arstechnica , avatar

Apple reportedly plans a return to chasing thinness in its hardware designs

Thinness is good, as long as it doesn't come at the expense of other things.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica Actually thinness is not good. We need to go back to devices that we hold being designed for human hands. Current ones are so thin and slick now that it's nearly impossible to hold onto them without a death grip.

What we need to bring back is making them small enough to actually fit IN a hand instead of AROUND a hand.

jstevenyork , avatar

Feels like "thinness" is a marketing buzzword that Apple's marketing department got addicted to years ago, and just can't kick. Somebody needs an intervention and a trip to rehab.

brandonbutler , avatar

@arstechnica Thinner objects are harder and less comfortable to hold.

mrdiamondj , avatar

@arstechnica "We wanted to make it even thinner, so we did the courageous thing and removed the screen. The new iPad: just a PCB, but thinner than ever. We think you're gonna love it."

MisterMoo , avatar

@arstechnica To those asking if anyone actually wants this: Yes, I do. My iPhone 6 was an amazing wonder of thinness and power. Current iPhones are thick, heavy monstrosities. While I grant that people seem not to mind, given how popular the Pro Max boat anchor is, there must be something in Apple's market research that is pointing the way back to lighter and smaller devices. Rumors suggest they'll be extremely expensive, so maybe that was all it took for Apple to get interested again.

patricklewis , avatar

@arstechnica Let’s chase something that is actually comfortable to hold in a human hand

Wyatt , avatar

@arstechnica People are still going to put that very thin phone in a case.

anthropy , avatar

@arstechnica trying to chase thinness is literally only relevant if you have a big ass 80s phone that needs a backpack.

I don't think anyone cares if something is 5 or 8mm or even 10mm, if it gets over 10-15mm some people may complain that they can't fit 2+ phones into their designer jeans.

Personally, I'd rather have literally the formfactor of a brick with a month battery life than something that will turn to dust if I sit down with it in my pocket, or cuts my cheek if I hold it to my ears 🤷

Kierkegaanks , avatar

@arstechnica and it invariably does interfere with more important things. Seeing an apple user with a brand new ultrathin device signals I’m a fucking idiot who overpays for ewaste

duckdotexe , avatar

@arstechnica does anyone actually fucking want this

guffo , avatar

@arstechnica Bollocks to thinness. I want a chunky, replaceable battery and a headphone jack.

JohnJBurnsIII , avatar


They are going to have to make that material flexible... otherwise it's just going to break when shoved into pockets or purses...

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