@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar


@[email protected]

girls i wanna be in love make love often go places do things together often believe in equal rights for all from childhood ok pay for all , 1 616 990 1630 , [email protected]

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rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

What happened at last night's debate? | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwvG61DU7oU&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich otherside bully many people play drug player to close and interupted the flow for biden a few times no big deal

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Trump Would Take a Wrecking Ball to Our Economy | Robert Reich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NDd_LNwT8E&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich robert should go on more tv news

arstechnica , to Random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Music labels sue AI music generators for copyright infringement

Suno and Udio could face damages of up to $150,000 per song allegedly infringed.


davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica crybabies most things are 60 to 90 similar of same items usage purpose so songs should be able to be 60% same lyrics and 60% same music and u can not touch them and only a little money for 80 % similar and little more payment per song n money u make if song is 90% same

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Billionaire Harlan Crow has spent over $13 million on federal politics since the 2010 Citizens United ruling.

That’s on top of the years he spent secretly dolling out free vacations to Clarence Thomas.

Money in politics is the root of our dysfunction.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich in politics and supreme court judges pockets - could have been lots of cash taken n not reported by judges

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

By withholding a ruling on Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court's far-right justices are effectively giving Trump the immunity he's seeking, making it all but impossible for him to face trial before the election for his efforts to overturn the election and his role in Jan 6.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich idiots of doj and politicians did not get it all started early enough so many are responsible for the delays and yes supreme court is supreme idiots in some of their slow and bad decisions

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

I can't believe I even have to say this, but it is not normal that the Supreme Court is taking its sweet time to decide if a former president is immune from prosecution for inciting an insurrection to overturn an election. This should have been decided already. The answer is no!

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich idiots trying to play politics and moronic god play , rather then do what is best for the masses with good basics common sense best parts of law

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:

1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1990: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%

For 50 years, corporate backed politicians in Congress have slashed taxes to line the pockets of their wealthy donors.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich make tax 60% for rich n rich companys and 10% discount if they pay all employees better then poverty wage 10% off if they do not have any wages over 400,000 yr 10% off if they keep prices and co. profits down for decent cost of living and 10% off if they put lots vegetation and variety on all their properties and half the roofs

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Prior to 1982, the SEC considered stock buybacks to be illegal stock manipulation. But under President Reagan, stock buybacks were made legal. Now, instead of investing profits into people, big corporations use them to line the pockets of wealthy shareholders. They're a scam.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich gives some more control - more power as they like to think of it also as more ways to favor the rich and they are selfish greedy idiots out of control, unless they use it to lower company profits reduce rich wages by paying back people they paid poverty wage and stop paying poverty wage and put more vegetation on all their properties and half the roofs then it is not good for the masses

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Corporate profits drove more than half of recent US inflation.

What's the GOP’s response?

They don't just want to extend Trump's tax cuts for the rich, they want lower corporate taxes too.

They're fine with corporations siphoning money from you and keeping more of the spoils.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich idiot selfish n greedy pricks gauging to the point of stealing as overcharging and paying some to many poverty wage raising cost of living to much too often so should be labeled thieves and dragged to court

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

It’s no secret why the top 100 donors have shelled out $508 million to Republicans for 2024.

Trump and the GOP are transparently doing their bidding.

Their top priority is to extend their deeply unpopular tax cuts for the rich.

It's all about padding their donors' pockets.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich selfish n greedy morons too similar to donald not caring for the planet or the masses near enough nor in the right ways

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei mini mafia moron don is in violation of gun laws-probation gun laws so a crime so punish for the crime = be fare n equal

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Harlan Crow and other GOP megadonors have provided Clarence Thomas with gifts valued at over $4 million. They include...

-38 destination vacations

-26 private jet flights

-6 helicopter flights

-Yacht voyages

Still wondering why SCOTUS approval ratings have hit record lows?

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich punish those in so called high places for the ethics and law braking crimes n , donald is now guilty of gun law gun probation violations so punish mini mafia moron don for gun crimes = be fare n equal

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar
davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich they-players kept pushing for me to go eat all the shrimp u want for one price - i did not - was it a bet and play partly till i went and did it and bad judgement doing something as overdone and for too long til ya go bust = lame biz doing either way

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei so maybe he see otherside play of the black man and does not want it to touch his daughter n may be for good reason

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Trump's not running for office so much as running from the law.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich planet earth make sure u have lots n lots of rockets to shoot down any rockets leaving russia so nukes blow up over their own country - tell all your leaders cause they will not be completely ready if u do not do it and remind often insist on this done n ready

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

59 years ago today, Griswold v. Connecticut guaranteed the right to birth control.

Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should "reconsider" that ruling.

And this week, 38 GOP senators voted against the Right to Contraception Act.

Republicans are coming for birth control.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich republicans donald and maga are idot devil play thinking they are hiding in god play = morons

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

50 billionaire families have already poured $600M+ into this year's elections — mostly in support of Trump.

That's only 0.6% of their total wealth. It essentially costs them nothing to drown our democracy in dark money.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich retarded devil play so ya all point the finger at the corbetts - bette b n many they play and so they can maybe be king queen princess of usa , and bidens and no matter who wins they milk the crap out of usa

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Trump claims his trials are "political."

