
StarServal , in A right-wing sheriffs group that challenges federal law is gaining acceptance around the country
@StarServal@kbin.social avatar

Sovereign Citizen, Cop Edition.

keeb420 , in Trump tests the tolerance of judges and even his own lawyers

and so far theyve done fuck all about it happening. lock this walking crime spree up already. hes a flight risk and hes attacking judges and intimidating witnesses.

style99 , in NEWS: Patriot Front sues left-wing activist who infiltrated the hate group and named members
@style99@kbin.social avatar

The hypocrisy of these groups is showing:

The suit claims Capito joined Patriot Front using a false identity and accessed the group's computer databases to access private information, which he then shared with friendly activists and hackers.

"This confidential information was then widely published and used to harass and threaten the Plaintiffs, with the aim, and result, of doxxing them and other Patriot Front members and causing them serious harm," the lawsuit says.

They do this sort of thing all the time to the trans community.

chaogomu ,

Right-wing mentality says that it's alright when they do something, but if you do it back to them, that's cheating and shouldn't be allowed. You know, spoiled 5-year-old shit.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Which is why this makes me a bit uneasy

Sure, when it happens to Nazis, fuck em, they're scum

But like...I'll bet some of you reading are Communists. There's a lot of employers who would fire you for affiliating with communist groups. Or pro-union groups.

I don't like the precedent of ruining someone's life because it can easily be turned around on you.

anon6789 ,

When you take a job, you have a good idea of what behavior can get you fired. You can get fired most places just because. I think it’s good to make it clear joining a Nazi club is one of those behaviors that’s going to get you fired. All this pussyfooting is encouraging them from these nobodies so the way up to the last president.

Aesthesiaphilia ,

Okay but talking about a union is another type of behavior that can get you fired.

I'm just saying it's a can of worms and it will be difficult to draw the line at Nazis alone

anon6789 ,

I agree it’s wrong to fire people for organizing a union, but that line doesn’t exist to begin with. Companies can and will continue to do that. I don’t agree with it, but that’s the way it currently is. I’m not sure if it’s been established you’re not allowed to be a Nazi outside of your typical “behavior not becoming of an XYZcorp employee” that they can use to legally fire you for anything they’re want I’m just saying we should make it clear that this specific behavior, joining Nazi clubs, is clearly a valid offense.

Again, 100 percent in agreement with you, but it’s not such a slippery slope issue when employees were never anywhere near the top of that slope to begin with, so we may as well hammer it home when we’ve identified a specific legal but unacceptable behavior.

lowdownfool ,
@lowdownfool@kbin.social avatar

You open a can of maggots when you treat nazis with kid gloves. Personally, I don't care about the argument "oh it could happen to us if we're meanies to nazis!"

Nougat , in NEWS: Patriot Front sues left-wing activist who infiltrated the hate group and named members

The lawsuit says the alleged "doxxings" cost the members their jobs and personal relationships.

Uhhh ... if the revealing of members caused those members to lose their jobs, it's because their employers determined that they don't want to employ Patriot Front members. Last I checked, without a specific contract, employment is at will.

xc2215x ,

True employers have the right to fire people.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Being a shithead is not a protected class.

Deceptichum , (edited )
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Tell that to the police.

As in they’re shitheads protected by the law.

diskmaster23 ,

ASAB. All shitheads are bastards.

Deceptichum ,
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Assigned Shithead At Birth

Nougat ,

Ass Shit Ass Bitch

Hairyblue , (edited ) in Trump lawyer says his legal team is bracing for imminent Georgia indictment
@Hairyblue@kbin.social avatar

Yea he will get indicted again because he did more crimes.

He was telling people at his rally of lies that he just "needed one more indictment" for him to win the presidency in 2024. Going to jail for TRYING to defraud the US doesn't make you president.

Unaware7013 ,

Indictments are like bases in baseball, you get four of them and you score!

rafoix , in [News] Bill Barr says he’s willing to testify against Trump at Jan. 6 trial

"Willing to testify" is not the same as "willing to testify against". He's a corrupt man that has an expertise in protecting powerful republicans.

FrickAndMortar ,

And a book to sell!

