Science Fiction

gerbilOFdoom , in [Review] Foundation Season 2 (2023)

I think the reason they’d need to do a thing in a pressed timeframe is that, while psychohistory describes populations over time, sufficient understanding can allow someone to make a relatively small tweak that ripples through time.

IzzyData OP , avatar

You make a good point. With sufficient knowledge of the mathematics they might be capable of exploiting it. It seems like it should be possible to expedite the results you want, but I don’t feel like that should make them a necessity.

spoilerI suspect we will see Demerzel in season 3 taking full advantage of this.

Rhaedas , in [Review] Foundation Season 2 (2023) avatar

I haven't seen any of season two yet, but enjoyed the first one with the understanding that it was an adaptation. I had always said that any attempt to bring the Foundation books to TV or movies would have to take the general plot and ideas and heavily adapt them to make them work. The Foundation stories are both very dated in characters and in science fiction to make them believable to today's audience, and were originally short stories that eventually were combined for a large scale galactic story spanning centuries with lots of different people. You might be able to pick out from these points as to how the TV series handled those issues in a new imagining of the overall concept of an Empire that both in its peak and yet doomed to collapse, and the attempt to minimize the effects.

Read the books. They won't spoil anything since the series is using things but in different ways. There are later prequels written by other authors to fill in more of the story with the permission of Asimov's estate, and while they're not too bad it's a similar problem to try and use and capture the original magic while being more up to date with new ideas. It doesn't always work.

IzzyData OP , avatar

Do you remember what those prequels were called? I could have sworn there were some prequels written by Asimov himself. Specifically Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation.

Rhaedas , avatar

He had a few that were published after his death, presumably finalized and edited by someone else. The other ones are: Foundation's Fear by Gregory Benford, Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear, and Foundation's Triumph by David Brin.

Pingudiem , in Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?

Children of Time.

sleet01 , in Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race? avatar

I’m a big fan of C. J. Cherryh’s Chanur series, where humans are on an at least equal footing but mainly incidental (except for a few parts). The nice part is you can then read her Cyteen and Foreigner series to find out how being technologically advanced doesn’t necessarily always work out well for the humans.

matthewmercury , in Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?

Vernor Vinge- A Fire Upon the Deep…/77711.A_Fire_Upon_the_Deep

LoganNineFingers , in Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?

Project Hail Mary comes to mind

rikudou OP ,


zaphod ,

The explanation why humans and aliens were comparably developed made sense.

TheBananaKing , in Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?

“The Road Not Taken” by Harry Turtledove.

boredtortoise , (edited ) in Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?

Current book and upcoming movie version of Project Hail Mary. Kind of. Still reading no spoilers pls

rikudou OP ,

This has been recommended multiple times to me, so guess that’s the next one I’m reading after I finish the one I’m reading now. Thanks!

tvmole ,

I second that recommendation. Project Hall Mary is probably my favorite book

Fickle_Ferret , in Farscape avatar

Not available in my country

apj2k36 OP ,

Sorry, just saw this. Not sure which country you’re in, does this work?…/Farscape+S01E01+Premiere.mkv

Fickle_Ferret , avatar

It does, thank you

modulus , in Could you recommend books about environmentalism?

The ministry for the Future, by Kim Stanley Robinson.

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