Work Reform

galactusaurus , in Hollywood Studios’ WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks

They know the top earners will scab if they wait long enough.

FeetiePJs , in Hollywood Studios’ WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks avatar

Anyone in a position to help can donate to these charities that help entertainment workers facing financial hardship from the strike or other causes.

Entertainment Community Fund

Motion Picture and Television Fund

amnesiacrobat , in Is anyone else tired of “employee engagement”? avatar

I went HAM on my most recent one. They’re anonymous but I’m sure my direct manager can tell my writing style. But the place I work for has been in refusing to do any hiring including backfills so now I’m a team of 1 doing what 7 people used to do and I let them know I’m not pleased.

Izzent , avatar

You hold the bargaining power of 7 people. You can force changes just by waving the “I can quit anytime” card around

galactusaurus OP ,

This is bad advice. Do this and your name will go on the Problem List. Now, if you don’t care about getting laid off, go nuts.

Izzent , avatar

The guy is already giving honest feedback on “anonymous” surveys… He’s probably on that list. At least he could try to improve his situation, and look for a new job at the same time since it’s clear they don’t respect his efforts.

entropicshart , avatar

Just FYI, they’re not really anonymous. These surveys get reported back to each individual manager with the responses, ratings given, and counts of staff completed; so it is very easy for managers to discern who wrote what.

amnesiacrobat , avatar

I figure they aren’t. I didn’t curse or name anyone by name, I just made it pretty clear that the understaffing is job performance at a pretty severe level and that the workload has everyone miserable

Helldiver_M , in Is anyone else tired of “employee engagement”? avatar

I always get super triggered at the "Do you have a best friend at work?" question that my old organization used to roll out during engagement planning. No, you motherfuckers, I already have a best friend. They don't happen to work here.

So I answer no every single time. And then in the interview afterward they go on about how "well, it's not LITERALLY if your best friend works here. The survey just asks the question like that because blah blah blah...". Trying to over examine what it means to "have a best friend at work". To interpret that question in some other way to maybe get me to answer yes next year.

I don't care what the intent behind the question is, they will never convince me to not answer "no", unless my best friend happens to join our team. I feel like they're trying to gaslight me into feeling more connected to the team or some bullshit. Drives me up the fucking wall.

Gull ,

You're doing the right thing. They're just trying to juice their own numbers by pressuring you to say something effusive.

Arbiter , in Is anyone else tired of “employee engagement”?

True employee engagement is Unionization.

PC509 ,

Effective, sure. But, if a company is truly engaging, listening, adapting to the employees needs and feedback, unions would be a lot less needed or effective. When companies are exploiting workers, lowering wages and benefits, causing more problems and not listening to employees, unions can really make a huge difference. If the people are looking to unionize, the company is failing and the workers aren’t being listened to and they want change to happen.

Unions can do a lot of good. I’m very pro-union. But, people don’t go looking to unionize if things are going great and the company is really listening and adapting to employee concerns.

seeCseas Mod , in Gen Z are the most disgruntled workers and that's a problem for employers

Workers: “I can’t even live on a full day’s work and rent costs more than half my wage”

Media: “Wow workers are really disgrunteld nowadays, no idea why but it’s going to be a problem for megacorps”

Call_Me_Maple , avatar

Funny you say that because my rent just went up another hundred dollars. Just over half of what I would make were I working full time.

Edit: fixed a logistical error in my brain process, it’s late.

ablackcatstail , in Sega of America workers overwhelmingly vote to unionize avatar

This is huge! We need to keep the wave of unionization going! My neighbor has a bumper sticker that reads, “Don’t like Unions? Maybe you don’t like Weekends either.” Unions are responsible for effectively helping to create the concept of a 40 hour work week. I think this should be reduced to a 30 hour work week so instead of 1/3+ of our day be spent at work, we reduce it to 1/4+ some if needed.

galaxi ,

I still see job listings recently asking for up to 7 day weeks during busy periods. Like, what.

crazyminner , avatar

I missed the closing quote after either, and was like “omg this is one big bumper sticker!”.

ablackcatstail , avatar

HA! But it is a great quote though, isn’t it? 😆

lysistrata , in Millenials being accused of not pumping out enough babies when we can't even support ourselves

Can’t think of any particular reason we need to replace the US population. It seems like we’ve done enough.

Sunrosa , avatar

EXACTLY. The entire fucking world is overpopulated. This is like one of the only good things going on right now on a large scale.

e_t_ Admin , in Why companies say you're 'family' while underpaying you

Rule of Acquisition 48: The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.

knotthatone ,

And not to overlook : Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success… don’t hesitate to step on them.

LollerCorleone OP , avatar

I am going to steal these and use them later.

e_t_ Admin ,

You may as well steal all of them

cassetti ,

Lol, beat me to it. I often quote the Rules of Acquisition, and I find myself doing it more often lately

solstice , in Corporate profits are accounting for an increasing share of inflation. Our wages are being suppressed so rich shareholders can get richer.

Did you read the article? The economist interviewed specifically said it isn’t because of price gouging, but because they anticipated future costs will be higher than they actually were.

Normally, Andrew says, profits contribute less than a third to inflation. He found that in 2021, corporate profits could account for about double that, nearly 60% of inflation, meaning it was not costs driving inflation. It was corporate profits. Now, some economists hear this and think this is proof that companies were just using inflation as an excuse to gouge customers. Andrew does not think this. He thinks companies likely raised prices not because their costs went up in 2021 - because they did not, really - but because they were anticipating that their costs would go up a lot in 2022. And by the way, costs did end up going up in 2022, although companies still made record profits.

Naja_Kaouthia , in [Germany] Former Employers can make you lose a month of unemployment benefits avatar

(US) American here. Out of curiosity, do unemployment benefits there allow you to cover your basic living expenses? I ask mostly because the one time I claimed unemployment in the state of Florida several years ago, the amount I received would only cover my rent and maybe my electric bill if I didn’t use my air conditioner but there wasn’t enough left over to buy food.

laurelinae OP ,

ALG1 is based on your income over the past 12 months. It’s 60% of the monthly average.

ALG2 is based on your living expenses. It covers your rent plus 450-500€ depending on the number of dependants.

There are also some other benefits that one can apply for regardless of employment status, e.g. Household benefits (Wohngeld), which aims to help with covering rent with ~200€. Being eligible for these obv. requires being below a certain income threshold.

My expenses (rent, utilities and food) were pretty much covered. Obviously it wouldn’t cover a certain lifestyle, but I’m generally frugal, so I didn’t notice a difference.

Naja_Kaouthia , avatar

Ah thank you for the information. That actually seems like a system that’s useful. And helpful.

laurelinae OP ,

Yes, it is.

It’s just that things like the Zuflussprinzip don’t seem to work as they are intended to and because you are dealing with a bureaucratic institution. It feels that these rule-made principles are prone to misuse or abuse.

seeCseas Mod , in Why companies say you're 'family' while underpaying you

anything to avoid paying you a living wage.

Centillionaire , in Sega of America workers overwhelmingly vote to unionize

Wow! This is HUGE!

tdawg , in Sega of America workers overwhelmingly vote to unionize

Good for them. Really proud of this generation for pushing back on capatlist bullshit

Arotrios , in Sega of America workers overwhelmingly vote to unionize avatar

I would love to see this movement spread to other tech companies.

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