Deceptichum , in [News] 90-Year-Old Dianne Feinstein Cedes Power Of Attorney To Daughter – But Remains In Senate
@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Drusas ,

    While I understand the sentiment, directly encouraging someone to die like this is not acceptable on this magazine, so your comment has been removed. Please try to keep things civil.

    gonzoleroy OP , in Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense

    This is what they do. They get out ahead of bad news for him by announcing it themselves and downplaying the wrongdoing. They seek to control the narrative, normalize what he did, and plant seeds of doubt. When the consequences hit, his supporters will be outraged due to all this brainwashing.

    I think they're setting the stage for more Jan. 6 events.

    Neuron , in News: Barr obliterates Trump's defense: 'He knew well that he had lost the election'

    Understandably people have been pretty aghast that Barr is saying all this stuff while being non committal about whether he would still vote for Trump. I wonder if it’s possible he’s avoiding saying that publicly for now in case he’s called on to testify in the triak. If he’s on the record on public TV saying he’s voting against trump, possible on the witness stand on cross examination trump’s lawyers could try and argue he’s partisan and his statements are politically motivated. Or he’s a coward I don’t know, just a thought.

    crusa187 ,

    I mean he’s definitely a coward, just like all the trump sycophants. Barr is weird because he was the one who wrote the whole memo about how executive power should be expanded/absolute, while on his way into the trump admin’s good graces. Something flipped a switch for him, could have been Jan 6 stuff but not entirely clear. I’m sure he’ll try to cash in on a biographical novel to tell us all about it someday.

    Nougat , (edited )

    Barr announced his resignation on Monday, December 14, 2020, to take effect Wednesday, December 23, 2020.

    What happened over the weekend of December 12/13, 2020, or maybe in the week prior?

    Edit: Let's take a look through the indictment!

    [Georgia] 27. On December 15, the Defendant summoned the incoming Acting Attorney General, the incoming Acting Deputy Attorney General, and others to the Oval Office to discuss allegations of election fraud. During the meeting, the Justice Department officials specifically refuted the Defendant's claims about State Farm Arena, explaining to him that the activity shown on the tape Co-Conspirator 1 had used was benign.

    Immediately after Barr submitted his resignation, Trump initiated a meeting with Barr's successors in the Oval Office to discuss allegations of election fraud in Georgia. We also know that, later on, Trump would attempt - and very nearly succeed - in appointing Jeffrey Clark (Co-Conspirator 4) to the office of Attorney General, after Clark had drafted memos to be sent to state legislatures stating that the US Justice Department had concerns about election integrity (which was plainly false).

    The section titled "The Defendant's Use of Dishonesty, Fraud, and Deceit to Organize Fraudulent Slates of Electors and Cause Them to Transmit False Certificates to Congress" is where a potential smoking gun can be found, in the context of Barr's resignation.

    The weekend of December 12 and 13, 2020, is when the conspirators met and worked on drafting and delivering documentation and instructions to seven states in order to execute the plan to draft fake electors. On December 14, 2020, all legitimate electors met and formally cast their votes for president. "66. On the same day, at the direction of the Defendant and Co-Conspirator 1 [Rudy Guiliani], fraudulent electors convened sham proceedings in the seven targeted states to cast fraudulent ballots in favor of the Defendant."

    William Barr knew all about this fake elector plan, and only submitted his resignation after it was executed. Based on Trump's immediate meeting with Barr's successors in an attempt to leverage the US Justice Department to join in the pressure campaign against state legislatures, it stands to reason that Trump had been trying to get Barr to do the exact same thing.

    In a best case scenario, Barr would have been advising Trump that if the fake elector plan was put into action, Barr would resign. Does Barr have the integrity to do such a thing after having been such a Trump supporter for so long? I think not.

    The remaining options are for Barr to resign of his own choosing, or for him to be told "resign or be dismissed." In either case, I think the reason behind was that Trump was trying to get Barr to use the Justice Department to pressure states in precisely the way Jeffrey Clark would ultimately be prepared to do, and that Barr refused to do so.

    For Barr, the incentive is "If I participate in this scheme, and it doesn't work, I'm going to prison." For Trump, the incentive is "This scheme has to work, or I'm going to prison." Those incentives are in direct opposition to each other. I feel pretty confident that Trump pushed Barr out of the Atty Genl office. And I think it's because "have the Attorney General pressure the states" was always part of the scheme.

    takeda ,

    December 18 is when they had meeting where they decided to plan Jan 6th. I think before that trump likely asked Barr to make DOJ use something illegal to hold power.

