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solstice ,

Return to office mandates would be a lot more palatable if we didn’t have to live an hour and a half away in rush hour bumper to bumper traffic because the average person can’t afford to live anywhere near the central business district anymore.

Or if we could take nonexistent public transit.

Or if we could ride a bike or walk without getting run over by a moron in their suv.

We have so many issues I don’t know where to start. Personally I want to RTO. I’m sick of working from home. But with issues like that…fuck…

solstice ,

We have a mental well being crisis


solstice ,

Everything about American cities, car culture, corporate culture, and so on is proving to be a failing model. What a mess.

solstice ,

I just spent a couple weeks in Germany and Spain. The weather was nice, not too hot not humid even in September. Cities are walkable with clear defined pedestrian paths and bike lanes. Rent was affordable (I looked at a few places for fun and everything was cheaper than the dump I live in far from city center). Seems like it’s way easier to live close to work and commute on foot or by bike than it is here.

Take a look at this video about North American stroads. It’s really enlightening about how awful commuting is in the US (and maybe Canada but idk).

solstice ,

The best way to mitigate this is by being on the clock from your front door to the workplace. As it was well put elsewhere here in the comments, fuck you, pay me.

Your hostile antagonistic rant makes me doubt that you’d change your attitude for a 25% raise*. Seems like you’re just really angry in general and I doubt if I’d even want to work around you anyway so I agree you should stay at home.

  • Calculated from 1 hour commute twice a day for 250 workdays a year = 500 hours, 25% of a normal 2000 hour work year.
solstice ,

If only! My commute is about a half hour and really isn’t that bad all things considered. Any more than that though and I’d be grumpy about it.

solstice ,

The best way to mitigate this is by being on the clock from your front door to the workplace

Does not equal

You’re also right that I spit at a 25% raise, 40% motherfucker and then I stop using such harsh words.

I think you’re gonna be a toxic person no matter what and I wouldn’t want you anywhere near my team with your attitude anyway. Stay the fuck at home.

solstice ,

Because I want to work at work and be home at home. It never stops when I’m working from home because I’m expected to always be on. I find it more efficient to pull up a chair and sit down next to someone going over things line by line. I miss learning through osmosis which is what I call it when you hear people talking about something you’re vaguely aware of but never really saw in real life but maybe read an article on once. So you go and look over their shoulder and learn something new. (Someone on lemmy called me a horrible person because of this once so hopefully you’re not a toxic SOB like average lemming.) Mostly though I just find it like herding cats, trying to get work done when everyone is in a different time zone and may or may not be online…it’s just incoherent. It’s fine to work from home here and there if you have a few hours of technical work that you just need to knock out. But overall I find it much more effective to be in office. IMHO

solstice ,

They probably aren’t walking around dropping F bombs everywhere but attitude problems like this tend to stand out in my experience.

solstice ,

The point is that America stroads are designed for cars, not for walking. It’s about our urban design in general which effects everything, including commuting.

solstice ,

I never knew people consider “shoulder surfing” to be “social vampirism.” Goddamn what an unpleasant person you sound like right now. I like learning. I like teaching. I love when someone shows interest and wants to learn. I love when people take time to teach me. Nobody knows everything, and formal training in my experience is usually pretty useless. Nothing like real life examples to see how stuff works. You can stay the fuck at home too. Bunch of social pariahs on lemmy, what a cold dark world you must live in.

PS: do you think Spock would call me a shoulder surfing social vampire for wanting to learn and teach? Or would he embrace learning for its own sake. “Pseudo” Spock indeed.

solstice ,

…wow man. Just wow. Holy fucking shit.

makes you most at ease and least aggressive?

Said the lunatic posting multiple thousand word rants.

programming language

I’m not a programmer and it’s funny you assume I am, but I’m not the least bit surprised you are.

Stay the fuck at home and get some therapy, jfc

solstice ,

It takes a village I guess. Good luck with the whole ‘hating everyone and everything’ situation, hope you all find jobs with zero human interaction whatsoever 👍

solstice ,

Learning by osmosis

So what is the link between osmosis and delegation? It’s very simple. Take your busiest employee and — assuming you hired smart people — physically put this superstar with one to two team members who are intelligent but possess minimum skills to complete a task or their job. I’ve seen that at the end of one day, the employees who started with few skills will have learned something new that they can likely do again independently. The idea is dependent on your employees being motivated to try, rather than sitting and watching someone work while they create no additional value.

