me , to Random avatar

I'm trying to convince the last friends I have left on Facebook, X, Threads, or BlueSky to join the Fediverse. Some have tried but felt a sense of loneliness. Nowadays, many people are so used to doing what algorithms suggest that they can no longer make independent choices.
My timeline here, on the other hand, is beautiful.
I see what I want, I follow people who post what I like, and no one tells me what I should do. Freedom may come with a "cost," but whatever it is, it's worth the effort. Always.

PaganLord116 ,

@me Pretty much had the same problem, some people I've told about it have tried it and given up saying there's too much crap to figure out, what's an instance, how do I pick one, how do I find people to follow etc. I started the process of learning Mastodon in case any of my students wanted to try it, ended up liking it pretty well myself though agree I do miss following writers and companies and so on who aren't on here.

shalien , avatar

@me @Tipa Accoding to some people it's a deal breaker ;D

But honest goal. Personally I wish when my time would come that my data disappear as I do.

rolle , to Random avatar

It’s funny to me that some people on Threads are saying Mastodon (mistakenly thinking it’s a one service) will always be ”small” and ”closed”. Well, soon we’ll be in the same crowd with the Threads people, perhaps with others like Tumblr too.

The Fediverse can expand unlike the other truly closed social networks. This is exactly like talking about the Internet in the 80s, ”it will be a small thing for the nerds, and always will be so”.

BrianJohnson , to Random avatar

Does anyone else think that the Fediverse needs its own URL prefix?

Hear me out. There is a “mailto” prefix standard. Email addresses are identified with such a prefix. Each of my devices is individually configured how to handle it. I’ve configured my mobile device to launch a certain app. My desktop device launches my web browser and goes to a certain site. Email apps and sites know how to set this configuration and will usually prompt you at some point.

We should be able to do the same for Fediverse profiles and posts. If I click on a link to a Fediverse profile or post, the local device will know how to launch an app or browser, and in the browser case, know your “default” Fediverse instance. This can provide the same seamless experience as clicking on an email address. (If a person does not have anything configured it could default to a web browser visiting the profile/post instance just as it works today.)

What do you think?

murmel_social , to Random avatar

"Despite the hurdles, our migration to Mastodon was more than successful and, in retrospect, the right thing to do. Not everyone, but a few of our loyal customers moved over with us - something I will forever be thankful for. Moreover, people’s reception on Mastodon turned out to be warmer than I anticipated. […] That motivated us to keep going."

@preslavrachev reminiscing on the tough year we left behind us:

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , (edited ) to Fediverse avatar

I've been thinking a bit about this post regarding 's responsibility to be compatible with the ( thread aggregators like & ). Right now, a thread from Lemmy or Kbin usually federates to Mastodon with truncated text and a link to the actual thread. However, many want Mastodon to be more compatible with threads so that the people over on Mastodon interact with the threadiverse more.

I was initially in agreement as a Kbin user. But having given it some thought, I think this is an unwise approach that'll only serve to overcomplicate platforms on the . Yes, people on Mastodon should promote other parts of the fediverse (and vice versa), but complete interoperability shouldn't be expected of every platform.

As much as many would like it, you can't have long-form video from PeerTube, images from Pixelfed, threads from Kbin, blogs from Writefreely, etc. all neatly fit in a microblog feed. These are different formats made for different platforms, and the people making them are expecting them to be interacted with in completely different ways. When someone makes a thread in a Lemmy community, they're probably expecting that the people who are going to see and interact with the thread are people that want to see threads and are thus on a Lemmy instance (or another thread aggregator). If someone from Mastodon were to interact with it as if it were a microblog post, there'd be a big mismatch. People interact with microblogs differently than they do with threads — that's why they're separate to begin with. You don't see everyone on Twitter also wanting to use to Reddit because people who want microblogs don't necessarily want Reddit-style threads, and vice versa.

The other option, then, is to separate these different formats into different feeds or otherwise make them clearly distinct from one another. Kbin does this by separating threads and microblog posts into two tabs. While you can view both in the "All Content" tab if you'd like, they're styled differently enough that it's very clear when you're looking at a thread and when you're looking at a microblog post. This distinction lets users treat threads like threads and microblog posts like microblog posts, which is really helpful since the two formats serve different purposes and have different audiences. This option — clear distinction — is a great way to solve the conundrum I've been talking about… if your platform is meant for viewing all these different kinds of content to begin with.

And that's what it really comes down to imo. Mastodon is a platform for microblogging. Most people go to Mastodon because they want a Twitter alternative, not a Twitter alternative that's also an Instagram alternative and a Reddit alternative and a YouTube alternative. Even if you put these different content types in separate tabs, it would inevitably make things seem more confusing and thus raise the barrier of entry. Add a Videos tab to Mastodon to view stuff on PeerTube, and people are inevitably going to go, "Wait, what's this? Is this like YouTube? I thought this was just a Twitter alternative! This all seems too complicated," even if you tell them to ignore it.

It's probably best to leave Mastodon as it is: a microblogging platform that has some limited federation with other formats. The way Kbin threads currently display on Mastodon is fine. In fact, when I post a Kbin thread, I'm expecting it to be viewed via a thread aggregator. If people on Mastodon were part of the target audience, I would've made a microblog post.

