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1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

It was… Okay. Better then the first 2 seasons of Pic by a mile at least. If it was just the first 5 or so episodes I might even call it good. Yeah it was big, dumb, and loud, but it was also full of nostalgia bait, some of which admittedly did resonate with me. The bar was just so low after the TNG movies and first two season of PIC that traumatized fans were happy to have a seemingly final sendoff that wasn’t completely terrible.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Pretty much. Don’t get me wrong I love Star Trek, but at this point The Expanse looks optimistic compared to the future humanity is recklessly careening towards.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Just got into this game and I am enjoying it, but low-key kind of disappointed in this. Should have focused on the Next Gen era for small expansions. The DS9 or Voyager crews, the Ferengi, or the Cardassians/Dominion would have been perfect. As it is right now, the TOS crew doesn’t fit in at all with any of the existing characters. Sure you can always hand wave it as time travel/holodeck shenanigans, but TOS really deserves its own new core set. A Kirk vs Khan box with a TOS map would have been great!

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Even if they just gave us some new map tiles, a flip-able Romulan/Klingon Warbird set, it would go a long way. Make it so you can have two separate ships that your characters can transport between. Having to buy two identical core sets for 3-4 player games is unacceptable. Since we didn’t get one for TOS, a DS9 Core Set with Sisko vs Dukat or Weyoun that introduces the Cardassions/Dominion as a playable faction would be great!

1simpletailer , (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

As much as I wish they could all be in a DS9 revival I don’t see why they have to. Sisko ascended, Odo returned to the founders, and it would be easy to say that Nog is just stationed on the far side of the Federation or on a deep space mission. The first two could easily be off screen presences who effect the story but are never seen. That still leaves Bashir, Dax, Kira, Worf, and Jake. Could be a smaller, more personal story that follows up on plot elements from DS9. Like what they tried to do with the first two seasons of Picard, just hopefully better written.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Its odd that Voyager had a better chance at a film. DS9 had better ratings when they were both on and received more critical acclaim. Yet somehow Voyager has remained more in the popular consciousness and had more enduring popularity. I think a lot of it had to do with Berman favoring Voyager. Its reruns also saw a lot more syndication. I was a teenager in the 2000’s so I only ever saw reruns of 90’s trek growing up and it was usually Voyager and rarely TNG. I never saw any DS9 until it became available on streaming.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Hell I’d take any TNG two-parter over any of the TNG movies. Even a mid one like Gambit or Descent.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

As many have pointed out, trauma from the Eugenics wars is a big reason behind the Federations stance on genetic engineering, but that’s just part of it. The Federation is a Utopian Meritocracy that celebrates diversity. Genetic Engineering undermines diversity and creates inequality in a society where everyone is granted an equal opportunity to rise and succeed. This is the other half of the equation as to why the UFP doesn’t like genetic engineering.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Deep Space Nine is the most idealistic Star Trek, even moreso then TNG. Don’t get me wrong I love both, but for the characters of TNG utopian idealism is easy. DS9 on the other hand tests its characters ideals. Its about maintaining Utopia in the midst of overwhelming adversity. Its characters question their idealism, sometimes they even compromise it, but in the end they are not found wanting. Its aspirational AF especially for the times we are living in.

Unfortunately it seems like for some of the lesser creators in charge of modern Trek cough Kurtzman cough all they took away from DS9 is darkness and edge. They are cynical and don’t really understand or appreciate the importance of idealism in Star Trek. They just saw Sloan as some kind of badass superspy and probably thought Bashir was lame and didn’t understand his problem with Section 31. At least it seems like positive Idealism has been re-injected into Trek through SNW. We as a society need it now more then ever.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Seems to be pretty much what I expected. Mid overall, but if you’re a Trekkie who likes 4x games you will probably enjoy it. I’ll probably pick it up this weekend. The fact that its half the price of a typical release makes its flaws an easier pill to swallow for sure.