    BTW: I found it interesting when Barr was discussing trump's documents handling indictment, he said that AG still had some discretion about who special counsel charges and some other things. Then he realized that this applied to Mueller and him so added that that case was "obviously" bogus.

    bedrooms ,

    Well, if you know your enemy won the election, you'd not commit a crime.

    DarkGamer OP ,
    @DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

    Something flipped a switch for him, could have been Jan 6 stuff but not entirely clear.

    Criminal liability has a funny way of doing that. I suspect he's smart enough to not end up under the bus via defending or breaking laws for Trump in a losing legal battle.

    Lutefisky ,

    I’m sure he has good legal reasons (in his mind) about what and when to speak about Trump, but one thing is absolutely clear, he’s a traitorous fuck who’d still be doing what he did as AG if trump won the last election. I hope he’s legally cornered at some point in the subsequent investigations and testimony he’s compelled to give in the future. Then I hope gets a horribly painful and eventually lethal case of herpes.

    ryan , in [Discussion] What are your opinions on "Open Socialism"?

    Ok I've been clicking through that site and, besides requiring knowledge of docker to contribute (which will cut out a lot of people) I had to dig a few pages in to figure out what they want to do differently from any other socialism.

    Society in OS is managed by small autonomous teams known as circles. There is a hierarchy of circles from the top of society all the way to the bottom. eg. Main Leadership -> Health -> Disease Prevention And Treatment -> Cancer Research. Circles define the purpose and charter of sub-circles, however they do not control them. Business has shown us that top-down orchestration is highly ineffective.

    Not wrong, but god this is so tech bro-y. And hey, we have a word for your circles, they're committees.

    Circles are focused on leadership and do not perform actual work. Instead a circle will create a project and assign members to enact a specific piece of work. A clear separation of leadership (circle) and producing value through work (project) helps each of these concerns be better and more explicitly addressed.

    oh my god do you not see already the clear separation between the circles, the elite who get elected and re-elected to their positions, and the workers?

    Circles use ideas like consensus seeking decision making, openness, sub-circle and project creation to do their job. However, society is large with many different areas. Agile software development practices has shown that there is no one size fits all practices and flexibility is required.

    Jesus fucking christ I do not want my government to be run on a sprint model. I do not. We can't run a government like "whoopsie looks like what we released accidentally stops food stamps to pregnant women we'll log that as a bug and put in our backlog teehee"

    As someone who works in tech, agile and a lot of what they have mentioned here is great for tech, and I don't fucking trust in the slightest that it could be applied to a government.

    brothershamus , in News: A confused Dianne Feinstein tried to give a speech in the middle of a Senate hearing vote and was told to 'just say aye' instead
    @brothershamus@kbin.social avatar

    I don't disagree this could be considered "news". And I don't want to weigh in on what's already been covered very well by the commenters here. I just want to point out "businessinsider" isn't a real news organization per se, as they recycle other links often. And they very much supported Trump throughout his setting fire to American democracy.

    So it doesn't surprise me to see them publish a "counterbalance" article to go out after Moscow Mitch Ate The Big One.

    Naminreb , in News: Biden supporters exploit Republican’s $1 donation cashback campaign pledge: ‘I gave $1 to you and $20 to Biden’

    Well, that was kind of a dumb strategy to get donors.

    PlausibleDenial ,

    To get into debates there is a donor threshold. That's what they were buying

    Neato ,
    @Neato@kbin.social avatar

    What's the negative impact of allowing Dougie into the GOP debates?

    Xeelee ,
    @Xeelee@kbin.social avatar

    Is he just a run of the mill moron or is he moronic enough to stand out there?

    Sheerfire96 , in Analysis : Ron DeSantis’ False claim that some states allow ‘post-birth’ abortions. None do.

    Weird way to phrase “school shootings” but that’s one way to tackle the gun problem. Reframe it

    skellener , in Opinion: The Pentagon doesn’t need $886bn. I oppose this bloated defense budget | Bernie Sanders
    @skellener@kbin.social avatar

    Bernie is correct as usual. ✊

    Izzgo , in Biden draws laughs after touting Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘endorsement’

    “Programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, labor unions, and he still is working on it,” she said.

    The White House immediately pounced on Ms Greene’s flattering description of Mr Biden’s efforts, writing on Twitter: “Caught us. President Biden is working to make life easier for hardworking families”.

    LOL love it.

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