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Asafum ,

maximizing growth/metastasis/GDP isn’t healthy as society’s sole practiced value and pursuit.

One of their greatest achievements was brainwashing the country into believing that somehow higher higher higher GDP somehow means a better economy for everyone when it's literally just tracking business profits...

They're perfectly ok with the idea that our income doesn't need to increase at all, but their profit MUST increase at all costs...

Asafum ,

Because in the past they thought they had to care about the law, they know now that they don't need to do anything other than what the owning class wants, but they must drop the large bombs like this one on a Friday and preferably after another event that will keep the media occupied like say a debate? That way there is as little pushback and attention to it as possible...

Asafum ,

Doesn't matter, as with all lies fox news gets their bullshit message to yell and Republicans will eat it up fighting wage increases even harder now that they have "proof"

Asafum ,

It's 10000x better in the blue collar world because right off the bat you're assumed to be as useless as a person can possibly be so you either do the futile argue for a raise (which never matches what you should get) or you take a huge pay cut when finding a new job...

I've been stuck in the same cycle for 15 years now... Get shitty raises for 5 years, get burned out and bail, take massive pay cut, prove my worth to get back to shitty wage I left for but am now burned out again, find a new job and take another massive pay cut etc etc... adjusted for inflation I make as much now as I did 10 years ago...

These articles are always about white collar work. :(

Asafum ,

Every single time I see this type of conversation come up it's always about the more privileged higher paying white collar work.

In my shit experience, blue collar work is "get shit raises or take massive pay cuts." There is no "change job and also make more." I've been stuck in the same cycle for 15 years now... Every time I leave a job I get knocked back to the wage I made when I first started the job I left regardless of the new position.

But that's because only white collar workers are seen as people. Us blue collar workers are just meat machines that never deserve more than we were "bought" for and any new employee is automatically assumed to be as intelligent and skilled as a dead cockroach.

Asafum ,

My job doesn't like to give titles so no one can determine their value, but I'm something like a supervisor/manager/QC in a factory that makes luxury products for the ultra wealthy and the military.

Asafum ,

It's a separate part of the company. The parts are similar but not made to be luxurious and some are just completely different things that aren't luxury at all. I wrote the initial comment without the military part added, but I edited it to add that so I guess it kinda reads a little odd now.

I don't think there are many companies at all that do what we do so I'm being kinda vague lol

Asafum ,

Do you guys think you’re suffering from an external propaganda force as well? I’ll put my tin foil hat on for this, but It really seems like all this extreme right wing bullshit spreading around the “western world” is happening to destabilize countries as an act of “information warfare.”

Or it’s the usual grifters gotta grift and we keep falling for greedy assholes that want easy money and political power. :(

Asafum ,

Ouch, sorry to hear that. I hope for the best for you folks though!!

Knights among toner cartridges ( )

(Business people) speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them - every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. -William Strunk Jr. (The Elements of Style)

Asafum ,

Yeah and I fucking hate it because I don’t just assume everyone is lying so I never apply to those places.

I don’t think these idiots realize how hard they’re shooting themselves in the foot with these kinds of ridiculous descriptions…

Also the “college degree required, starting salary: 2 peanuts and a dead cat, bimonthly pay periods.”

Absolute insanity.

Asafum ,

As a dumb fuck factory schmuck I’d kill for that kind of fast paced! The only time I get to stop and sit on lemmy for a minute is when I’m in the bathroom lol

Asafum ,

I work in a factory and was just handed a shop order today that is a “rush” and set to be due tomorrow. The paperwork is handed to me before the product goes out to be coated so it’s at least 2 weeks before I even see it to work on it…

Gotta love being set up for failure…

Asafum ,

It’s 100% because of propaganda. These people wouldn’t feel this way if right wing media outlets weren’t all competing for the “building full of the worst scum on earth” award. They’d have the common gripes we all do about inflation and general life satisfaction, but they wouldn’t be frothing at the mouth and wishing for a civil war so they can kill us.

I don’t talk to him too often and while my dad hasn’t done a full 180 yet, his amount of Democrat/liberal bashing and general anger has dropped quite a bit since he started a new hobby instead of going home and sitting down in front of the two minutes hate programming on Faux News.