But he's been in legal trouble for decades for cheating contractors, running a scam university, & housing discrimination.

He's not being tried because he's running for office. If anything, he's running for office to escape his trials.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich sleazy donald stiffing 3000 ish people over the yrs should be stealng crime for intentionaly not paying them

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Trump has told oil execs he would:

-Immediately expand drilling

-Gift the industry $110 billion in tax breaks

-Reverse environmental protections in exchange for $1 billion in campaign contributions

This is a man who's literally willing to sell out the future of our species.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich should be fined and arrested now since they fine and even jail people for litter and call it a crime since that is big time litter polluting trashing the planet and it is a crime to plan a crime and that is planning it

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

It shouldn't be harder for someone who's served time and expressed remorse for a single crime to get a fast food job than it is for a remorseless criminal convicted of 34 felonies to ascend to the highest office in the land.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich cohen worked with donald on most of those crimes donald is guilty of and cohen had his trial and went to prison did prison out for a yr ish and donald still has a yr or 2 of possible appeals many say = more proof the courts are not equal to all or even most still

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Remember: Trump's jury was made up of ordinary citizens — selected with input from Trump's own lawyers. The jurors were not politicians or members of the "Deep State." They were Americans who did their civic duty.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich trumps fixer lawyer cohen did 2 yrs for most of these crimes donald has been found guilty of so it is only fair for the boss-donald having him-cohen do it for him to do as much or more time then cohen did

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

A pro-insurrection flag flew outside Samuel Alito's home after January 6th.

Clarence Thomas’ wife worked to overturn the 2020 election.

Both justices are set to rule on cases related to January 6th and subverting the election.

Is it any wonder Americans don't trust SCOTUS?

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich send bills to the politicians to pass n make a law saying the supreme court judges from each state all put together as 2/3 vote can over-ride supreme court as many more judges-people as more a true representation of the people

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Every day the Supreme Court fails to make a decision in Trump’s immunity case is effectively a decision in his favor.

They're acting like an arm of Trump's campaign by letting him run out the clock on his prosecution.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich economy is not good if it is not good for most, 10% or more in poverty is a bad economy, low min wage as poverty wage is bad economy many working lots overtime to make average is bad economy killing the crap out of nature = the planet = home is bad economy rather then lots vegetation on all properties n half the roofs for animal food shelter oxygen carbon cleaning etc overcharging=making high cost of living for the masses to get rich makes bad economy so most are a bad economy

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

The DOT regulated junk fees. Airlines are suing.

The CFPB capped credit card fees. Banks are suing.

Medicare is negotiating drug prices. Pharma is suing.

The FTC banned noncompetes. Business groups are suing.

Corporate America can't stand government working for the people.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich there are a million ish on the planet that is best to get rid of for the world to be a better place but it is not judges in usa even though some and some supreme court judges should not be a judge and many politicians should not be a politician and dozen around the world to get rid of are politicians and don since we the masses got cannibalized and killed by players for far less then don n a million around the world doing many bad n serious bad things

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

The Biden Admin's rule limiting credit card late fees was set to begin this past week.

But a Trump-appointed judge blocked it at the request of the Chamber of Commerce — costing families an estimated $27 million a day.

MAGA and corporate interests want to keep ripping you off.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich should prove the high rates are gauging and gauging is against the law - basics push the crap out of good basics common sense for the masses not for the rich twisted i want i want i want more more more

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Boeing shareholders approved a $33M pay package for CEO Dave Calhoun, despite overseeing huge losses and safety problems.

It's the biggest package ever given to a Boeing CEO.

Calhoun is resigning by year's end. Guess what he gets then?

A $45 million golden parachute.


davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich so ya all puppet him and all over 30 million to give it to the poor since they where overcharged under paid poverty wage cannibalized enslaved abused and he has more then his turn and share anyway

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

4 years ago, an exec for a top PPE producer testified to Congress that in Jan 2020 (as fear of covid began to spread) his firm offered to ramp up production to make 1.7 million N95 masks available to the public per week.

The Trump admin said no.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich players -men got mad of me posting this on youtube , men are most leaders most of history and men kill the planet too much for biz and politics commit most crimes and have always enslaved way to many in poverty wage and allowed the masses to be underpaid overcharged cannibalized abused n used by the rich who did not do 10 times more hours nor 10 times more better more important work and we can replace all rich with 2 average pay people at 40 hrs a week

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich 40 hrs a week and use the old rich wage to pay the poverty wage people more as better world for most , men have enslaved most too much in poverty age and overcharged raising the cost of living too much too often over war-mongered instead of getting rid of the warmonger leaders in week one , , woman have 1 million yrs of caring for the home reasonably ok and caring for the kids reasonably fare n equal so get women in 51 %

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich 51 % of company and country leadership roles and do that for the masses and home = planet as more vegetation on all properties and half the roofs for clean oxygen carbon cleaning shade animal food and shelter , play robin hood on the rich and use what they and military of the world has to fix poverty and nature as better world for most , please share with many - i have many back ups and additions interconnected for these

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Each of Trump's 34 criminal counts of false business filings in the New York case carries a penalty of up to four years in prison.

