georgetakei , to Random avatar
absinthe , avatar

It's like all the during their hearings, saying that Roe v Wade was established precedent, and wouldn't be touched... 😮‍💨

rbreich , to Random avatar

Once again, I just want to say that lavish gifts to Supreme Court justices shouldn’t just be “disclosed.” They should be banned, outright. This should not be a radical position.

ForgottenHero18 , avatar

Many years ago I realized that if the ever designed a political system it would look EXACTLY like the US.
Judges for life, easily bought.
Elected Police Chiefs, easily bought.
Electoral colleges, easily bought. etc.
It did not affect most folk too much, life had to go on in order to skim the cream from the top. But now Russia had outbid the Mafia they WANT the system to collapse.

rbreich , to Random avatar

25 corporations pretending to honor Pride month have donated $18 million to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians since November 2022.

Ignore the marketing and follow the money.

bigheadtales , avatar

@rbreich It's sickening that has directed to resume contributions to anti-LGBTQ+ to appease and a handful of filthy rich fascist Wall Street investors.

isn't for regular Americans anymore. It's for the rich and the MAGA.

rbreich , to Random avatar

260 million Americans will experience temps above 90F this week.

Now's a good time to remind you that Trump's inner circle devised a 900+ page plan that includes gutting the EPA, halting clean energy projects, and burning more fossil fuels.

It's called Project 2025. Look it up.

jstatepost , avatar

🥥 For a scary -- & entertaining -- preview of GOP plans for a second Trump administration, see the June 16 episode of John Oliver's show, "Last Week Tonight."
Oliver goes into depth about the right wing's Project 2025 and the people behind it.
Keep in mind, these are the people who'll be pulling the strings should they put their deranged orange tub of guts back in the White House. 🥥
, , , , , ,

rbreich , to Random avatar
ZhiZhu , avatar

"These are not small lies. They are not political hyperbole. They are lies that cut to the core of our entire system of self-government. They undermine belief in our democracy and system of justice.

It is one thing for Donald Trump – a pathological liar and sociopath – to conjure up these lies. He is nuts...

But for an entire political party to wittingly repeat these lies amounts to organized treason."

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  • rbreich , to Random avatar

    "If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." -Donald J. Trump, 3/6/'06

    Happy Fathers Day to all the dads NOT contemplating dating their daughters.

    rob11563 , avatar

    @rbreich 🤢🤮

    "Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter."

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    The Supreme Court just overturned a federal ban on bump stocks, the device that let the Las Vegas shooter injure more than 500 people and kill 60 within minutes.

    80% of Americans supported the ban — even Trump!

    SCOTUS has once again defied the will of the people.

    ginaintheburg , avatar


    You know what, tho? Instead of moaning abt it's decisions, what's needed is laws reflecting & protecting the will of the people that can't knock down.

    Which requires a trifecta in November - House, Senate & WH all in the hands of Dem majorities.

    The wisdom of relying on elections to solve the SCOTUS prob & other generated disasters is becoming ever more clear.

    We need better &/or new laws.

    And we need to include that fact in all discussions abt SCOTUS & .

    georgetakei , to Random avatar
    Chicagosib , avatar


    The is a conglomeration of people accustomed to losing, consequently they are drawn to the king of the losers, .

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    20 Republican attorneys general are demanding that the Supreme Court block individual states like California from suing Big Oil for their climate impacts.

    Funny how conservatives only believe in "states rights" for certain issues.

    MylesRyden , avatar


    The is a giant bait and switch operation.

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    There is no question about it: Alito, Thomas, Roberts, and the three Trump Supreme Court appointees are all Republican partisan hacks.

    Pass term limits. Expand the court. Enact an enforceable code of ethics.

    Dems must do this the moment they gain back control of Congress.

    MugsysRapSheet , avatar

    ... the same people rallying around a to be their Party nominee who quotes and promised to be just b/c he slanted the to its current mess... would go "scorched Earth" to protect it.

    There's a better way:

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    A pro-insurrection flag flew outside Samuel Alito's home after January 6th.

    Clarence Thomas’ wife worked to overturn the 2020 election.

    Both justices are set to rule on cases related to January 6th and subverting the election.

    Is it any wonder Americans don't trust SCOTUS?

    bigheadtales , avatar

    led by , the anti-American fascist insurrectionist and the rest of the puppet controlling have now denied black and native Americans their vote in South Carolina to protect the .