I guess that definitely rules you out! Hope you know everything because with your attitude idk how you can possibly build professional relationships. I know there’s toxic people online but goddamn you’re one of the worst I’ve ever encountered. I’m done here, just wanted to point out the technical value of, you know, not being a fucking asshole to colleagues by calling them friggin vampires.

solstice ,

Right, so you can choose an outfit and figure out what kind of soda to offer, whether to use iambic pentameter or perhaps haiku, etc. you mentioned that.

Here’s how it could go:

Steve: Hey Bob, I just heard you’re working on a flux capacitor. That’s really cool, I’m more of a warp core guy but I read an article on the holonet about that last week. How’s that project going?

Bob: It’s real tough, we gotta feed this 1.21 giga watts of electricity so I’m working on a Tesla coil to power it.

Steve: Oh no way, you know, I actually just built one last month on another project, I’ve never worked on a flux capacitor before but I can help you with the Tesla coil if you want.

Bob: Oh yeah sure thanks that’s real helpful. I’m just getting started so it’s still in planning phases but I’ll come grab you in a bit.

Steve: Awesome! Mind if I watch you work a bit? I’ll stay out of your way since I can’t add much value, I just like watching people who are good at what they do while they practice their craft. And it’ll help me if I ever encounter this in the future

Bob: Oh you know actually I’m sorta uncomfortable with that, makes me feel on the spot. How about I show you when it’s done? I’m happy to go over the designs and final product and stuff when I have something to show for it.

Steve: Sure great awesome that works! Doesn’t have to be anything formal, just a quick rundown of the basics and maybe how you resolved some technical issues with creative workarounds, stuff like that. You can wear whatever you want, don’t need to dress up fancy for me. You don’t have to feed me or offer drinks or anything either, super chill, just a few minutes to skim over your work.

Bob: Cool man, that works, any time. By the way, how’s that warp nacelle coming alone? I hear the Heisenberg compensator is acting up again.

Steve: Yeah it’s being a little bitch but I’ll show you once it’s done. Everyone wins!

See that’s how it could go if you weren’t a toxic antisocial insane person. Just talk to colleagues about projects, learn, share, collaborate. But instead you drop thousands of words of toxic vitriol overthinking the shit out of it. Going from shooting the breeze with colleagues to planning month long lesson plans and Ted talks down to what outfit you’re gonna where, what accent to use (?), something about perfume…seriously man, get thee to a therapist and eat a Xanax, please l. You’re in dire need.

solstice ,

Should be picturing Milton from office space? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting. He seemed alright (except for that whole setting the building on fire thing) and wasn’t socially inclined.

And to be clear I don’t see how briefly sharing work related info is socializing. I’m not asking for a drink at Tchotchkes, it means helping each other learn new things informally without a Ted talk.

solstice , (edited )

That’s funny. I’m a tax accountant. Until now I would’ve guessed my industry had some of the most malignant socially incompetent people but I’m clearly wrong. And come to think of it, even the worst most closed off unapproachable people I’ve ever worked with have always been excited to talk about their work, like it’s the one thing they’re comfortable going on about. I’m not asking for a beer at tchotchkes (I too maintain space from colleagues because of the conflict of interest with work in between).

Again, stay the fuck at home, I’ve never encountered such toxic loathing for any kind of human interaction before, I wouldn’t want you in the office with that kind of attitude. Congrats, Dobby is free, you never have to wear pants or look presentable again.

solstice ,

Nah these guys are right, y’all should wear turtlenecks out there because I’m a friggin vampire come to suck your life force 🤣 jfc

solstice ,

I get along perfectly fine in an office setting with almost everyone.

I somehow doubt that. You need three weeks to prepare your outfit and soda choices for something that could be a five minute conversation. I’m over this, you win, PLEASE stay the fuck at home.

solstice ,

Then please, pretty please, stay the fuck at home too. I knew a bunch of people preferred WFH for practical reasons and to avoid commuting but holy fucking shit I never knew there were so many straight up toxic maliciously antisocial people out there who need three weeks to prepare for any kind of human interaction even if it’s just “hey jim take a look at this once in a lifetime situation most people will never see outside of a textbook.” This place is horrific, I’m blocking this community and might leave lemmy entirely, holy shit.

solstice ,

You’re in dire need of a xanax. Blocking you and this shitty excuse for a forum, what a bunch of lunatics, goddamn.

solstice ,

Isn’t this more of an indictment of the Indeed platform than shitty employers?