If Trump is convicted, what should the sentence be?

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich normal sentence for each crime he is found guilty for

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

In 2023, @UAW stood up to the Big Three automakers and won big pay bumps.

Now it's launching organizing campaigns at more than a dozen non-union automakers.

VW workers in Tennessee unionized in April. Mercedes workers in Alabama vote on a union next week.

This is a huge deal.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich better if they pay the raises for regulars from the rich wages n rich co. profits not higher prices

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Reminder that Trump is floating cuts to Social Security and Medicare — supposedly to address the debt — yet supports extending his tax cuts for the rich, adding $4.6 trillion to the deficit.

This isn't about the debt.

It’s about doing the bidding of his wealthy donors.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich the tax should be removed from soc security since idiot regan put it there and reduce the max rich people can get

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich medicare and medical do not do enough preventative stuff for the poor and it ends up being costing more once things go bad then they say ok now we can help

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

813 US billionaires control a record $5.7 trillion in wealth.

The bottom 50% of Americans control $3.7 trillion in wealth.

When ~800 people control more wealth than half a country’s population, we have a very serious problem.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich get better training for all cops and government forms kind caring loving equal fare moral humane respecting plants animals and humans and home = planet and give them semi long range tasers and sleep gas n sleep darts so they stop killing so many that are not the criminal they are looking for or people who would only do 1 to 12 yrs in jail for their crime

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich put in bills for laws to stop lots of greed and gauging overcharging paying poverty wage abuse cannibalizing this and otherside

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Judge Cannon has postponed Trump's classified documents trial and didn't set a new start date.

The Supreme Court is slow walking Trump's presidential immunity claim, which has delayed his Jan 6 trial.

The federal judiciary is effectively acting like a MAGA campaign arm.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich cannon is proof that need new improved laws to make sure judges do their job in decent and timely ways or get removed for the case and if happens 3 times they get a review to see if they need to be removed form their job completely

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei maybe she does not know how to train some dogs - some are a bit different like some people do not jump in line with the rest and be brain washed in most normal ways , and maybe your normal way can not get some dogs in line decent amount so give the dog to another or send it to a trainer

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Trump set the overtime pay threshold at a disgraceful $35,500 per year. Biden just raised it to $58,600.

Biden banned noncompete agreements. A plaintiff trying to reverse the ban is a Trump tax adviser.

Biden is fighting for workers. Trump wants to tear them down.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich ya some improves are happening but his player is also monopoly of many biz on otherside into this side and is making rich wages and rich co. profits all over the place so it is making us pay too much for the improves

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Reminder that Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional.

This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the government agency that holds them accountable for union busting.

Nothing terrifies them more than worker power.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich selfish and greedy and they still want more more more = insane

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Joni Mitchell is gonna be furious!

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@georgetakei should have a strip of vegetation around parking lots and in between the parked cars and along roads

arstechnica , to Random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Tesla to lay off everyone working on Superchargers, new vehicles

Tesla is also getting rid of its public policy team, despite robotaxi ambitions.


davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica they should put lot more vegetation on all their properties and half the roofs for oxygen carbon cleaning animal food and shelter

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

It should be clear that the main reason Trump wants to be president again is because he's weak.

He knows that winning re-election is likely the only way he can stay out of prison.

He’s always been in this for himself, never the country.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich memememe mine mine mine mini mafia moron trump the chump with many yrs of big fat rump massive liar cheat con rip off cult leader clown

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

What do these companies have in common?

General Motors
Bank of America
Molson Coors

They paid an effective federal income tax rate of

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich so ask people to boycot the worst greed companies and worst greed people and give them alternatives of where n who to by from

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich there should be a top 500 greediest companies list = who pays poverty wages and overcharges and top 500 greediest rich peoples list who pay poverty wages to boycott n give alternatives of where n who to buy from instead and published all over the world every 6 months n rich ones paying very little in taxes

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

I know that it was overshadowed by Trump's lawyers arguing that presidents should be able to murder political opponents, but I don't think I'll ever get over Clarence Thomas hearing a case related to Jan 6 knowing that his wife was an active participant in the attempted coup.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich yep 3 on supreme court should not be there and should allow 2/3 of the states supreme court judges to be able to override any bad rulings of supreme court

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich well if trump thinks leaders should be allowed to get rid of bad ones then trump n gang and a few supreme court judges should go since they are dangerous to many

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

America's 813 billionaires now collectively hold a record $5.8 trillion.

That’s more than the wealth of the entire bottom half of the US, roughly 65 million households.

It's not radical to tax the rich. It's radical to allow this level of wealth concentration to continue.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich the rich are me me me mine mine mine take take take hoard hoard hoard abuse abuse abuse enslave enslave enslave in poverty wage and kill kill kill the plants n animals oxygen supply carbon cleaning from the plants means killing the home = the planet means killing many humans eventually

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar
davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich tell the god players politicians aliens colleges schools churches general public to get off their ass n get involved in stopping greed as gauging to the point of stealing so stop the worst thieves

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