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    In his speech to the NRA, Trump yet again suggested he might serve more than two terms.

    The 22nd Amendment bars that, but if the 14th Amendment didn't apply to him, why should any others?

    If Trump wins, do you believe he will leave office at the end of a second term?

    bigheadtales , avatar

    If the manages to seize power (losing the election is moot as they will refuse to accept the results again) will only leave in a coffin and will be replaced by his chosen successor (Baron, likely, unless Ivanka gets back on the daddy program).

    If take power in 2024 there will no longer be real elections and America will fall to fascism.

    georgetakei , to Random avatar
    TheNovemberMan , avatar

    @georgetakei Well, is a attorney general, so I imagine that "Doxxing" falls outside his 5th grade reading level 🙄

    Inigo Montoia GIF

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    Judge Cannon has postponed Trump's classified documents trial and didn't set a new start date.

    The Supreme Court is slow walking Trump's presidential immunity claim, which has delayed his Jan 6 trial.

    The federal judiciary is effectively acting like a MAGA campaign arm.

    PeachMcD , avatar


    Which is why, when the talks about they're actually talking about controlling & bodies

    Our 'nation of laws' does us zero good when laws shelter abusers

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    Ron DeSantis signed a law that prevents municipalities in Florida from requiring that employers provide shade and water breaks for outdoor workers.

    A study found that heat-related deaths in FL shot up by 88% between 2019 and 2022.

    Folks, this is the GOP's vision for America.

    zebibyte , avatar

    @rbreich and that equals to murder. They’re the culture of death.

    georgetakei , to Random avatar
    rob11563 , avatar

    @georgetakei Only the best people align themselves with 's .
    ‘Penis Pic’ Probe Ends Eric Bolling’s Odious Run at Fox News

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    Trump has proposed a 10% tariff on all imported goods and a 60% or more tariff on Chinese imports.

    No matter what he says, tariffs aren't paid by the other country. They're paid by you.

    Recent analysis predicts his plan would cost the average family about $1,500 extra per year.

    jhy001 , avatar

    @rbreich! Proof that you just can't fix stupid! Q. E. D.

    rbreich , to Random avatar

    I'm not saying we shouldn't worry about how China might be using TikTok to steal our data and manipulate us...

    But why aren't we at least as worried about the U.S. billionaires who own the other apps stealing our data and trying to manipulate us?

    benroyce , avatar


    "worried about the U.S. billionaires who own the other apps"


    is co-owned by Jeff Yass

    the biggest donor

    robert: he's the vice chair of the f***ing Cato Institute

    tiktok users are funding the GOP and conservative desolation of the

    i've typed this comment 5-10 times in

    why do people not know this?

    why the f*** do people have this ignorant belief tiktok is magically different from ? it's the same plutocrat sh**

    Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds ( )

    President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found....

    Jaysyn , to Politics in Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds avatar

    The thing about these poll is they don't straight up ask you who you're voting for. They ask a bunch of emotionally charged questions about how you feel.

    I may hate the DNC & think Biden is too old, but I understand Game Theory & I'm not voting for a .

    Polls have been garbage since 2020.

    Trump’s Economic Plan: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class, Cut Them on the Rich ( )

    The discourse of the Trump era has been dominated by a conceit that the two major parties have swapped economic identities. The Democrats have supposedly abandoned their historical role as spokespeople for the working class to represent the neoliberal global elite, while the Republicans have been transmuted into scruffy...

    Jaysyn , to Politics in Republican hardliners threaten US government shut down unless Biden slashes FBI spending avatar

    Then I guess the is shutting the government down again.

    Didn't work out great for them the last times.

    [News] “Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge ( )

    A network of conservative groups is gearing up for the potential reelection of Donald Trump, actively enlisting an "army" of Americans to come to Washington with a mission to disassemble the federal government and substitute it with a vision that aligns more closely with their own beliefs and ideas, according to The Associated...

    As Republicans Thirst for War With Mexico, Democrats Push for Vote on It | Ghostarchive | The Intercept ( )

    AS INVADING MEXICO becomes a mainstream Republican Party position, a group of Democratic lawmakers introduced a measure on Thursday that would bar a U.S. president from unilaterally taking military action against the country....

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