georgetakei , avatar

Kids these days have it easy!

WellsiteGeo , avatar

@georgetakei why is this an issue for Americans. It not like their open-top cars even NEED windows. Or any other rain-protection.

coyoty , avatar

@georgetakei Growing up, I had to lock the door by pushing down a peg and unlock it by pulling the peg up.

AMilroy ,

Kids of the near future are about to have very hard lives. Degrowing the economy is necessary to make human impacts on earth’s resources anywhere near sustainable.

Electric car windows are examples of low hanging fruit for degrowth. Cranked windows are a minor inconvenience, use less resources, make cars more resilient & weigh less, saving energy.

Same with replacing unnecessary plastics with the recyclable paper, glass & metal my generation got along just fine with. Or just don’t wrap many things at all. Organic produce wrapped in plastic is dissonant & often unnecessary.

Readers may want to reply with other ways to simplify yet retain a good life, degrow the economy, & keep Earth livable as long as possible.

Earth: The final chance.
These are the efforts of those who give a sh!t about future generations.
Our mission here & now
To restore estranged abused ecosystems
To seek out new ways of life and a new civilization
To boldly do what no (hu)man has done before.

uriy , avatar

@georgetakei My previous car had a voice controlled passenger side window.

It was flaky, though; it only worked when I had a passenger, and even then not reliably.

Kimsails , avatar

I still do!

No hand protection for me as I smash that down button!👇💪


lobsterofrevenge , avatar

@georgetakei Your car had Windows?!

xexyl ,

@georgetakei when my great grandfather got his first car he pulled into the driveway and tried to stop it the first time by saying: whoa, whoa.

When my grandmother went to get her licence the person there asked him if she knew how to drive and he said of course she knows - I taught her! That was all that was required!

As for me I wish we still had the roll down kind albeit still have air conditioning.

TimMaddog , avatar

… yet people still use the phrase "roll down." 🤦🏽‍♂️

Huntn00 , avatar

@georgetakei Back in the days of yore, when boys were men, I had to take the bus to school and the only electric entertainment devices I had was a TV and a portable transistor radio. Unimaginably primitive to today’s middle class youth. 😳

piratero ,
resuna , avatar

@georgetakei It took me a bit but I was able to buy a 2015 compact sedan with manual winders and door locks and everything. I live in fear of when I have to replace it.

heaths , avatar

@georgetakei In some older cars, that also counted as a workout!

georgetakei OP , avatar

@heaths Very much so.

axel_hartmann , avatar

@georgetakei - unrolling it and getting it straight and flush again was the harder part, though

CrypticMirror , avatar


Back in my grandad's day, car windows didn't roll down at all. In his grandad's day your transport only had one horsepower and had to fuel it on hay and oats.

wesdym , avatar

@georgetakei And that was the only A/C we got, and we were thankful!

Seriously, I was thinking about my old butterfly windows a few days ago, and missing them. They could blast you in the face with fresh air like no A/C can.

alexf24 , avatar

@georgetakei Yup. I did it too.

That_Damn_Frank , avatar


Aren't you glad that now you can afford leather driving gloves...? /s

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