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someguy3 ,

The pancake tortoise is a fast and agile climber, and is rarely found far from its rocky home so that, if disturbed, it can make a dash for the nearest rock crevice.[6] Since this tortoise could easily be torn apart by predators, it must rely on its speed and flexibility to escape from dangerous situations, rather than withdrawing into its shell.[10] The flexibility of its shell allows the pancake tortoise to crawl into narrow rock crevices to avoid potential predators,[6] thus exploiting an environment that no other tortoise is capable of using.[11]

Don't see anything about heat.

Attack Trump verdict or be exiled - a new test for Republicans ( )

The historic nature of Trump’s criminal conviction is being leveraged by his campaign as a sort of roll-call vote to see which politicians will defend the former president and which of them will defend America’s legal system. It appears you can’t do both....

someguy3 ,

Take note how they say "take back the country". They've convinced themselves of this a long time ago.

someguy3 ,

Waiting for the right wing to say “market forces are good!”

someguy3 ,

Hmmm now that I think about this a light year would be (should be) based on an average year, not what we observe in any given year.

365.2425 days. Different searches give different results but that’s what I’m going with.

someguy3 , (edited )

They skip leap years every now and then. And then skip the skip. Etc. The rotation of the earth around the sun and the spin of the earth on its axis simply don’t line up into a nice number.

someguy3 ,

How are you getting any insulation in a wall that thin?

someguy3 ,

Looking at the pictures, I think you should stop immediately and hire a professional.

someguy3 ,

Apparently it’s a luxury brand, people buy it to feel important. I can’t see it. And if stores close I really can’t see people going out of their way for it.

someguy3 ,

I’ve already seen the backflips when they try to ban books. Something something perverse therefore not protected under free speech.

someguy3 ,

They don’t care about being hypocritical because they just don’t care.

someguy3 ,

cynicism /sĭn′ĭ-sĭz″əm/ noun

<span style="color:#323232;">An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"the public cynicism aroused by governmental scandals."
</span><span style="color:#323232;">A scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act. 

No I don’t think that’s cynicism.

someguy3 ,

Don’t forget Cheers actors who became Star Trek actors.

someguy3 OP , (edited )

Man has been to Hawaii before.

In a way, Tasha Yar's fate actually worked out really well for the series

I don’t know whether this is an unpopular opinion or not but I actually think that the way Tasha Yar died gave the show much higher stakes throughout it’s entire run. Here is the chief security officer, main bridge crew, tragic back story, potential love interest for the robot character just slapped down by the monster of...

someguy3 ,

I don’t know if this is unpopular, but I wasn’t a fan of her character or the writing. Not sure how to describe it. But the whole first season was kinda off.

someguy3 OP , (edited )

I think Gates McFadden left because she thought she wasn’t getting enough lines or something. Funny because I think she got even less later.

I agree it started out with more Riker and he didn’t get much toward the end. Just the “what the hell are we going to do now?” line

someguy3 ,

It does get better, but never gets out of the campiness.

someguy3 , (edited )

That would be an interesting way to do it. I think you have to do it, just to report on it for the rest of us.

Just be aware that tv shows in the 60s were not big budget affairs, and tos has campiness.

someguy3 ,

The support cards are a great addition to the game. You can get them for normal Catan if you want, they’re called “Helpers of Catan”.

someguy3 ,

Never seen Star Trek?

someguy3 ,

Never played either but it’s a character skin/accessory.

someguy3 ,

Hyper processed foods loaded with sugar, seed oil, and trans fat.

Star Trek TNG Singing Bar Scene

For many years now I’ve had in my memory this scene from star trek tng where, for whatever reason, a group of British officers and Irish officers led by O’Brien start getting nationalistic and sing their respective national songs at each other. I remember the British were singing “Rule Britannia” but I don’t recall the...

someguy3 ,

Not that I recall.

The one where Picard is replaced with an alien he starts singing Heart of Oak “Come cheer up, my lads! 'tis to glory we steer…”

The one with the Renegade captain has O’Brien singing The Minstrel-Boy “The Minstrel-boy to the war is gone, In the ranks of death you will find him…”

someguy3 , (edited )
  • Eliquis - blood thinner that lowers the risk of stroke, clot, or bleeding
  • Jardiance - control blood sugar for type 2 diabetes
  • Xarelto - prevent blood clots
  • Januvia - control blood sugar
  • Farxiga - control blood sugar
  • Entresto - blood pressure
  • Enbrel - lowers immune response for autoimmune disorders
  • Imbruvica - treat blood cancer
  • Stelara - immunosuppressant that treats autoimmune conditions
  • Fiasp/NovoLog - increases speed of absorption of insulin


Frame Canada: Wendell Potter spent decades scaring Americans. About Canada. He worked for the health insurance industry, and he knew that if Americans understood Canadian-style health care, they might… like it. So he helped deploy an industry playbook for protecting the health insurance agency.

The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned ( )

After the network showed a clip of a young conservative activist saying that climate change was the number one issue for young voters, Fox News moderator Martha MacCallum asked for a show of hands in response to her question, “Do you believe human behavior is causing climate change?”...

someguy3 ,

Well yeah you’d prefer to manufacture it in the US. Biden did that with the IRA. But that won’t stop Republicans from shouting C-c-China.

How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue ( )

I found this after reading and responding to this post here about early Trek fans’ prejudicial negative reaction to TNG. One of my responses (see here) was to point out that any fans of the progressiveness of Trek ought to have been mindful of the room for improvement over TOS, with female representation being an obvious...

someguy3 ,

A yeoman is an odd position to write into a series.

someguy3 , (edited )

A petty officer performing chiefly clerical duties in the US Navy.

Clerical duties don’t make for exciting tv. It may be important in real life, but doesn’t work for tv. [Insert joke about TPS report.]

someguy3 ,

Kirk: “Rand, tell Scotty we need more power!”


Kirk: “Scotty, we need more power!”

I know which one is more compelling.

someguy3 ,

Damn Star Trek fans, they ruined Star Trek!

someguy3 ,

Apparently the most recognisable name was Levar Burton, being in Roots and Reading Rainbow.

someguy3 ,

Says reading rainbow was 1983-2006. TNG was 87-94

someguy3 ,

Buying coins here would go to server costs and not spez’s paycheck.

someguy3 ,

It’s one banana icon, how much could it cost?

someguy3 , (edited )

Is there something I should know about his health?

Enterprise era new trek show?

I’m not sure if this is the right community or not, but I’m curious what y’all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of...

someguy3 ,

I think that was the original idea of Enterprise.

someguy3 ,

They changed it before production.

someguy3 ,

The one with Kaylar (the one about the old ship) has said great worf lines.

“You’re not even looking at me.”

“I am familiar with your appearance.”

someguy3 ,

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