
zarlin , in Thanks Komonews for going with this shitty tactic avatar

Check Reuters for a good unbiased source of news. Its actually what a lot of other news outlets use as their source.

Trilogy3452 OP ,


Anamnesis , in Thanks Komonews for going with this shitty tactic

No bro, cookie settings are like, so CPU intensive. Always takes my 7800x3d twenty minutes to crank through all that code.

Potatos_are_not_friends , in Thanks Komonews for going with this shitty tactic

Absolutely bullshit.

Engineer here who implements cookie scripts, cookie banners, etc.

1 or 2 seconds tops is how long it takes to wipe cookies that a site leaves behind. Half of that to ensure that future cookies aren’t generated.

I’ve seen some real shitty systems in my life. This is literally impossible to create a system that requires a long processing time accidentally.

This is active maliciousness to users.

damnthefilibuster , in Thanks Komonews for going with this shitty tactic

Does running the Kill Sticky script on the site remove the shitty overlay?…/f8c11eacccd24c2581f69de8ab87775d

Trilogy3452 OP ,

Looks like uBlock Origin Zap Mode works. I just never realized you can do that on mobile (on Fennec, basically Firefox). Thanks for reminding me of that!

Whirlwindwanderer ,

I tried it and have the problem that I can get into the mode and select stuff but then I’m stuck in it because I nowhere can confirm the selection on mobile. Anyone knowing a solution?

Daefsdeda ,

Yesss this! I hate it because of this and I am commenting in the hope someone knows a solution.

Trilogy3452 OP ,…/Element-zapper

Swipe to the right twice.


Daefsdeda ,

My lord and saviour, thank you!!

Trilogy3452 OP ,

Found it!…/Element-zapper

Swipe right twice

Pistcow , in Thanks Komonews for going with this shitty tactic

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy

Fuck Komo.

autumn_rain , in Smoke season starts tomorrow

I hope the HRRR smoke model is wrong. Here is the 18Z run for Near Surface smoke from today.…/jsloopUpdated.cgi?ds…

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Oh man, that looks pretty bad…

autumn_rain ,

There’s a huge fire near Spokane and that smoke is going to add to it. Terrible situation over there.

Gray Fire @ 12000 Block of S Gray Rd, Southwest of Lakeland Village -

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Holy shit, had no idea. It’s that big after only 6 hours!

autumn_rain ,

On satellite it looks like a lot of dead grass and brush. Forward spread in the high winds is going to be tough to get contained.…/wildfire-high-winds-prompt-evacuati…

GlitzyArmrest , in Smoke season starts tomorrow avatar

Sounds like the smoke is arriving on Saturday, leaving Monday, and then coming back with the worst of it on Wednesday.

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

I see purifiers made with box fans and four filter panels. Anyone have first hand experience? Are they worth the effort?

allthelolcats , (edited )

I did the version with two filters and a box fan to make a little triangle and that worked great for me. Even just slapping a filter on a box fan is better than nothing. Last year the smoke wasn’t too bad and by the end of it my filters were pretty brown. Highly recommend it.

Filters are pretty cheap and come in 3 packs at Costco if you’re looking to pick some up.

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

Thanks, I’ll look at Costco

coys25 ,

We did that for a number of years and they do work OK. Two or three years ago, we finally broke down and bought standalone air purifiers when we had a newborn. I know they’re expensive, but if you get them off season they’re much cheaper. Might consider it if you’re going to be in Seattle for the long haul, unfortunately… They work well, are pretty energy efficient, and are much quieter than the box fans.

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Ikea sells some really neat air purifiers, even one that can be used as a small table!

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

Neat, I’ll check that out

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

Didn’t think about noise

moonunit ,

No first hand experience but I hear good things and Wikipedia has some info for further reading.–Rosenthal_Box#Effic…

Dressedlikeapenguin ,

Thanks for the links

coys25 , in Smoke season starts tomorrow

These longer-range forecasts should be considered very rough approximations, but it’s hard to see the smoke going away with weak steering currents expected to remain in place through the end of August.

Good thing we’ve still got some N95s in storage!

coys25 , in Seattle sports communities on Lemmy

I think that !seattlemariners may be more active?

Chickenstalker , in An Outreach Worker's Offer to Homeless Shelter Residents Sounded Too Good To Be True. Turns Out, It Was - PubliCola

Turns out it was…Publicola. oh no no no no no no no

kinther OP , avatar

Yeah the title sounds like a Scooby Doo mystery

Sl00k , in More Record Heat Today; Severe Thunderstorms and Excessive Rainfall Threats

I thought something drastic had changed and severe thunderstorms were coming to Seattle… you’re crushing my spirit over here 😭

coys25 , in Ballard Farmers Market expansion postponed until further notice

Didn’t even know that this was happening, but glad to see it! (At least in the summers - it’s been a zoo recently and hopefully this will give everyone a little room to spread out!)

sleet01 , in The Streetwalking Lawyers Of Aurora Avenue - Almost Live avatar

I wonder if there’s a full archive up anywhere; KONG (King 5’s spinoff station) re-ran all the episodes a few years* back (when The 206 was trying to be a thing) so somebody might have some recent high-quality captures or something.

*due to COVID Time, “a few years” means up to 10 years ago ;_;)

PeleSpirit OP ,

That would be great. I laughed out loud at this one.

*due to COVID Time, “a few years” means up to 10 years ago ;_;)

Yeah, I’ve seriously lost the last 3 years as if they didn’t even happen. Crazy time.

JohnnyH842 , in Seattle strikes down its fee on arcade games, pinball, pool, and more fun

Cool! I mean with the amount of money it was generating it seems like a no brainer to offer even a little assistance for businesses. I wasn’t aware of the soda tax!

SeaJ OP ,

It was a pretty big deal. Most grocery stores bitched about it and protested by giving an explanation of why sugary soda cost more. The beverage companies then got together and made sure a soda tax could not happen in the rest of the state. They framed it as making sure that grandma could afford her groceries. She can afford her soda now but probably not her necessary diabetes medication.

JohnnyH842 ,

I’d love to know how affective those preventative taxes are for reducing consumption. Same thing happened with tobacco products across the country and now people are still using tobacco at high rates but just complaining about the cost.

Lumun , avatar

I don’t know if there’s good data on the sugary drinks tax yet, but tobacco taxes have absolutely greatly reduced tobacco use. the intro of that article:

Tobacco taxation, passed on to consumers in the form of higher cigarette prices, has been recognized as one of the most effective population-based strategies for decreasing smoking and its adverse health consequences

JohnnyH842 ,

Thanks for linking this! That’s cool to see that it’s an effective deterrent, but also looks like it might not change the behavior of long term users.

However, there is a striking lack of evidence about the impact of increasing cigarette prices on smoking behavior in heavy/long-term smokers, persons with a dual diagnosis and Aboriginals


Demolition permit:…

Here’s a photo of the building shortly after construction in 1937:

PeleSpirit OP ,

I think that’s the building next door to where I thought, is the whole block going down?

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