1simpletailer OP ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Playing Devils advocate, it looks like they put a lot of flavor and assets into each of the playable factions which is why there is a limited selection. Still more would have been better. I can understand the decision to keep the Borg as an AI controlled faction, but Stellaris already has mechanics that fit the Ferengi well.

1simpletailer OP ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

One thing I’m very curious about, does the Dominion appear as a Mid or End-game crisis or is it just the Borg? I feel like a lot could be done to make that interesting with the dynamics of the 4 factions, making uneasy alliances and having the weakest of the 4 join the Dominion. Maybe I’m asking too much of this game though.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Starfleet is driven by love and passion, just not in the toxic way that Angel is. Its a passion for exploration and discovery, and a love for your comrades and fellow lifeforms. Angel is right, she just goes about it in entirely the wrong way.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Keep in mind TNG ran for a more then twice as long as the original series. Gives it a lot more time to flesh out its cast of characters. Originally Picard, Riker, and Crusher were envisioned as the main trio, but all of early tng’s production issues and Gates Mcfadden leaving for the 2nd season threw a wrench in that vision. Starting with season 3 the show becomes more of an ensemble. You start to get the formula of specific character-centric episodes that will stick with the show for the remainder of its run. Honestly it feels like near the end of its run TNG was more the Picard, Data, and Worf show. Riker gets hardly any episodes that focus on him in the last few seasons.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Are Worf episodes even few? Seems like he’s just under Picard and Data in terms of focus. He gets to be the focus of a whole season ending two-parter and gets multiple arcs throughout the series. More then Troi, Geordie, and Crusher for sure.

1simpletailer , (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Pretty much. Stewart’s career really took off post-tng and he would only come back for the films if they gave him more creative input. Same thing with the Picard Show. Look Patrick Stewart is an outstanding actor who has now demonstrated multiple times that he should never EVER be let near a writers room. Its theorized that why we didn’t have a veteran Trek writer for Nemesis, nobody could stand working with Patrick Stewart any more.

There was also a lot of studio interference. That’s why we have Kirk in Generations, because the studio suits didn’t think a Star Trek movie could succeed without Captain Kirk. Suits also wanted each movie to have a Khan-esque villain, which they pretty much failed at every time.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

My friend you’re missing many. After quick look-through I’m coming up with: The Bonding, Reunion, Ethics, A Fistfull of Data’s, Rightful Heir, Homeward, and Firstborn. Worf also gets a bunch of B-plot focus like In Family. He’s the opposite of Riker where he gets hardly any focus at the beginning of the series, but more and more as the series progresses.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Not the guy you’re responding to, but I also watched the movies before watching TOS. Well I actually did try watching TOS first, but “The Cage” turned me off to it for awhile. Anyway I honestly recommend this approach to anyone who is struggling to get into TOS. The movies stand on their own pretty much, even WoK gives you all the information you need to enjoy the movie. It’s a good way to get into the characters in a more accessible format.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Liked the episode overall, was good to see Rom and Leeta again and I like to continued progress we see among the Ferengi. However, there is absolutely no way I will be able to conceive of the Ferengi joining the Federation, at least at this point in the timeline. The Federation has notoriously strict rules for who they allow to join. As we see in the episode, in spite of the progress made under Grand Nagus Rom the Feregi still have a culture that revolves around exploitation. We see people enslaved in mines for lying about being a couple to get a discount at a restaurant! An alliance would make much more sense then an application to join.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

You’re right it is beautiful! Not to be that guy though, but Data is Ops, not Science.

1simpletailer ,
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

All good friend! I’m just too much of a Trek nerd to not correct it. It’s an easy mistake to make too, seeing as Data handles a lot of the science related stuff on the show and the Enterprise-D is notably lacking a Chief Science Officer. Behind the scenes Data was originally going to be in Sciences, but the producers didn’t like the way a blue uniform looked with his skin so they made him Ops.

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