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rafoix ,

The interviewer had to make up a ridiculous “even a two year old?” hypothetical because the discussion was already over. She just seemed desperate.

rafoix ,

The divide and conquer strategy has been working great for the wealthy.

[Opinion Analysis] Some Republicans Worry that a Trump Nomination Could Bring Steep Down-Ballot Losses for the GOP - Tom LoBianco ( )

ATLANTA – Republicans have quietly been coming to grips with the likelihood that Donald Trump will keep winning the Republican nomination until he dies if he doesn’t retake the White House next year — and either outcome could cost the GOP down-ballot....

rafoix ,

There is no way for them to explain what he did that was good. They say that the economy was good but it was already good when he was sworn in.

I always point out that he had a very specific policy to take away children from people seeking asylum in the US and making sure to lose the paperwork so that those children never find their parents and ICE workers can freely abuse them.

[News] Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners | CNN Politics ( )

Russian intelligence is operating a systematic program to launder pro-Kremlin propaganda through private relationships between Russian operatives and unwitting US and western targets, according to newly declassified US intelligence....

rafoix ,

They do regurgitate some of the propaganda. Musk prefers nazis though.

rafoix ,

Treason doesn’t give conservatives anxiety. Not being able to listen to their master does.

rafoix ,

What is the $200,000 based on? Shouldn’t it be like $10,000,000,000?

rafoix ,

They’re just a bunch of boot lickers that know that the mindless goons will sicced on them the second they show critical thinking skills.

rafoix ,

I’m from the era that recognizes the word “radical” as a good thing. America needs radical pro-abortion rights protected.

rafoix ,

"Willing to testify" is not the same as "willing to testify against". He's a corrupt man that has an expertise in protecting powerful republicans.

Analysis: DeSantis is defending new slavery teachings. Civil rights leaders see a pattern of 'policy violence' ( )

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Civil rights activists cheered when Ron DeSantis pardoned four Black men wrongfully convicted of rape as one of his first actions as Florida’s governor. But four years later, as DeSantis eyes the presidency, their hope that the Republican would be an ally on racial justice has long faded.

rafoix ,

DeSantis is most likely very upset that he didn’t get to participate in extralegal lynchings of minorities.

He considers himself fortunate that he got to participate in completely legal torture and murder of Muslims.

rafoix ,

The people close to Feinstein are 100% enjoying the power she gives them.

The Democratic Party is trying to keep the popular CA governor from appointing a senator so that they can put their own centrist on the ticket.

rafoix ,

Prager is allowed by google to spread misinformation. Google is 100% complicit in spreading hate.

rafoix ,

New GOP slogan. “I’m broke, not woke!”

rafoix ,

Seems like he’s aware that a Republican is going to take his job.

rafoix ,

It’s like person that is an asshole cannot become better over time. They just keep doubling down.

rafoix ,

Anything to break the unions while sending public money to their own private and religious institutions.

rafoix ,

With the current social media design, only the most ridiculous and sensational stuff gets popular. Social media companies need to be held accountable for the lies they publish and propagate.

rafoix ,

School debt should have zero interest.

Republicans try to stop military’s electrification with mind-bogglingly dumb proposals ( )

Several Republican representatives have proposed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act to try to stop the Pentagon’s electrification. The proposals sound so mind-bogglingly dumb that they look like they were written by 19th-century Luddites or the fossil fuel industry itself....

rafoix ,

Doesn’t the one bullet in the right place also kill pretty much every vehicle?

A lithium powered EV will definitely burn itself to ash.

Maybe this means that the US government can invest heavily in battery technology where the patents are publicly owned.

For example, graphene batteries wouldn’t have the explosive problems that lithium batteries have.

Ex-FBI official says GOP is telling agents: 'If you investigate our party, you are going to pay the price' ( )

Former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi wasn't happy after watching Republicans grill FBI director Christopher Wray in the House Wednesday. While Democrats questioned Wray for ignoring warnings about Jan. 6, Republicans sought answers to a slew of conspiracy theories and culture war grievances that go a...

rafoix ,

Lots of FBI agents are right wing Republicans. They helped sabotage investigations against Trump and other corrupt right wing loons. The right wing always gets special treatment from the police.

rafoix ,

West should be challenging a Republican Senator somewhere.

rafoix ,

The people in charge of enforcing laws have a strong attraction to the president that broke the most laws. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Their brains are truly broken.

rafoix ,

The right wing will always use stochastic terrorism as a means to intimidate.

Is there a way to criminally charge them for stochastic terrorism? First amendment protection ends at the point where people are being hurt. For example, You cannot legally start a riot or order crimes without consequences.

rafoix ,

That just sounds like welfare for useless cops.

We would be seeing cops beat and harass children within weeks of something like that being implemented.

rafoix ,

Nazis love being able to be complete assholes without consequences. They flock to any forum that protects them.

rafoix ,

Yeah, Reddit seems like a place where TikTok videos live on forever.

rafoix ,

Did you try to “both sides” the fact that Desantis is a fascist?

Stick to the topic at hand or keep your whataboutism to yourself. Everyone can see right through that crap.

rafoix ,

Government workers should be charged with perjury when they lie to the public. MTG should go to jail for constantly purposefully lying to the American public.

She 100% deserves to have free speech as long as she’s not doing it in any capacity as a government worker.

The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax ( )

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed published in 2021, two of the Moores’ lawyers also declared unambiguously that the lawsuit “stands to slam shut the door on a federal wealth tax like the one Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to enact.” They made a direct pitch to “the courts” to hear the Moores’ case “now” to make it...

rafoix ,

Section 8: Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes

I’d love to hear their reasoning.

rafoix ,

We must uncancel PPP loans. Make those leeches pay us back.

rafoix ,

We must uncancel PPP loans. Make those leeches pay us back.

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