rekabis ,

I… am strangely ambivalent and conflicted about soup.

I recognize logically and rationally that it should be lower or to the left, but would personally place it higher or to the right.

Maybe smack dab in the centre gives us the worst of both options.

MonkderDritte ,

Excuse me, what about pizza in squares?

tacosplease ,

I guess because there is no crust to grab. Gotta get grease and maybe sauce on your hands to eat the inner squares.

MonkderDritte ,

But square pizza is the sort you eat with fork and knive tho?

ironhydroxide ,

There is no pizza acceptable to eat with fork and knife.

MonkderDritte ,

Pizza with zucchini and champignons. Vegetables pizza in short.

JayleneSlide ,
<Chicago pizza has entered the chat>
ChairmanMeow , avatar

That's a misnamed quiche.

Eufalconimorph ,

Tomato soup in a bread bowl, with cheese. Not quiche, the filling isn't egg-based.

It's delicious. And since the Italians call just about any round bread with toppings pizza (e.g. Bartolomeo Scappi's pizza was cake with powdered sugar & saffron toppings) it's pizza. As is New England clam chowder in a bread bowl!

menemen , avatar

Not necesarilly. I fear we have to face it: This is one of the rare cases where xkcd fucked it up.

Cheradenine ,

Not at all, they are probably talking about horrible Dayton Style pizza. For when you want pizza but it needs to be thin, unsatisfying, greasy, and difficult to eat.

Fucking heathens, if it weren't for them keeping keeping the alien technology from area 51 at Wright Patterson AFB I'd have them wiped off the map.

menemen , avatar

Do people actually eat this?'s_Supreme.JPG

I only had New York style pizza in the US and thought the US pizza game isn't that bad.

Cheradenine ,

Hard to believe but they do. Note the blackened edges to make it even worse. It isn't a nice char like you get with Neapolitan, or even the seared cheese you get with a good Detroit or Pan, it's just burnt.

There are many American pizzas that are great, Chicago deep dish, NY, Detroit, on and on, Dayton style is not one of them.

Badabinski ,

People who eat Dayton-style pizza are like the city of Dayton itself—smelly inside and bereft of true purpose. Those of us in the US who haven't been so psychically damaged wouldn't eat that shit.

(I'm only just learning about the disgusting gutter pizza. I don't like Dayton because my last company was slowly destroyed over several years by a company that was headquartered in Dayton. I associate the city with the asshole who was CEO. Fuck you, Chris! I've heard Dayton is, at worst, not great, so take my comment as the joke it is.)

BearOfaTime ,

Yes, and well-made crust like this is delicious.

Unfortunately lots of it isn't great

DrElementary ,

This is the superior thin crust style of pizza. Cut in squares, which is a totally fine and legitimate thing to do.

Rhynoplaz ,

Any pizza that requires utensils is not pizza.

ItzzMe , avatar

This can be solved by using a napkin

(Or just not caring about the problem anyhow)

tacosplease ,

Or by cutting it into standard slices. But yeah napkins and apathy work too.

Rai ,

As a fork-and-knife pizza eater, I have come around to pizza squares.


criticon ,

If the pizza is a square or rectangle (like Detroit deep dish or a flatbread) it is on, but round pizza cut in squares is just bad

barsoap ,

The only correct way to cut (not too gigantic) round pizza is into six parts so you get equilateral triangles (well, modulo a curved section) which is ideal for holding.

Home-made pizza rarely if ever is round, though, in which you probably don't want to go for squares but eyeball some appropriately-sized rectangles.

Hadriscus ,

oh lord that alt text

refalo ,

Yesterday I heard a conspiracy theory that the reason lead was added to gasoline was to keep the Pouge carburetor from becoming viable because it allegedly used pre-heated gas vapor to achieve 100-200mpg efficiency, but the lead clogged it up instead.

Here's my own counter-conspiracy on that... if everything we read says that it didn't actually work, why did Breen Motor Company claim it worked when THEY tried it? And why did Pouge suddenly disappear?

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

One of the cooler parts of Three Body Problem was when they attempted the Orion Project to accelerate a probe to 1% of light speed.

Donjuanme ,

Project Orion is a bad idea??

Just don't start the nuclear propulsion until you're outside of earths gravity well...

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Project Orion is a bad idea??

A tricky bit of math to achieve, certainly.

samus12345 , avatar
Rhynoplaz ,

I always upvote Mr. Skullhead!

Drusenija ,

So soup sounds like an idea and is actually an idea. Checks out.

general_kitten ,

I dont know, soup has always been a better idea than it first seemed to me

captain_aggravated , avatar

Depends on the soup I find.

general_kitten ,

At least when you make soup yourself it good

captain_aggravated , avatar

Canned french onion soup? meh.

