Work Reform

Num10ck , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

never had a good experience dealing with Chase, I guess leadership feels the same for the employees?

ablackcatstail , avatar

They say the fish stinks from the head. Jamie Dimon is your typical corporate CEO asshole. I wouldn’t expect any different.

Nollij ,

That vast majority of their former employees that I’ve spoken to feel the same way

donut4ever , avatar

Chase has been mailing me literally the same letter for the past 12 years. I think they send it once or twice a month. It is a cardboard paper with a huge “500” on it, begging me to open an account with. Mind you, it goes directly in the trash. They waste so much paper.

Tankaus , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

He’s right, you know… no smart and successful business owner wants to ensure their employees’ happiness.

/s <- do we need these over here? Lol

bettyspaghetti , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

And this is where we diverge culturally. The rest of us in the workforce that haven't been brain-washed to believe that the old school corporate lifestyle/mentality is the way things should be will go find jobs elsewhere for companies that are much more progressive (or start companies of our own). The Jamie Dimons of the world will be left with only their vacant ass commercial real estate still saying "nobody wants to work" or some shit.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

So he's going to limit his talent pool to people who both live within commuting distance and aren't good enough at their jobs to find remote work.

That's a bold choice.

sadreality , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

FEMA camp staffed by Obama death panel

tdawg , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

I completely agree! See you never bucko

Usernameblankface , in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

Sure thing, boss.

(Shocked Pikachu meme)

skhayfa , in Google lays off contractors who unionized last month. Suspecting retaliation, the discharged workers have begun a hearing with the NLRB.

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  • Casmael ,

    Yeah. And increasingly rubbish, as well tbh. Alternative to Google search: when?

    yoz , in Google lays off contractors who unionized last month. Suspecting retaliation, the discharged workers have begun a hearing with the NLRB.

    Google has a lot of money which it can giveaway to help the economy.

    teamevil , in I got banned from the Reddit sub for asking about union related materials for distribution.

    And I got banned because some tool mod in AITA got upset when I made a username all_aita_mods_are_incels.

    WarmSoda ,

    Why would you care that much, especially that sub?

    Screwthehole ,

    I got a site wide ban years ago for interacting in aita, saying someone wasn’t the ah for something in which they were not the asshole. When I re rolled an account I just blocked aita so I didn’t have a repeat.

    That place was toxic as fuck anyway

    teamevil ,

    That’s what I should have done, but I was being petty…and so they were too.

    Frog-Brawler , avatar

    Sounds like a power trip response to an aggressive choice in username. You probably both deserved it.

    teamevil ,

    I mean you’re not wrong…my original response that got a 3 day suspension was definitely bullshit but I did pour gas in the fire.

    Rabbithole ,

    Clearly an unjustified ban. :p

    IDatedSuccubi , in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever

    I mean, videogames already have contracts specifically designed for that. Contracts like these always have limitations to time, amount of products released, restrictions on surrounding themes, etc, and, of close, closure terms. They have shit ton of detail in them, and are studied by studios very carefuly. These actors have their own agents and lawyers that really know how to do their job. Ain’t nobody letting them use their face for “eternity”.

    SamsonSeinfelder ,

    That was true in the beginning, yes. But now that this topic is not any more a special thing for some game or movie but developing into the modus operandi, media companies start to crack down on those rules and try to alter the deals with as much force as possible to gain an advantage. The strike of the SAG right now is only the beginning of reactions to these new developments of maximizing profits by taking advantage of uneven bargaining power.

    givesomefucks ,

    They’re doing it to extras that are desperate… People that will do pretty much anything to get on screen, let alone say a line.

    But like 99% of today’s stars did that work before becoming stars.

    If someone signs this “deal” and then gets famous a decade later, they stop getting paid and studios just use their digital likeness.

    Ragnell , avatar

    Ain’t nobody letting them use their face for “eternity”.

    Hence the strike.

    ablackcatstail , in Google lays off contractors who unionized last month. Suspecting retaliation, the discharged workers have begun a hearing with the NLRB. avatar

    I hope that the discharged workers prevail. That much said, the monetary punishment meted out to Google won’t even amount to a mere fraction of Google’s profits. It’s ridiculous the power that the wealthy have over us.

    emanon458 ,

    Seriously. Fines against corporations need to be a significant percentage of their revenue. Also executives should face jail time when their corporation breaks the law.

    The status quo of corporate fines is just the cost of doing business.

    SinningStromgald ,

    Completely agree. Higher fines, jail time, mandatory cancellation of executive bonuses/raises/stock options. And it starts at the top no throwing middle managers under the bus as sacrificial lambs.

    CarrierLost , avatar

    I agree completely. It’s clearly retaliation. The fines should be presented as percentages of net revenue. Make it more painful to do this and it’ll stop. But right now, it’s cheaper just to pay the pittance that will be the settlement.

    Cylusthevirus , avatar

    I mean, they kinda do? But they're also pretty outnumbered and no more resistant to baseball bats than the average bloke. Just throwing that out there.

    Camzing , in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever

    Their scanned image should be under copyright to the person 70 years after death, the same that they demand.

    teft , avatar

    With payable royalties.

    swnt , avatar

    Such a sweet response!

    NVariable , in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever

    The 1% really believe AI is their golden ticket to get rid of all of us. They’re going after professions with strong unions first and publicly, so that they can try to poison us all against collective bargaining, which is our only chance against them.

    Acetanilide ,

    I wish I could double boost this

    randomaside , in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever avatar

    Has anyone else seen the movie “The Congress” starring Robin Wright?

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