georgetakei , avatar
stijnvth , avatar

@georgetakei what a cunt.

roadstersuntan , avatar

@georgetakei She owes everyone on the planet an apology every time she opens her toxic mouth

HollandJim , avatar

@georgetakei Of course they don’t, and I doubt either side is looking for it, but if you’d rather talk about the incessant manufacturing of conflict in the media for clicks and eyeballs….

soulexpress , avatar

@georgetakei Did they ask for her forgiveness? Somehow I doubt it.

ianRobinson , avatar

@georgetakei Some people think the highly flawed Cass report from England vindicates their anti-trans position.

Those people are wrong about trans people and the Cass report. 🤷🏻‍♂️

clueless_capybara , avatar

@georgetakei imagine being the person writing that and thinking Daniel and Emma actually want her approval to begin with

eleeper , avatar

@georgetakei My reaction to finding out that Rowling was transphobic is the same as when I found out SF author James P. Hogan was a Holocaust denier.

HelpforLana , avatar

@georgetakei It seems to me that she is just another person scorned by something she doesn't understand and has ended up using trans people as a scapegoat. Unfortunately, she also gets so much feedback in her position that she is actually able to influence others, who continue to feed her opinion back to her on a large scale.

Even the sweetest can turn bitter in the right culture.

wolfette , avatar

@georgetakei in her imagination.

douglaswelch , avatar

@georgetakei Rowling is exhibiting all the symptoms of Billionaire’s Disease.

Too much money is not good for your mental health.

redcedar , avatar

@georgetakei perhaps she should read the books that she wrote. They deal with prejudice and working together for everyone's rights, not just "pure bloods".

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei Jaykay who??

christopherbrown , avatar

@georgetakei She is their “creator.” How dare they step out of line! 🙄

Mark62 , avatar


The moment her obituary changed from successful author to anti-trans fascist dies.

huntingdon , avatar


J.K. Rowling is the one who owes the world an apology. Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson owe her no apology for their support of LGBTQ+ rights.

If Rowling feels entitled to scream that she will "never forgive" them for being mature human beings, instead of acting puppets, she's the one who might benefit from a long visit to Azkaban.

Island_Martha , avatar

I think it's more likely would want to have nothing more to do with her now that they understand what she really is.

Rwa2play , avatar

@georgetakei Why should they care?

bcvarella , avatar

@georgetakei they're like: ".....ok....."

cohomologyisFUN , avatar

@georgetakei they don’t, no more than you would owe an apology to Gene Roddenberry for publicly disagreeing with some position he took.

Just because someone offers you an opportunity, even one that is life-changing, doesn’t mean you are required to agree with everything they believe in. No reasonable person expects that.

Blinxeto , avatar


Good question!


vincent , avatar

@georgetakei Badge of honor for both Watson and Radcliffe, both of whom are far better people than JKR ever was or ever will be.

justinmwhitaker , avatar

@georgetakei I struggle to understand that as well.

They were hired to do a job, not give her fealty.

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