solstice ,

Yeah that’s why I hold off on turning down other offers until the last possible moment when I know 100% the new gig is locked down. Then you inform them as gently and kindly as possible to leave the door open if it doesn’t work out. Usually the good ones won’t take it personally and are open to working together in the future if you decide to leave.

solstice ,

They should just tell their daddies to make another film. Please daddy please! 20 million dollars is still 12 million dollars after taxes!

solstice ,

I just realized what sub this is and I don’t want to argue. People are savage in here.

solstice ,

Wasn’t it that same episode where Rom basically says word for word that he doesn’t support unions because one day he might own Quark’s bar and then he’ll be able to oppress people too? What a great show, some people dislike the ferengi episodes but they’re some of my favorites in the series.

solstice ,

Ikr? Some people hate 'em. They’re really goofy and cartoonish so I guess I get it. Profit and Lace is pretty tough to watch. The Magnificent Ferengi is my personal favorite (Iggy Pop guest stars too, what a treat!) And I quote the Rules of Acquisition in real life somewhat regularly, heh

solstice ,

Yeah the Ferengi were cartoonish evil space goblins at first and weren’t very well received. They worked much better as comic relief when the writers toned them down.

solstice ,

No contest, Ten Forward doesn’t have a Dabo table 🤣

solstice ,

This is actually a way better and more efficient form of slavery. You need to feed, clothe, house, and medically treat slaves. WAY cheaper to pay minimum wage and tell them to fuck off.

solstice ,

I’m traveling in Europe right now and the prices everywhere are so reasonable it really pisses me off. Inflation my ass, I’m convinced it’s just American corps squeezing us for everything we got.

solstice ,

Spain and Germany this trip.

Very nice hotels for €100 in downtown areas that would cost easily $300/night in USA. Food in restaurants and cafes very reasonably priced, I got a couple coffees and pastries for like €8 and the coffee alone would be that much in the states let alone multiple pastries. €5 felafel. I can’t remember the last time I paid less than $15 for lunch.

Gas is super pricey but who cares when your cities are designed to be walkable and you have great public transport everywhere.

I get that I’m on the tourist route so this doesn’t represent true cost of living, but I understand rent is far cheaper in general, plus availability of healthcare and education leads me to believe COL in general is lower and some googling supports this.

I don’t know anything about their tax policies so I can’t comment on that either.

Comments welcome.

solstice ,

I’m an introvert too. Takes energy to socialize and I recharge sitting on my ass reading. Working on technical shit is easier when I can walk over to someone’s desk and say “what is this, what happened here, did you consider such and such” etc. Trying to do that when everyone is remote is…suboptimal…

solstice ,

See it’s vitriol like this in every thread that is just so immeasurably irritating. I’m chiming in, in good faith, with my personal opinion on the matter, and you shit all over me like we’re not all just trying to get our work done. I find it more efficient working together in an office, leave me the fuck alone will you?

solstice ,

The thing about hybrid is that if I’m at home while you’re in the office, or vice versa, it’s pointless. Anchor days are good like you said where everyone is in the office or everyone is at home. I disagree that those are good for team social activities. Personally I’ve never really gotten anything out of those forced fun type activities (falling exercises being the textbook cliche example). My field is super technical and complicated with a ton of back and forth. I can’t just shove something in my staff’s face and say here do this. The best training I’ve ever given and received is simply OJT working together on technical shit, sitting next to each other, looking stuff up, problem solving, making decisions, that sort of thing.

solstice ,

I’ve reconsidered my position and agree you and your toxic attitude should stay home.

solstice ,

I meant there’s no point going to an office if nobody I’m working with is going to be there. I might as well just stay home too.

Just to be clear I’m not sitting here yearning for face to face contact because my colleagues are so gorgeous or to socialize with them. These aren’t “hi how are you” meetings. My field is super technical with tons of back and forth questions, problem solving, and drafts, between me, my staff, other colleagues, clients, whoever. And I’m right smack in the middle conducting the orchestra trying to keep it all together. The in-person time I’m talking about is going over minute technical details with staff/partners/colleagues/whoever to review or because they have questions, ask them ‘prove this, explain that, make a note that this thing over here has been fucked for twenty years,’ etc, or just general problem solving and decision making etc.

These things are infinitely easier when you’re not herding cats trying to get people on a zoom call, it’s fast paced and we’re all juggling thirty things on fire at once, sometimes you gotta catch someone for twenty seconds while they’re taking a piss, that’s just how it is.

