georgetakei , to Random avatar
Merlo51 , avatar

@georgetakei Trump knows very well that it's a lie. The delusional ones are the MAGA zombies who will believe it.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
WizardBear , avatar

@georgetakei Love Ted Lieu but the link also loads Don Jr. shilling to support . I didn't stay there any longer.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Trump asked Big Oil execs to give him $1 billion for his campaign.

He promised lower taxes and a rollback of Biden's climate regulations and clean energy programs in return.

Trump is literally willing to take bribes in exchange for the destruction of the planet.

Be warned.

antonproitzelhaimer , avatar


Yeah, and everything openly, and completely unscrupolous. like cannot tell right from wrong. They always think it's okay, what they are doing.

rbreich , to Random avatar

The FTC alleges that a major US oil exec colluded with OPEC to cut production and drive up prices.

Research found that Big Oil price fixing may have contributed to 27% of total inflation in 2021.

When I say corporate greed is driving inflation, this is what I mean.

TopKnot , avatar


Quiet, Mr. Reich. The needs their "believers" to blame inflation on President . Don't ruin it for the Cult.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Donald Trump has violated the gag order placed on him during his NY trial ten times so far. If he keeps violating it, what should Judge Juan Merchan do?

muzicofiel , avatar

@rbreich is counting on the idea that no judge dates to jail him. That judge and his family are not save anymore.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Call me crazy, but maybe presidents who get themselves indicted shouldn't have their criminal trials presided over by judges they themselves appointed.

muzicofiel , avatar

@rbreich In the netherlands, you can "challenge" a judge if you think they are not impartial. A case like this would be impossible in the Netherlands. But judges aren’t been chosen by politicians directly by the way.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
WizardBear , avatar

@georgetakei always lies and projects his own actions on others. In other news: Water is still wet...

rbreich , to Random avatar

Two years ago today, the Dobbs decision was leaked.

No matter how hard he tries, Donald Trump can’t sidestep his role in abortion being banned for millions.

In 2016 he pledged to remake the Supreme Court with nominees who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

He is directly responsible.

muzicofiel , avatar

@rbreich the let choose the new judge while they had the chance to choose at the government chance. Then the didn’t the same when got elected to choose the replacement of are to polite and trustworthy the reps!

georgetakei , to Random avatar
rob11563 , avatar

@georgetakei Only the best people align themselves with 's .
‘Penis Pic’ Probe Ends Eric Bolling’s Odious Run at Fox News

georgetakei , to Random avatar
TheNovemberMan ,

@georgetakei "Trump doesn't trust women." 🤔

No, he shouldn't.

The way cheats on them and rapes them, one is bound to get revenge one day. 😁

Oh, imagine if they all teamed up! 🎇🥳🎆

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Elon Musk loses at Supreme Court in case over “funding secured” tweets

Musk can't kill SEC settlement that requires pre-approval of tweets about Tesla.

george , avatar

@arstechnica again... and = same whatsapp group

rbreich , to Random avatar

It should be clear that the main reason Trump wants to be president again is because he's weak.

He knows that winning re-election is likely the only way he can stay out of prison.

He’s always been in this for himself, never the country.

Yoshi , avatar

@rbreich will never stand for another fair election. He will foment violence to steal the violence via a .

arstechnica , to Random avatar

You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000

Thermonator, the first "flamethrower-wielding robot dog," is completely legal in 48 US states.

ChemicalEyeGuy , avatar

@arstechnica This is very bad news for and his grifters. in the cult cannot resist buying a flame-throwing dog, and the $10,000 will clean-out their savings that would otherwise go to for and other shit! 😂

ChemicalEyeGuy , avatar

@arstechnica ⬆️ Very bad news for . Who needs to go to a when you can have a flame-throwing dog in your backyard?! 😂

georgetakei , to Random avatar
gerbrand , avatar

@georgetakei that will be interesting. I wonder how this plays out for Trump and his followers.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
Crystal_Fish_Caves , avatar

@georgetakei my fav moment; John Leguizamo expresses his frustration over the rising support for by disemboweling an innocent pinata on the Daily Show

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Donald Trump is peddling a new Big Lie in 2024: that undocumented immigrants are coming over the border in droves to vote for Joe Biden. Writer Jay Kuo digs into just how nonsensical this claim is in a new piece for The Big Picture. Join him in picking apart Trump's lies here.