Now, if you want to make something that lets you view everything on the fediverse via different tabs, feel free. As aforementioned, Kbin supports both threads and microblogs, though it comes with some challenges (e.g., trying to fit magazine-less microblog posts into Kbin's magazine system). However, this doesn't mean every platform on the fediverse needs to seamlessly incorporate everything else. I'd love people on Mastodon to promote and even try out Lemmy & Kbin more, but that doesn't mean Mastodon needs to also become a thread aggregator.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 OP , avatar

This isn't a hurdle because people typically aren't going to the fediverse with the idea of "I want a single app for all my social media." That's not how social media works outside the fediverse, so it's not really going to be a surprise that the Twitter replacement is a Twitter replacement and not one for 5 other platforms. If someone really wants to view Reddit-style threads, they're straight up better of making an account on a different platform (just like they would make a different account for Reddit) because Mastodon is a microblogging site.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 OP , avatar


Even the best attempt to incorporate all these different types of content into Mastodon is going to further complicate the platform and make more people dismiss Mastodon as too complicated of a Twitter alternative. This isn't a situation where there's no harm at best. And the potential benefit? Lemmy comments having the occasional Mastodon user?

Mastodon itself is a good enough introduction to ActivityPub without needing to make it support other things. It shows how people on different servers can share & interact with a pool of media through the same protocol. When people learn about other platforms on the fediverse, they can go check those out. Just promoting the platforms will do the job fine without complicating people's entry into the fediverse.

readbeanicecream , to Fediverse avatar

You already knew that is a great replacement for and can be used with . You also already knew that kbin was a great replacement for . But did you know that kbin can filter by and ; making it a great replace for and ? Learn more at:

Roundcat , to Fediverse avatar

Btw, this is me testing the limits of kbin's microblog feature, so the following post will be long. I will post a TLDR at the end.

It has been nearly a month since I've first joined . Even before the exodus, I was already growing tired of the site for the fact that despite how large the communities were, they were very cold and impersonal. There was also the fact that for the community at least, we had been siloed off from the rest of reddit, because nearly every topic involving issues were very often met with hostility by a good amount of users, often followed by a locked topic. It was even getting to the point where I didn't even feel safe in the some of the more socially liberal spaces.

The fact that mods were being stripped of some of the few tools they had to keep their communities hospitable, I knew the writing was on the wall. I tried many reddit alternatives during the blackout, including and . But once I figured out how , , and worked, I found myself feeling right at home on the fediverse.

I think the main reason why is because many of the people here are misfits from other platforms. Many of the users on mastodon are former twitter users who were driven off by the corporate culture of twitter, and later by Elon Musk and the poisoning of the platform. Others are former redditors like me who found platforms like lemmy, and are in the midst of trying to rebuild the community they once had on thier former platform.

Fediverse definitely doesn't feel "mainstream" like the sites that many of us come from , but perhaps that is part of the appeal, and why I have taken to it far quicker than any other social platform I have tried in the past. I'm just hoping as the fediverse continues to grow and attract new users, that it doesn't lose it's quirky and experimental spirit.

TLDR: I like fediverse. It's weird, quirky, and I feel more open here than I was ever able to be on reddit. Don't ever change.

Haui , avatar

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you. It describes exactly the thought process that led me here. Have a good one!

NylaSmokeyface , avatar

@Roundcat Happy to see you with us!!! ❤️

readbeanicecream , to Fediverse avatar

Is decentralization the future of social media? Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter created an opportunity for a new kind of social platform.

Chozo , (edited ) to Fediverse

I feel like the reason , and the at large, aren't taking off has to do with the fact that they're actually social networks. People don't seem to want a social network, they want content platforms. People aren't using or or to keep up with their friends these days, they're using these apps to entertain themselves. And since and every other platform that used to be a social network began pivoting toward content promotion, I think society has forgotten what a social network is supposed to actually be anymore.

(E: Grammar.)

rorystarr , avatar

@Chozo the only point I disagree with is that people don't want a social media platform anymore. I think they do, I just think they have forgotten that's what social media is for. Considering there is zero advertising for this platform and a technical set up, the growth and daily activity of it is pretty impressive and hasn't slowed in months.

I've met more interesting people in 8 months here than I did 12 years on twitter. I hope others get a chance to see that value.

Sam_uk , avatar

@Chozo I wonder if this bodes well for Kbin/Lemmy? Arguably their model is more about content than social relationships.

Pamasich , to Fediverse avatar

When I visit the page of a or user/community through a direct link or entering the url (as opposed to navigating to it manually on mastodon), I get taken to the kbin/lemmy instance instead. How can I prevent that?

BloodSlut ,

You can’t. When you go to a different website you’re going to a different website.

That said, there was a recent post about a Firefox add-on that would redirect you to that post on your home instance if you happened to click or enter a URL. I don’t have that post saved so you may have to search for it.

Pamasich OP , avatar


I think you misunderstand what I meant.

This link:[email protected]

takes me to the profile on kbin instead.

This happens with any kbin/lemmy community/user. Mastodon seems to automatically redirect, I'm asking if I can turn that off somehow. If I go to a url, I expect to arrive at not or

As I understand it, that addon you're referring to would just redirect a link to (aka my home instance) instead. Which isn't really what I'm looking for at all.

veronica , to Star Trek avatar

Ooh, just followed my first lemmy community from Mastodon. Seems I just have to replace the "!" with "@" when I search for them. They seem to show up as a "Group" here. Nice!

First out was @startrek 🌌

ValueSubtracted , avatar

@veronica @startrek FYI, tagging a Lemmy community from Mastodon also turns the toot into a post in that community - something to keep in mind!

bjh13 , avatar

@veronica @startrek yep, and I follow some of those communities as well and it’s great. Just as a warning you will see every comment as a post, so make sure to click on them so you see the whole “thread” and get the context.

unofficial_kbin_guide , to Fediverse

Updated the The Unofficial Guide to /kbin FAQ! Updated the FAQ to include how Mastodon users can interact with /kbin from Mastodon.
/kbin post
Updated FAQ

readbeanicecream , to Fediverse avatar

Not just @x: Elon Musk also took @xAI from its original user for his AI company: A pattern is emerging. Hopefully, this won't happen in the .


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