So when everyone is in different offices, different time zones, some in office, some at home, it just increases bottlenecks and decreases efficiency. That’s been my experience over the last few years, YMMV

solstice ,

I bet you don’t pick up the phone either. Maybe if I ask point blank “answer the fucking phone” instead of pinging me right after I call when I KNOW you’re right there. Forget about a video call. Poor verbal communication skills, difficulty expressing yourself without negative emotions, probably autistic to some degree, toxic personality, not liked by colleagues or staff. I know your type and your work better be outstanding because your attitude sucks.

solstice ,

Oh, you’re one of those annoying people wasting everyone’s time? No wonder it takes you 12 hours to do your own work.

That’s you saying you hate learning and teaching. That’s when you lost the high ground here. Your attitude is toxic and I wouldn’t want you anywhere near me or my team. So yeah PLEASE stay at home and just fuck off.

solstice ,

You know something that really bugs me? People who demand full remote, but absolutely suck at communicating. If you’re gonna be remote you need to go out of your way to be accessible and communicative. I have found it there is a ton of overlap between people demanding full remote and people who refuse to answer the damn phone when I call. Then they text me back two seconds later, unironically, not realizing they’re demonstrating their shit communication skills. I’ve stopped arguing with staff years ago about turning on their webcam.

It just really pisses me off and would really help the WFH argument if they improved communication skills and attitude.

solstice ,

How do you “actually deal with” staff who are uncommunicative, terrified of phones, shamelessly avoid calls and text you back, demonstrate their inability to function full remote*, push back against RTO with the same intense vitriol you see in this thread, and oh by the way it’s like an entire generation of staff and not just a few folks here and there.

*Even if your work is super technical like mine is, half the job is making sure everyone understands what you did. You can’t just communicate in grunts and sign language then retreat to your cave.

solstice ,

…that’s what this thread is about and look at the response. Bunch of cave trolls here who are terrified of phone calls let alone going outside in public in the daytime and actually interacting with colleagues.

solstice ,

It’s a generational thing. My colleagues in other firms say the same thing. I like gen Z overall but my god they suck at communicating. Not surprising for a generation raised on texting and TikTok etc. They’re educated and capable but that’s not worth much if you can’t successfully share and explain your work.

Turns out communication is actually really important. I bet if Leibniz were around today he’d be in this thread telling me to go fuck myself too though.

solstice ,

I want to hear your thoughts. The question again specifically was

How do you “actually deal with” staff who are uncommunicative, terrified of phones, shamelessly avoid calls and text you back, demonstrate their inability to function full remote, push back against RTO with the same intense vitriol you see in this thread, and oh by the way it’s like an entire generation of staff and not just a few folks here and there.

There’s some really intense sheer rage in this thread. What am I supposed to do with that? And remember that you are me right now dealing with these people who are presumably you. I’m listening.

solstice ,

That’s literally exactly what I’m advocating for word for word. Wealth tax bad, income tax good. Income tax rate too low? Crank it up to your hearts content. Glad we agree.

solstice ,

You simply don’t understand. All income flows into wealth. All wealth is eventually becomes, one way or another, taxable income. You can defer it for a while but it’s literally all the same thing.

You’re talking about legislating a massive clusterfuck, like you can’t even imagine how messy it would be, that pretty much nobody would comply with free of errors and omissions, all over a timing difference.

Just please, I’m fucking begging you, stop talking about a wealth tax, especially when you don’t understand how tax works to begin with.

solstice ,

So again, capital gains tax is not income tax.

Line 7: Capital gain or (loss)

Cant possibly get more clear than that.

Confidently incorrect as they say. The hubris of talking shit about technical subjects to an sme is just staggering.

solstice ,

All capital gains and losses foot on schedule D line 16 and flows into 1040 line 7. The worksheet below breaks out items treated differently like section 1250 recapture, qualified dividends and LTCG:…/capital_gain_tax_worksheet_1040i.p…

It’s all income, just different tax rates and rules.If you want higher LTCG tax rates sure, crank it up I don’t care.

Wealth tax is NOT simply asking for higher tax rates.

Wealth tax typically includes unrealized capital gains. All unrealized gains eventually become realized one way or another. At that point LTCG tax or estate tax applies.

Taxing unrealized capital gains is a terrible idea. Wealth tax is a terrible idea. Income tax is just fine. Income tax includes realized capital gains. Crank that rate up if you want. Just no wealth tax. These are completely separate concepts.

Understand now?

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