Bandersnatch , avatar


A vote for is a vote for watching die in federal custody.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Ginni Thomas was directly involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Yet Clarence Thomas didn't recuse himself from arguments today in a case about the January 6 insurrection.

How is this not a scandal of epic proportions?

FinchHaven , avatar


Nothing will happen to or until there are boundaries and consequences

Now there are none

The has either been cowed into submission by endless threats of or by being on the payroll of and the

georgetakei , to Random avatar
cowboyminer , avatar


What?!? lied? Could it be!?!

georgetakei , to Random avatar
6G , avatar
ajsadauskas , (edited ) to Politics avatar

So who are the corporations and billionaires funding the American far right?

A lot of the discourse around the US far right, on both the left and the right, has presented it as being essentially a working class movement.

White working class Southerners (perhaps with some manipulation from Russia) advocating for their prejudiced world view, the narrative goes.

But what if that's not the situation? What if the rise of the far right has been funded with millions of dollars from extremely wealthy individuals?

Where are the resources coming from?

You probably already know about Rupert Murdoch with Fox News and Elon at Twitter, but there's a few others...

"Two billionaire Texas brothers whose fortunes derive from oil and gas fracking have pumped millions of dollars into rightwing media outfits that have promoted climate-crisis denialism.


"Farris and Dan Wilks have each doled out millions of dollars through separate foundations over the last decade to a number of high-profile conservative and religious groups including the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council and Focus on the Family.

"The Wilks brothers, for instance, have poured millions of dollars into PragerU and the Daily Wire


"In 2015, Farris Wilks gave $4.7m to help launch the Daily Wire and remains an owner of the media company, whose founding editor and co-owner Ben Shapiro has forged ties with Dennis Prager, the PragerU founder and talkshow host. Shapiro and Prager are slated to attend a PragerU “founders’ retreat” in September for donors who give at least $100,000 a year."

"[One America News] founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.

"AT&T has been a crucial source of funds flowing into OAN, providing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, court records show. Ninety percent of OAN’s revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms ... according to 2020 sworn testimony by an OAN accountant."

"[Robert] Mercer is a Christian conservative, gun enthusiast, a climate change denier, religious, small-government proponent and a man who despises the political establishment as incompetent and corrupt. He has donated over $100 million (€84 million) to various right-wing candidates and think-tanks. Most of that money has gone through the Mercer Family Foundation, run by Robert Mercer's daughter Rebekah.

"The Mercers hold a major stake in a company called Cambridge Analytica, which uses digital data to tailor election propaganda to voters.

"The Mercers first met Andrew Breitbart, the founder of what is now Breitbart News Network in 2011 ... The Mercers also invested $10 million in Breitbart and gained a large stake in the nascent company."



JasonPerseus , to Random avatar

The live audio for the oral arguments can be found here:

They will begin at 10:00 a.m. EST, or for those who are more civilized folk: 9:00 a.m. CST.

Here we go … (in 30 minutes)!

georgetakei , to Random avatar
mlbellar , avatar


"excuse me, but is a few burgers away from being a dead ringer for Jon Voight. It's weird how Jon has the top teeth, Donny the bottoms" - Elvis

fulanigirl , to Random avatar

Can you participate in a thought experiment with me? The posts warning about fascism are good, but I'm wondering what you think fascism actually looks like. Give a thought, and list what it looks like. Don't just say "the end of democracy." List what the concrete changes will be and make it local. "In my town/city/county/state the following will happen......" Think about it before replying. Not just for .

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