rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

In his presidential immunity opinion, Chief Justice Roberts accused Justice Sotomayor and the two other Democratic-appointed justices who joined her in dissent, of “fearmongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals.”

He's wrong. Let me explain. https://t.co/q7LEVH6z0m

cowboyminer ,
@cowboyminer@mstdn.social avatar


Hypotheticals .. has already done it .. no hypotheticals! Did!

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

SCOTUS has ruled that presidents are essentially monarchs who can commit crimes, bribery is legal, federal regulatory agencies have no authority to keep us safe, and homeless people can be punished for being homeless.

Is it any wonder why public approval of this court is so low?

lassesonnerein ,
@lassesonnerein@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich King Biden could now send to Guantanamo and replace SCOTUS and the new SCOTUS could withdraw the decision of yesterday. Would be legal, right?

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

If you think the Supreme Court is out of control now, imagine if Trump appoints two, three, or four more justices.

muzicofiel ,
@muzicofiel@mastodon.nl avatar

@rbreich @biden has failed by doing this already. Dark conservative religieus times are at the front. Usa becomes a western society.

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar
cowboyminer ,
@cowboyminer@mstdn.social avatar


Doesn't remind you of the villain in The Stand?

ZhiZhu ,
@ZhiZhu@newsie.social avatar

"These are not small lies. They are not political hyperbole. They are lies that cut to the core of our entire system of self-government. They undermine belief in our democracy and system of justice.

It is one thing for Donald Trump – a pathological liar and sociopath – to conjure up these lies. He is nuts...

But for an entire political party to wittingly repeat these lies amounts to organized treason."

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  • rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    "If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." -Donald J. Trump, 3/6/'06

    Happy Fathers Day to all the dads NOT contemplating dating their daughters.

    rob11563 ,
    @rob11563@mastodon.coffee avatar

    @rbreich 🤢🤮

    "Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter." https://www.salon.com/2023/06/28/ex-aide-john-kelly-was-disgusted-as-wondered-what-it-might-be-like-to-have-with-ivanka/

    georgetakei , to Random
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    kenweber ,
    @kenweber@mastodon.social avatar

    @georgetakei This must drive him insane (not to say that he's not already there…)…


    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    Trump's campaign claims to have received over $34 million on the day he was convicted of 34 felony charges.

    Remember when Trump said he’s pay his supporters legal bills?

    Looks like they’re paying his.

    You’re being duped, folks.

    ZhiZhu ,
    @ZhiZhu@newsie.social avatar


    "Dear Trump,

    Aren't you supposed to be rich? Why do you keep asking for MY money to pay YOUR bills?

    Quit your begging, ya mooch!

    Not Buying It Anymore"

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  • georgetakei , to Random
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

    "Americans love a strong leader. Donald Trump scores high with many voters precisely because he acts like a despotic strongman, seemingly unrestrained by rules, laws, international agreements, or even social conventions. By contrast, Joe Biden is a competent and cool executive, leading an administration that adheres to established norms, operates by consultation, and follows the data-driven advice of experts." But what does it mean that Biden is now showing a tougher side? Jay Kuo digs into this question in last week's piece from The Big Picture. https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/biden-tough-israel-russia-border

    antonproitzelhaimer ,
    @antonproitzelhaimer@mastodon.social avatar


    never was, never is and never will be a .
    He only plays, what he thinks, is a strong Leader. It is always important to listen to 's about what the "" really is: An , driven by and , who is only revolving around . Such never can be .

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    In a misguided effort to be "unbiased," most news media have stopped calling Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election what it is. Instead they're using terms like "false statements" or "claims without evidence."

    Memo to the media: Calling out lies isn't "biased." It's your job.

    muzicofiel ,
    @muzicofiel@mastodon.nl avatar

    @rbreich after more than 4.000 lawsuits where was involved it must be clear that this man is not only a but a 100% lieer.

    georgetakei , to Random
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    Thorsten_Guenther ,
    @Thorsten_Guenther@mastodon.social avatar

    @georgetakei The sicko also let slip some years ago that he would be dating his own daughter... it's these rare occasions where
    the inadvertently lets slip out that behind his clown make-up there is a monster not unlike in a novel.

    georgetakei , to Random
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    traecer ,
    @traecer@techhub.social avatar

    @georgetakei he thought Hannibal Lecter was a real person (and a great person), so this does not surprise me. Since Bruce Wayne is a billionaire, I assume hit him up for a campaign contribution?

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    Convicted felon Donald Trump has succeeded in getting his three remaining criminal trials postponed indefinitely.

