rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

4 years ago today, Dr. Fauci contradicted Trump's claim that Covid would magically go away before the fall. After that, Fauci was sidelined from public briefings & barred from speaking to press.

During the greatest national crisis of our time, all Trump cared about was his ego

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich fauci was not always right and did not give enough ways to help prevent spread and all the places to put the sanitation boxes but way better then donald

xs4me2 ,
@xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar


All he has ever cared about IS his ego. Always.

MugsysRapSheet ,
@MugsysRapSheet@mastodon.social avatar

It bugs the hell out of me that NO ONE ever asked while he was in office to defend his criticism of 's handling of the outbreak while pointing out just how much worse of a job he did (mis)handling .

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  • Kierkegaanks ,
    @Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

    @rbreich authoritarian with severe narcissistic personality disorder acting as if he’s an authoritarian with severe narcissistic personality disorder 😮

    evilmicrowizard ,
    @evilmicrowizard@mastodon.world avatar

    @rbreich And almost worse, he convinced his mindless drones that he was right and Fauci was wrong, somehow, despite all the dying and the refrigerated morgue trucks and so on.

    trainman ,
    @trainman@sfba.social avatar

    @rbreich And Dr. Fauci was routinely trashed by the Republicans for his efforts to curb COVID.

    Npars01 ,
    @Npars01@mstdn.social avatar


    Republicans let over 1.2 million Americans die of covid for partisan gain.

    enoch_exe_inc ,
    @enoch_exe_inc@mastodon.social avatar

    @rbreich This wasn’t even the first time this happened. The previous generation may remember Dr Fauci being ignored by Reagan during the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980s. He’s a bigger man than I for not plotting to kill the President (both of them) in retaliation for all the people they let die.

    RoLarenRED57 ,
    @RoLarenRED57@universeodon.com avatar


    And Trump’s minions still hate Fauci for daring to contradict Their Lord.

    Meanwhile His Dishonor requires reams of paper to be printed, saying nice things about him, with pictures of himself looking all Presidenty to be sacrificed to him. He needs constant soothing.

    Threadbane ,
    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    To be fair, Trump also wanted to murder as many people in NYC and Blue states as he could. It wasn't all just ego, there was also the excitement of bioterrorism and the sadistic pleasure of seeing his enemies die from covid.

    pixplz ,
    @pixplz@mastodon.social avatar

    @rbreich Three years ago next month, shortly before the Delta wave got underway in the U.S., President Ice Cream told the country, "If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask." Tens of thousands of people, many of them fully vaccinated, needlessly died in that wave. The following year, he falsely claimed that "the pandemic is over." King Daddy Biden has never apologized or corrected himself. Robert, why do you insist on avoiding the truth?

    PJ_Evans ,
    @PJ_Evans@mastodon.social avatar

    That's all he cares about most of the time.

    RebelGeek99 ,
    @RebelGeek99@mastodon.social avatar

    @rbreich and actively worked to thwart aide to Blue districts (i.e., anywhere with high population density, basically). Many people voted for Biden out of sheer desperation, the bar had been set so low. Little did we know that eugenics as public health would be normalized.

    Pooch ,
    @Pooch@masto.ai avatar

    @rbreich ….. and 1 million fatalities later…

    heretical_i ,
    @heretical_i@kafeneio.social avatar

    @rbreich All I know is the common flu "went away" during the pandemic, because local governments made bank on reporting anything and everything as C19.

    You know less than shit about it, and you're just another poster boy for technocrats. Something you made your living being a manger for... technocracy.

    72mz ,
    @72mz@mstdn.party avatar

    I was very disappointed at the result of his covid encounter.

    signerinkbeast ,
    @signerinkbeast@disabled.social avatar

    @rbreich Yet another person pushing the bullshit "covid is over" narrative. Biden is doing the same thing Trump did right now. That has never ended. Don't talk like it ever has.

    Lying about reality because it is politically inconvenient is never okay, no matter how hip his administration makes it. Not even when the letter by his name is a D instead of an R. All that does is feed denial, & promoting that has real world consequences that will continue to get worse.

    caseyjonesed ,
    @caseyjonesed@awscommunity.social avatar

    @rbreich Trump & Republicans kill and they do not care.

    Tbsa ,
    @Tbsa@newsie.social avatar

    @rbreich dump is a serial killer but no one talks about that.

    lawyersgunsnmoney ,
    @lawyersgunsnmoney@mstdn.social avatar

    @rbreich Let's not forget that Trump unleashed Fox News to viscously and personally attack and threaten Dr. Fauci.

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