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GBU_28 ,

They act out "your" choices. Look to your neighbor directly after your representative

Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit ( )

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

GBU_28 ,

Why's that? Lots of people DID quit due to this. They knew it was a free way to get reduced headcount without needing to do layoffs, thus avoiding the negative publicity.

Then they can rehire people for cheaper, with explicit in office / hybrid contract terms

GBU_28 ,

Man I am getting hit up a lot. What do you focus on?

GBU_28 ,

Data engineering, pipeline stuff, cloud dev to support the pipeline... with enough cs chops to pass software engineer interviews rust/TS/python. Obv SQL too. Docker, terraform and similar like cloud formation. Conversational enough to interface with PMs and external clients.

Enough architecture experience to build out medium scale data applications

Something like 6th year

What I should have said:

Data structures and algorithms bro

GBU_28 ,

Any interest in DevOps?

GBU_28 ,

Total comp?

Let's. Just say I'm very comfortable and own a home near Denver.

GBU_28 ,


Maybe browse some AWS certifications. You could rack several up in a few weeks or months and have a few more feathers in the cap

GBU_28 ,

Well that's not true regarding worth. There's A number that is sufficient.

Your drive time is just part of your "work". Is the drive time, plus your work time, plus latent career / project stress less than your total comp received? If so, that drive is just a "boring part" of your work day. If not, as you say, it isn't worth it.

GBU_28 ,

Cities != Sprawl

GBU_28 ,

How would building a modern city in an open plain be harder than retrofitting a century (or more) old city, wrt transit, zoning, ecological concerns, etc?

I'm not saying it's trivial to build a city. I'm saying a modern city does not jeed to work around the many many layers of complexity and existing city brings

GBU_28 ,

No, sprawl would be adding suburban surrounds. Dense urban area is dense.

Modern well built cities networked by robust mass transit would decrease the need to take up natural and agriculture land.

I don't care how many modern cities you add, suburban infrastructure around existing poorly built cities is worse.

GBU_28 ,

Honestly, start saving and complete exterior earthworks. Excavate, line/enhance the foundation, and install professional drainage tech around the perimeter. Everything else is a stop gap

GBU_28 ,

Hey leave project Orion out of this

GBU_28 ,

They spoke to that and found it manageable. The ablation isn't there deal breaker

GBU_28 ,

Maggots used for this are grown in sterile conditions, and aren't left on the wound for long.

GBU_28 , (edited )

As long as everyone is consenting, protest loudly and proudly. Never trap bystanders or intimidate them simply for existing. Also don't involve children or pets. have fun!

Edit to be clear, bystanders just passing by are not "trapped". Witnessing or needing to move around a protest is not trapped.

Being stuck with cars behind you and angry protesters ahead of you can mean you are trapped, and are not consenting.

GBU_28 ,

Yeah this is probably true, but this graphic is trash because it doesn’t have a citation, or scale

GBU_28 ,

Well it’s not a new issue, at all.

GBU_28 ,

Only if you broadcast your list of gender “check boxes”, and come down on others to follow them.

Everyone is free to pursue whatever makes them feel happy and whole, so long as that collection of traits does not direct impact other’s lives.

Like if my chosen trait is “responsibility and physical fitness”, that has no inherent impact on anyone else.

Everyone should be encouraged or coached to pursue what’s right for them, not what’s right for someone else.

GBU_28 ,

If you believe they were a troll, why reply at all?

GBU_28 ,

The broadcast to others is the point I’m targeting.

Keep your own list and enjoy it. Just don’t expect it out of others, perhaps aside from your SO, and even that would only be a temporary thing, or a vehicle for discussion about changes in their life.

GBU_28 ,

My original clearly is describing a goal state.

Edit especially the last line.

Edit.edit beyond that, the comment I replied to was discussing if gender roles can ever be positive. Ever.

To which I provided a scenario where they could. (focused on not imposing that “list” on others)

GBU_28 ,

I think they are making a crucifixion joke?

GBU_28 ,

I mean that dog looks pretty resigned to the fact that the human is in full control.

GBU_28 ,

Which, in that moment you were in full control.

GBU_28 ,

Ah, a systemic level solution to a specific individual’s problem! (The prospective hire).

Neither the employer or the prospective employee can house all the homeless.

GBU_28 ,

You just said the same thing. Even an altruistic employer and a well meaning prospective employer have no ability to do what you are saying

GBU_28 , (edited )

As I said, they have zero ability to do so, as individual entities, outside of the humans involved voting, which is a default action, although.outsude this hiring scenario.

It’s not a “low” ability, it’s “zero”. So there’s no “step up” because there’s nothing to step.

Work reform, and housing reform come from government action, which is achieved through activism and voting.

Edit down votes from those expressing idealistic, unfocused, unhelpful behavior. Preaching platitudes does nothing

GBU_28 ,

A prospective hire is going to start lobbying, to change the system, to get an address, to get hired? This is what I’m talking about, y’all keep proposing efforts to create systemic change, which the players in the scenario neither have the time or ability to complete.

And lobbying is structured activism (via advocacy), which I mentioned in general.

GBU_28 ,

It’s not decided that was all at one company.

GBU_28 ,

The responses are hilarious. Be brave OP

GBU_28 ,

Needs of the many (2 people live) over needs of the few/one (cya tuvix)

GBU_28 ,

Yeah but it wasn’t a random uninvolved person, it was essentially an industrial accident that needed unwinding and it just so happened the involved people were trapped in the gears of the machine. Somebody was getting smushed

GBU_28 ,

I mean…you said a bunch of pro WORKER things.

The company wishes the workers were happy without ANY additional pro worker things.

Like, it’s not malice, it’s the nature of capitalism. The company wants to pay the absolute minimum for labor. And that goes for coverage, benefits, talking, thinking whatever.

Conversely the employee wants the very most they can get for their labor.

This is the only logical statement a company can make, wrapped in a nice package.

GBU_28 ,

Well yeah, I totally agree, I’m just saying everyone is kinda surprised with the company’s response. Within the current system the options are either “no unions!” Or what Costco said

GBU_28 ,

If Costco thought they could get or retain staff of the quality they want OR maintain a public image they want AND pay less, they would.

Again not malice.

If I could get someone to pay me double for the exact same work, I’d jump in a heartbeat.

Costco minimize, employee maximize.

GBU_28 ,

Imagine if you could afford it, such fun

GBU_28 ,

If you watch them talk about, and work on this stuff, it is beyond clear they are happy/satisfied.

You’re projecting uncertainty on some very certain people.

GBU_28 ,

Dude who are you.talking to? Everyone and everything in that photo is long dead

GBU_28 ,

What industry? I have recruiters hitting me up constantly for shitty contract CS jobs

GBU_28 ,

No offense due but I hope you’re interviewing

GBU_28 ,

Unfortunately the ads are there for money. The money earned means less tax requirements.

Ideally the government would have the tax funds it needs to not even consider this

GBU_28 ,


I strongly recommend not browsing these types of threads for a few days/weeks.

Try to avoid the doom scrolling.

Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. ( )

The United States’ poverty rate experienced its largest one-year jump on record last year, with the rate among children more than doubling from 2021’s historic low of 5.2 percent to 12.4 percent according to new numbers from the US Census Bureau out today. They’re the latest data to reflect the devastating effects...

GBU_28 ,

I just use these threads as chances to mass block pigpoop kids

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