    If he really thought he was innocent of the 54 remaining charges, don't you think he'd want the trials to happen before the election so he could clear his name?

    OldMansBlues ,

    @rbreich He won't win the election, so it's a futile exercise. The next 4.5 years will be more of the same whining from both sides of politics, with no real progress toward cohesion. All parties, right, left & centre, are on corporate payrolls, so I doubt we'll see any fundamental change. What I do however foresee is more people voting independent, which can only be a good thing

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    The more Trump can tear down democracy, the safer the oligarchy becomes.

    This is why the billionaires who once disavowed him are quietly crawling back.

    The ultra-rich will do anything to protect their wealth and power.

    That includes destroying democracy itself.

    Yoshi ,
    @Yoshi@toot.community avatar

    @rbreich They've also come to realize that is an easily manipulated egomaniac who's not too bright.

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    Remember: Trump's jury was made up of ordinary citizens — selected with input from Trump's own lawyers. The jurors were not politicians or members of the "Deep State." They were Americans who did their civic duty.

    ManyRoads ,
    @ManyRoads@mstdn.social avatar

    @rbreich How would ever understand that concept?!??!

    sheislaurence ,
    @sheislaurence@mastodon.social avatar

    @rbreich Supporters will first repeat the lie of a 'rigged' trial and a "conflicted judge" (what the hell is that even supposed to mean, can he speak English? Being conflicted is not the same as having a conflict of interests). Anyhow, when pushed about the verdict being handed by a not a judge, supporters say & I quote 'ah but that's , it's clown show, what do you want?". Yes. Can't wait for Trump's flag to contain 11 states again. What will that country be called?

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    34 felony convictions
    54 pending criminal charges
    2 impeachments
    2 popular vote losses
    $88M owed to E Jean Carroll
    $450M owed for civil fraud
    $8T added to nat'l debt
    2.9M net loss of jobs

    Is this what Trump meant when he promised "numbers like we've never seen"?

    twobiscuits ,
    @twobiscuits@graz.social avatar

    @rbreich His numbers are really doing a number on him 🙂

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar
    Astro_Jmona ,
    @Astro_Jmona@mstdn.social avatar

    @rbreich so much for a man with “conviction.” LOL

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    Office Hours: If Trump is found guilty, should Biden emphasize the guilty verdict or focus on abortion and democracy instead? https://robertreich.substack.com/p/office-hours-if-trump-is-found-guilty?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

    Yoshi ,
    @Yoshi@toot.community avatar

    @rbreich Stay focused on what people want, , and . 's sycophants won't believe or accept any guilty verdict, They've made up their minds and don't want to be confused with facts.

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    Trump insists on calling Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg "Soros backed" (posting the phrase at least 3x in the last 24 hours).

    George Soros did not endorse or contribute to Bragg. By falsely connecting them, Trump is playing into a range of baseless antisemitic conspiracy theories.

    muzicofiel ,
    @muzicofiel@mastodon.nl avatar

    @rbreich but netanyano supports

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    Justice Samuel Alito flew not one, but two pro-insurrection flags at his homes.

    Alito not being forced to recuse from Trump's immunity case and upcoming Jan 6 cases tells you everything you need to know about the SCOTUS code of "ethics" established last year.

    Hint: It's a sham.

    ZhiZhu ,
    @ZhiZhu@newsie.social avatar


    Alito Red Flags
    by Dave Whamond, Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com

    georgetakei , to Random
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    cowboyminer ,
    @cowboyminer@mstdn.social avatar


    This just drives me nuts ... should it be that ALL elections are now denied? Is this our new M.O.? All for and ??

    georgetakei , to Random
    @georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
    TheNovemberMan ,
    @TheNovemberMan@bookstodon.com avatar

    @georgetakei Well, as we all know, it's never cruelty if it comes from a 🙄

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar
    Yoshi ,
    @Yoshi@toot.community avatar

    @rbreich has always only supported trumpocracy.

    rbreich , to Random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    In his speech to the NRA, Trump yet again suggested he might serve more than two terms.

    The 22nd Amendment bars that, but if the 14th Amendment didn't apply to him, why should any others?

    If Trump wins, do you believe he will leave office at the end of a second term?

    bigheadtales ,
    @bigheadtales@mstdn.party avatar

    If the manages to seize power (losing the election is moot as they will refuse to accept the results again) will only leave in a coffin and will be replaced by his chosen successor (Baron, likely, unless Ivanka gets back on the daddy program).

    If take power in 2024 there will no longer be real elections and America will fall to fascism.

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