general. Maybe that’s what’s driving up the suicide rate among men. Add to that the total lack of any support network for men, and lack of support for male victims of abuse. But I suppose we should blame ourselves for this as well?

cyborganism ,

So? This happens to other men as well. This isn’t always men’s fault. It can be sexism in some cases, but in others it can be about keeping control over employees or not wanting to give promotions because the company wants to cut costs.

I’ve been fired for trying to be assertive once. I was sick of not getting better working conditions and better pay for the work I was doing compared to my peers and was laid off with some bullshit excuse. I was soon replaced with someone else who was paid less and didn’t complain. But I’m a dude. So…?

cyborganism ,

Absolutely. Every time there’s a “men’s only” activity, other groups are quick to call out sexual discrimination.

There are some good things men can pick up from the queer community. They, of all people, play with what defines masculinity all the time. Queer women who want to be more masculine, trans men wanting to be identified as men, etc. They use aspects of masculinity to define themselves.

The thing with cis men is that for the longest time, masculinity has been defined through agressivity, violence, repression of emotions and domination. These are aspects that need to be removed in order to redefine masculinity.

Also, recently, men have been criticised and even mocked for various aspects of masculinity. Like the desire to be strong, liking certain things like sports or cars and trucks or action movies or horses or whatever, to dress a certain way, or just wanting to do general boy stuff.

But the one that hurts the most is how everyone is blaming everything the last bit negative on all men. Or pinning only a handful of men’s behavior on every man, ever. And basically saying that all men are inherently toxic and deserve to be eliminated. And as soon as someone speaks up and says “not all men” there always someone who’ll reply mockingly “nOt AlL mEN”, like it’s an invalid response to so much hatred and misandry.

Yes, a lot of men are toxic and patriarchy has hurt society in many ways. It also hurts men as well. But we have to differentiate between the good and the bad ones. I mean, women aren’t all angels either. And there are many other queer folk who aren’t nice and they probably have their own toxic traits. Basically everyone has their faults and some of the responsibility of the bad stuff should be shared.

cyborganism ,


3.25$ X 2 for the metro fare. Approx 5$ for a cup of coffee 25-30$ for lunch. A few bucks more on maybe a drink or a snack.

This adds up.

cyborganism ,

My clothes from before the pandemic still fit at least. But I had to buy new socks because the elastics were all dried up.

cyborganism ,

That’s in CAD. Our dollar isn’t as strong as the EUR. Also everything is more expensive in Canada.

cyborganism ,

No! I swear, a single plate with a drink at a food court is now 20+$. It’s insane.

cyborganism ,

So what happens when the prime minister goes on strike? Who leads the country?

cyborganism ,

That sounds like a scab hahahahah

cyborganism ,

My employer is asking me to come in 3x a week when on the bench. Maybe 2x when assigned on a project.

I don’t live far from work, but I spend on bus tickets just to go to and come back from the office. Buying a monthly bus pass isn’t worth it for me considering how much I go out. The bus fare increased quite a bit in the past 5 years.

Plus I have to buy lunch everytime I go because I can’t carry a lunch with an the equipment. And food from restaurants or food courts have become ridiculously expensive.

I’d be willing to go once or twice a week. More than that is useless and costly.

cyborganism ,

Will tips still be included though? Or are they eliminating tips?

cyborganism ,

That would be illegal.

cyborganism ,

The issue is the culture

You can say that again…

Especially where I’m from, there’s a lot of corruption in construction. A lot of them will steal stuff and not even feel bad about it, proud even.

And this corruption goes all the way to the top at the provincial government level.

cyborganism ,

What do you expect from a fascist apartheid theocracy???

cyborganism ,

You know what I hate about articles with headlines line these?

It tends to generalize a whole group of people and put them all in a bad light. It may be true the the hostilities are lead mostly by cis men, but they could be a very small minority and in no way representative of all men.

cyborganism ,

I’ve seen the world through many lenses, and the most profound moments have been with people who fully see and love me; that takes vulnerability and trust. Focus your time on learning how to be vulnerable, build intentional and meaningful friendships, and heal your relationship with what it means to be feminine.

That’s it right there. It’s about opening yourself and your vulnerabilities to others. Unfortunately, this is often perceived negatively by men. You really have to gauge who you can open up to as some will take advantage of your vulnerability and use it against you. That’s how you end up being bullied at school or at work.

I know because I tend to open up to people and tell them how I feel. I’ve built deep and meaningful relationships with many people, male, female and in-between. I’m not afraid to show my emotions and tell people how I truly feel. But, there have been a few times where I ended up being hurt. Not just by men, but women too. Or being mocked¸ which is extremely difficult because you question yourself a lot when this happens.

cyborganism ,

People think toxic masculinity is just a men’s thing. But it’s not. It’s a whole culture and it involves everybody, even women, who perpetuate the culture.

cyborganism ,

I’m sure you meant femininity and not feminism.

I’m sorry for what happened to you. :( I hope you’re doing way better now.

However, there isn’t just one way to be a man. I think that’s the narrow perception that the concept of masculinity creates.

You don’t have to be any special way or have to do anything special to “be a man”. Just be.

For centuries, men have been defined through wars and combat, were dominant, violent, and were the main bread winners of the house and were considered the smarter of the two sexes. And women were considered lesser beings, unintelligent and unable to make important decisions like voting, and weaker. They were expected to be servile and it was allowed to give them corporal punishment if they do much as talked back. Men were at the top and women were at the bottom. That’s why any man who wasn’t didn’t have the set of characteristics that made them masculine were often bullied and laughed at. Through feminism however, women had nowhere to go but up and thrive.

Suddenly, men weren’t the dominant, smartest bread winners and violence became frowned upon. What was traditionally masculine or the set of characteristics that defined men, also applied to women and some became negative attributes. The lines between femininity and masculinity became blurred.

Women evolved and redefined what it meant to be a woman. And it’s basically to just be yourself and do your best to be a good role model. And honestly that could apply to anybody. Not just women.

We need to stop trying to define “what it takes to be a man” and just be. Anyone who doesn’t accept that is doomed to stay in the past and not evolve with the rest of society and live in constant frustration.

cyborganism ,

There’s so much pressure to be a certain way to fulfill society’s expectations of masculinity.

It’s okay to redecorate the bathroom. Just be yourself and do what feels right. Stop trying to impress everybody. As Ken would say ‘I’m Kenough’.

cyborganism ,

I think people are just used to how Twitter works and how to interact with it. Mastodon is the closest thing there is. It’s simple.

Kbin is nice and all with many features, but sometimes people like to have different apps for different functions.

cyborganism ,

You don’t have to be a man to be this way. Everybody should be this way.

I think just being yourself and being true to yourself and your convictions and not be a jerk is what really matters. No matter if you’re a man or a woman.

cyborganism ,

“Those are rookie numbers! You gotta pump these numbers up!”

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