rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Judge Cannon has postponed Trump's classified documents trial and didn't set a new start date.

The Supreme Court is slow walking Trump's presidential immunity claim, which has delayed his Jan 6 trial.

The federal judiciary is effectively acting like a MAGA campaign arm.

davidcorbett ,
@davidcorbett@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich cannon is proof that need new improved laws to make sure judges do their job in decent and timely ways or get removed for the case and if happens 3 times they get a review to see if they need to be removed form their job completely

LisaWarnerLisaLuv ,
@LisaWarnerLisaLuv@mastodon.social avatar


👩🏿‍⚖️⚖️👩🏿‍⚖️⚖️*Evil Trump should not have immunity for any reason!*Because of criminal activity evil Trump should not even been deemed President!as a matter of fact Evil Trump should be stripped of his presidential title!& Evil Trump is lucky so far for not facing a firing squad for multiple treason charges!👩🏿‍⚖️⚖️👩🏿‍⚖️⚖️


KeithDJohnson ,
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

@rbreich What would happen if Cannon were called, by prosecution, as a witness in one or some of the other trials? And what would cross-examination look like? Just thoughts from a, clearly, non-lawyer.🤔

PeachMcD ,
@PeachMcD@union.place avatar


Which is why, when the talks about they're actually talking about controlling & bodies

Our 'nation of laws' does us zero good when laws shelter abusers

Mallulady ,
@Mallulady@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich The Judiciary has taken the second banana position. Giving up the equal power. Shame!!

cdunnpasadena ,
@cdunnpasadena@sfba.social avatar

I would think this would piss-off the typical American voter…

grumble209 ,
@grumble209@techhub.social avatar

@rbreich The judiciary is playing Jenga with the rule of law.

billOfEarth42 ,
@billOfEarth42@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich we need a convicting supermajority in the Senate, then Impeach-o-rama! Vote Democratic! That is the fastest and most just solution.

druid ,
@druid@ioc.exchange avatar


Which essentially is what they are

madpianess ,
@madpianess@universeodon.com avatar

@rbreich does that mean they plan on ruling against him? Because if they wanted to rule in his favor, wouldn’t they do that as quickly as possible so that he could bypass the bother of commonfolk lawsuits and take his place as king for life?

Garst ,
@Garst@twit.social avatar

@rbreich what is the probability we could have her tried as an accessory after the fact? After all, she has done a lot that can be construed as aiding and abetting.

kaibae ,
@kaibae@sfba.social avatar

@rbreich Well this is what they wanted.

Mitch denied a Dem president a Supreme Court nominee for nearly a year. They jammed through a last minute nominee at the tail end of Trump’s presidency. All of his nominees were straight from the Federalist Society who take an originalist view of the Constitution. Which can be read to assume that only "Americans" are rich, white, land-owners. Hence the attack on voting rights that should have "never been expanded to begin with."

This is what we get when people aren’t paying attention. The news is owned by a handful of wealthy companies controlled by wealthy people who have no interest in letting us know what is really going on. The wealthy want us to be too busy working ourselves to death, holding our healthcare as a job-tied carrot trying to afford the basic necessities of life in order to keep us too busy to discover exactly what is happening with our country’s leadership.

One might even call us slaves to the system, a wage slave, if you will.

martlund ,
@martlund@mastodon.online avatar

@rbreich We are so fukking doomed with so much corruption to overcome.
Holding onto hope for YEARS is so consuming. Treason needs to be addressed. Voting doesn't seem to be enough. We need to get out into the street before it becomes against the law.

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