
georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Just don't.

nazokiyoubinbou ,
@nazokiyoubinbou@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei Don't dead, open inside.


18+ Octopus1348 ,
@Octopus1348@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei DON'T

arstechnica ,
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

The greening of planes, trains, and automobiles

We need new fuels as society moves away from coal, natural gas and oil.


nutmeg ,


Spoiler: We do not need one drop of "fuels" for cars, trucks and trains that are highly inefficient and / or lead to even more desastrous exploitation of and pollution to the environment.

smxi ,
@smxi@fosstodon.org avatar

@arstechnica saying we need x or y while suggesting the set of solutions includes cars suggests what we really need is not going to happen. Unfortunately that seems to be what is happening, we keep raising the bar, not realizing we need to start lowering it to get anywhere. It comes down to energy used per passenger mile. This is all well understood. A 2 to 5 ton rolling brick of batteries does slightly drop CO2 per mile but can't scale like mas transit.

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Very clever!

AngelaScholder ,
@AngelaScholder@mastodon.energy avatar

@georgetakei Gentleman, please sit, not only to shit.
It's shorter than you think!

lemgandi ,
@lemgandi@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei Uh, also: Ladies, please remain seated for the entire performance.

arstechnica ,
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

ITER’s timeline for fusion stretched out even further

Full fusion power won't happen until nearly 2040 on new timeline.


D1g1talDrag0n ,
@D1g1talDrag0n@techhub.social avatar

@arstechnica hopefully will have Polaris and then shortly the 8th gen online and producing power by then.

doctor_zoidberg ,
@doctor_zoidberg@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica It's a flawed design/concept IMHO. If someone can make fusion a viable energy source, it will be Helion.

arstechnica ,
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Judge says FTC lacks authority to issue rule banning noncompete agreements

Authority cited by FTC just a "housekeeping statute," US judge in Texas rules.


ChrisFerguson ,
@ChrisFerguson@mastodon.social avatar

Ignore fascist judges.

nazokiyoubinbou ,
@nazokiyoubinbou@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica That was amazingly fast... The Supreme Court only JUST declared that federal agencies have no power to do their jobs and already others have jumped on board it seems.

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
WitchMark ,
@WitchMark@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei As the article points out, and as known by those of us who have worked food service, the peeler is designed to be ambidextrous. For your safety, you should always cut away from yourself. A peeler is still a knife, and knife safety is extremely important in any kitchen.

wsrphoto ,
@wsrphoto@sfba.social avatar

@georgetakei Who peels potatoes? You want the potato skin intact as whole or halves. Only thing I peel is carrots.

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
huntingdon ,
@huntingdon@mstdn.social avatar


Growing up is hard to do, especially if you've never dealt with consequences. Ask Donny Trump.

coyoty ,
@coyoty@mstdn.social avatar

@georgetakei I would have told the attendant that I was concerned for the large gentleman's comfort and ask if I could be moved to another plane if there were no other seats available. They all would be nice about it, and there's a good chance I would get an upgrade or a discount. Often respect is rewarded.

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
DoubleFelix ,

@georgetakei The thing is, based on that story, we don't know if the girlfriend was homophobic. She might have been fine. It might be a case where her parents were from a different place and would have been OK if there had been a chance to educate them a little before the occasion. Maybe the girlfriend was afraid the parents would react badly, and that's why she wanted to get them out of there quickly.

f4grx ,
@f4grx@chaos.social avatar

@georgetakei Dad and Pops sounds great.

rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

NOW what for Biden and the Dems?! | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVcsd4FxlgE&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

jprestonian ,
@jprestonian@thegem.city avatar

In nine hours, I should be sleeping. But I wasted a valuable click.

suzieqpmp ,

@rbreich Please stop attacking our own. The polls have been proven wrong so many times, they are manipulated. Give Joe a couple weeks to prove himself. We need to appeal to Independents, not the far left Ds. We need to focus on reminding voters of Trump's character, convictions and the insurrection. If you care about polls then do your own but ONLY poll Independents in swing states. And we need to stop letting the media manipulate us.

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Embrace your inner Martha!

raiaren ,
@raiaren@universeodon.com avatar

@georgetakei Do it! Sounds lovely 👍

steinarb ,
@steinarb@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei There is Norwegian saying that both fish and visitors stink after 3 days.

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar


putnamca ,
@putnamca@universeodon.com avatar

@georgetakei Good moron.

tek ,
@tek@freeradical.zone avatar

@georgetakei Let’s say my wife’s name is Jane and my manager is John. This happened:

Me: Hey phone text Jane I love you.

Phone: Texting John Smith I love you.

Me: No!

John: Uhh….

arstechnica ,
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

How the Lincoln Nautilus surprisingly won me over with its ride, huge screen

How I stopped worrying and learned to love the big screen.


TheNovemberMan ,
@TheNovemberMan@bookstodon.com avatar

@arstechnica Yeah, so how much will you be out of pocket when it breaks? And how are you going to drive when your screen fails to boot, or chokes on a software update?

mikej ,
@mikej@mastodon.online avatar

@arstechnica The weather gadget tells me it's not just an onboard thermometer, it's downloading wx info, which means it's uploading location data, and you don't really have any idea what data is being uploaded. Was there a privacy policy? Was there any chance to say no?

arstechnica ,
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Elon Musk denies tweets misled Twitter investors ahead of purchase

Elon Musk says lawsuit over late disclosure of Twitter stake “makes no sense.”


Cappyjax ,
@Cappyjax@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica fuck that muskrat

jstevenyork ,
@jstevenyork@mastodon.social avatar

"Makes no sense," isn't much of a legal defense. Might want to hang back, Elon, and let your lawyers do the talking.
(Like this will happen.)

arstechnica ,
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Amazon is bricking $2,350 Astro robots 10 months after release

Amazon giving refunds for business bot, will focus on home version instead.


mori ,
@mori@mastodon.au avatar

@arstechnica perhaps there is a way to have them all become really successful at aquatic dancing?💃🏻🤖🕺🏻

nazokiyoubinbou ,
@nazokiyoubinbou@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica The article wasn't clear (or I missed it.) Does "bricking" just mean they're discontinuing? Normally in electronics it means doing something to render it completely unusable (such as erasing firmware.) It's bad enough we live in such a throwaway society, but if it's reaching the point companies actually destroy their discontinued products rather than just let people keep using them we're at full blown dystopia levels now...

georgetakei ,
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
huntingdon ,
@huntingdon@mstdn.social avatar


JK Rowling is a "sofa" only if she still does laundry in a laundromat. Shes turned her skill with fiction into full-time gaslighting.

cowboyminer ,
@cowboyminer@mstdn.social avatar


I've never read a single book of hers. Now I'm glad.

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