georgetakei , avatar
RowinSpeez , avatar

@georgetakei Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful people of all time because of jokes, is he suddenly broke because his sitcom was pulled?

Comedy is thriving, people’s standards have changed and traditional business models have been decimated. I would argue that social media, media consolidation, and commercial real estate have more negatively impacted comedy than outrage culture has.

stooovie , avatar

@georgetakei curiously Larry David has no such problems. I guess Jerry's courageous jokes about Ovaltine are too advanced for today's pampered audiences.

CatDragon , avatar

@georgetakei was never a fan to be honest. Especially after he started dating a 17 year old when he was 38.

MoiraEve , avatar

@georgetakei He’s not helping.

Havant_Enviro , avatar


Pensioner moans about changing world.

OrionKidder , avatar

@georgetakei He's just out of touch. We only pay him any mind because he was very famous 30 years ago.

johndark , avatar

@georgetakei Why is it that his colleagues from his old show don't seem to have this problem? Julia Louis-Dreyfuss' show Veep was almost as offensive as possible, and Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm is explicitly and purposefully offensive and they're both massive hits. Seinfeld knows this as he was even a guest on Curb. Jerry gives no examples of what he can't say. Maybe he's just not funny anymore.

waarismijnhoofd , avatar

He’s taking the John Cleese exit

LanceWex , avatar

@georgetakei "Extreme" is bad, usually.

WellsiteGeo , avatar

@georgetakei "Jerry who?"

DocColeman , avatar

@georgetakei Comedy isn't dead, Jerry's just bad at it.

MrMozz , avatar

@georgetakei "'You can't say anything in public anymore' says man publicly."

soulexpress , avatar

@georgetakei Not having watched sitcoms regularly since "Cheers" ended, I'm not qualified to offer an opinion on this matter.

DMAnemone , avatar

@georgetakei sitcoms literally still exist. I saw someone mentioned Abbott Elementary, which is a great one but, in terms of family sitcoms, Bob's Burgers is my personal favorite.

Whenever I see people complain about comedy being dead, all I can think is, "You're just mad because no one wants to listen to you be mean anymore."

Also, who does he think the "extreme left" are? Because most people worrying about being PC tend to be liberals, not leftists.

nutriamix , avatar

@georgetakei Jerry is dead wrong.

VanessaE , avatar

@georgetakei the left didn't kill comedy, gimme fricken break. Racist, sexist, trans-type jokes simply are not funny anymore. Never were, really, society just kinda accepted them. That has changed.

Everything else is still on the table as far as I know -- if George Carlin were still alive, he'd probably still be doing his routines. Gabriel Iglesias is super funny without invoking the above stuff, so is Jeff Dunham.

Comedy is still alive. Bigotry is what's dying.

venusian , avatar

@georgetakei he's just out of the loop!

antigravy , avatar

It’s hard for Jerry to accept that younger people don’t find his bullshit funny and that he doesn’t get to decide what’s funny.

TinyGamerTris , avatar


Comedy is going strong. It's only right-wing asshats who are angry at being called out for bigotry who says it's being destroyed.

m_i_c_h_a_r , avatar

@georgetakei Wait..
That guy is supposed to be funny?
Who knew….

NataliaArmyOf1 , avatar

I'll let Rob answer 🍷😷💋

SteveJB ,

@georgetakei I would file this under "SNL isn't funny anymore." I haven't found SNL funny since the first cast left. But is SNL funny? Of course it is, but tastes change and Jerry hasn't. I never found Don Rickles funny, but my dad thought he was a riot. Times change, people change, Jerry stays the same.

Minski , avatar

Seinfeld hasn't been relevant in years. Guess he's going for the standard excuse these days as to why.

wsrphoto , avatar

@georgetakei His opinion. Like everyone's opinion, it's worth 2¢.

ChuckSmarr , avatar

@georgetakei All those cancel culture extreme leftists on corporate boards just don't understand middle American humor. How shocking!

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