georgetakei , avatar
genecowan , avatar

@georgetakei And of course, he’s also wrong. As sea levels rise and the coasts move inward, the coastline will become shorter.

HailSatan , avatar

I've been reading the first 3 words and realized it's about Mr. EX Präsi. Not because of the words itself but because of the venomous sarkasm. Btw: can you recommend a source to buy good blueberries from South Carolina?

caspercdn , avatar

It does mean more beachfront property, in Utah …

jarvisscript , avatar

@georgetakei Reminds me of this response to Bin Shapiro.

Soupy51 , avatar

What a 🍆

That_Damn_Frank , avatar


What do people who run even no-brainer businesses like casinos into the ground and people who claim 'Rising Sea Levels Just Mean 'More Beachfront Property'' have in common.

They're both Stupid and Bad at Math.

steter , avatar

@georgetakei He's a greedy, corrupt, criminal jackass that took human form. Is that possible? It seems so.

antonproitzelhaimer , avatar
zulutoo , avatar

@georgetakei le mec orange est une IA a lui tout seul 🤪

cosmiclibrarian , avatar
fst , avatar

@georgetakei :blobfacepalm:

jack_of_sandwich , avatar

@georgetakei how does it even make sense? Some property that wasn't beachfront property will become beachfront... but only because the previous beachfront property is now under water.
And that's only after you demolish the flooded buildings fix the landscaping and haul in sand...

huntingdon , avatar


It also means less old beachfront property, like MAL.

Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei Beachfront property... with bloated corpses regularly floating by.

Henodudude , avatar

@georgetakei less, right?

mandelbroccoli , avatar

@georgetakei beachfront needs... well... beaches. You can’t just move the interstices off the sea and the land inward and expect sand to magically appear. If you’re really, really lucky, there may be a few spots ideally shaped and situated to let the ocean currents drop the sand they carry there, but they’ll be fairly rare. That whole “miles of golden sand” thing? That takes many thousands of years to really get its feet under it.

coyoty , avatar

@georgetakei 70% of beach sand is made from parrot fish eating coral and pooping it out. We're going to need a lot more parrot fish and coral.

Havant_Enviro , avatar


I don't think most people would consider a city centre high rise to be a beach front property.

Havant_Enviro , avatar


And more submarine property.

professorhank , avatar

@georgetakei No one will be left alive to live there, but ok.

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