Homemade french onion soup? Yeah!

flerp ,

YMMV. For me soup sounds like a good idea but I find it annoying to eat so for me personally it is a bad idea.

Assman , avatar

What is this transition lense slander

Evotech ,

I know right, I recently replaced my glasses with transition lenses and it's pretty nice.

Who doesn't want automated sunglasses? Not seeing any downsides yet. Only thing I know they don't work in cars, but I don't generally drive so it's ok

The technology has come a long way since the 90s

SidewaysHighways ,

They have different varieties, some do work in the car

Evotech ,

But then they would probably work in a well lit office too.

aBundleOfFerrets ,

The human brain is very good at smoothing over brightness differences, even an oppressively well lit office is still typically an order of magnitude dimmer than the sun.

BearOfaTime ,

No, they don't change inside (I've had them). They do have a slight tint all the time though, which isn't a big deal.

Evotech ,

Was it long ago? Mine have no tint

surewhynotlem ,

In the cold they take too long to transition to clear. So you end up taking them off for a few seconds when you go inside. It's only minorly annoying.

rockerface , avatar

To be fair, regular glasses mist up anyway when going inside from the cold, so you take them off anyway

Evotech ,

Didn't really notice much in the winter here

Grandwolf319 ,

Can confirm, it’s all positives with the only downside being that it costs a little more.

twice_twotimes ,

One problem my mom did not anticipate was that she would be stuck effectively wearing sunglasses for my brother’s outdoor wedding, where was sitting up with the bride and groom for the whole thing (Indian wedding). She just looked like an asshole, and continues to look like an asshole in the just about every photo of the ceremony. Oops.

Evotech ,

Haha. Good point. You pretty much always have sunglasses on outside like it or not. Even when its shady

WalrusDragonOnABike ,

Why would wearing sunglasses outdoors make someone look like an asshole?

wizardbeard , avatar

I find that they don't "un-tint" when going inside fast enough for my liking, personally.

Creates kind of the opposite effect of going from a dim room into a bright space. Instead of evrything seeming extra bright, it just dimmed everything and made it more difficult to see.

southernbrewer ,

Putting mold on infections? Wait what?

wander1236 , avatar
SomeAmateur ,

Maggots on wounds is a thing too. They only eat dead tissue

EmoDuck ,

Wouldn't maggot poo or the eventual maggot corpses cause problems?

leftzero ,

Not as much as necrotic tissue still attached to the patient, I suppose.
(The idea is that these maggots are extremely good at debridement, that is, at eating only the dead tissue and leaving the still healthy ones alone; other methods, like scalpels, can't be so discriminating, and force the doctors to remove healthy tissue to make sure there's no necrosis left).

SomeAmateur ,

The maggots do the hard work cleaning the wound. Cleaning up the maggots and poo is easy by comparison. But yeah you don't want to leave them there forever, just enough to remove the dead stuff.

oce , avatar

They are "medical-grade" maggots raised for this purpose to avoid germs.

wander1236 , avatar

Medical Grade Maggots is a good band name

GBU_28 ,

Maggots used for this are grown in sterile conditions, and aren't left on the wound for long.

GBU_28 ,

Hey leave project Orion out of this

FMT99 ,

I was under the impression that bloodletting could in some cases actually be beneficial.

FireTower , avatar

Yeah, it's still practiced. But the whole four humors thing is a bit old hat.

I think there's a few of these misplaced. Heelys>transition lens.

ZILtoid1991 ,

And also often in such cases, blood donation is suggested instead.

Viking_Hippie ,

Heelys>transition lens.

I dunno, seems kinda unrelated..

Mostly_Gristle ,

Yeah, for people with hemochromatosis (too much iron in the blood) the main treatment is still bloodletting.

deweydecibel ,

Or go piss off Magneto

IWantToFuckSpez ,

Yeah it can reduce PFAS levels in your system.

Though better to just donate that blood than let it go to waste.

chumbalumber ,

Also leeches are used to help veins heal after reattaching fingers/ears/other dangly bits, which is a form of bloodletting

Viking_Hippie ,

Didn't Paul McCartney write a song about blood letting?

🎵if this ever-changing world in which we're living makes you give in to need... Live and let bleed!🎵

EnderMB ,

Hmm, I had never thought of it...but soup is absolutely a neutral experience. Even a good soup on a cold, winter day is still slightly above neutral, and is improved by non-soup add-ins.

MonkderDritte , (edited )

Replying to spammers sound like a good idea at first, should be top left.

Kolanaki , avatar

Heelies should be at least below the middle line.

Gieselbrecht ,

Pizza is way too right and too high on this graph.

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