Fox News, Newsmax, and the like are the true dangers to democracy. Without their legitimizing of Trump and their willingness to use him to their own benefit we wouldn’t be in this situation where there’s only ever increasing threats of political violence.

Asafum ,

Absofuckinglutley. My God… “Only loyal to themselves.”

Yeah dude… We got rid of slavery and no one exactly feels like volunteering to be a slave loyal worker especially when owners aren’t loyal to their employees!

I should serve you and your best interests with vigor, but the next cheap labor opportunity you find you drop me like a bad habit… <No, Thanks.>

Asafum ,

Say it with me now: Fuck the family income metric!


how many millions of single people/perpetually single people are out there? We’re defining the economic health of our population by a metric that demands a dual income. So yes, 2x the typical salary is enough for a person to get by on. 2 people have to share resources to make ends meet.

For someone like myself who is perpetually and indefinitely single, working full time in a psudo-managment position, it’s beyond insulting that I’m “forced” to live in people’s basements or garages if I want to keep the slightest glimmer of hope of retirement… A “legitimate” apartment would cost the entirety of my income not even the sadly “typical” 3/4ths.

(don’t castrate me for the management thing lol. I’m not the coffee holding office whip cracker, I’m working directly along side my team in a factory doing most of the heavy lifting so they don’t need to.)

Asafum ,

Generally I agree, but in this case Costco is usually pretty good with compensation. When I worked there 12+ years ago they were paying cashiers $20/hr+. Most places won’t even pay $20/hr now.

Asafum ,

I have had many a cat and they’ve never been the kind of jerk you see posted on the internet knocking everything down and yet this picture still made me think “oh no that glass is going down!” Lol

Happy Thanksgiving!

Asafum ,

"Sorry, billionaires, foreign countries governments, grifting assholes and Facebook Karens brainwashed 10,000 people in some town in Michigan/Pennsylvania/Georgia into believing that all Democrats are pedophiles and trans people are the downfall of society so they decided we’re fascist now.”

This timeline is disgusting. :/

Asafum ,

Fucking exactly. We’re only allowed to have small relief valves to prevent riots, we aren’t allowed to actually fight for a better future.

Asafum , (edited )

The only argument I really have much sympathy for is the time/gas expenses. Food is totally on “us.” Buying food too expensive every day? Meal prep on the weekends. I never buy food at work and if I were home I’d be eating the same thing as I am at work so it’s not an extra cost.

That said I’m 100% not against having employers cover food costs lol

Asafum ,

Why is suggesting making your own lunch a “bad” thing though? I’ve been doing it for years to save money and eat better. Food is absolutely on “us” I would be eating whether I’m home or at work, but then again I’m a US born Stockholm syndrome slavelord that’s just used to the shit system we have here. Do other countries require their companies to pay for lunches?

Asafum ,

I don’t have kids or a maid, but I only need 2 hours to make what I would be eating for lunch. If you can’t find 2 hours to make food then I guess you have to buy it, but that fact would remain whether you’re at work or not.

Asafum ,

Huh? A typical salary here couldn’t afford any of these. 0.

We’ve literally made our society completely dependent on marriage/dual income. For those of us that are perpetually single and don’t have a WFH tech job that could go anywhere, homeownership is as obtainable as a unicorn.

Asafum ,

I guarantee most of these chucklefucks don’t believe one word of what they’re paid to say. It’s all propaganda to get people on “your side.” Democrats pushing for vaccines and treating COVID seriously? Well that means as a “conservative” you need to be completely opposed to it and act as if it’s all fake and it’s the Democrats fault for lying and making a big stink out of nothing…

They don’t care who dies, they don’t care about anything as long as they gain enough power to manipulate the country into what they want.

Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. ( )

The United States’ poverty rate experienced its largest one-year jump on record last year, with the rate among children more than doubling from 2021’s historic low of 5.2 percent to 12.4 percent according to new numbers from the US Census Bureau out today. They’re the latest data to reflect the devastating effects...

Asafum ,

I’m learning real fast that “this is Lemmy” everyone hates liberals/democrats and fake hating Republicans, but never call them out directly. They just love to hate Democrats and hide behind “both sides” bullshit. They have at best a tepid understanding of how our government functions.

It’s actually more futile to argue with them than it was to argue with maga morons on reddit…

Asafum ,

Nobody seems to get this when I bitch about home prices and low salaries…

Yes I’ll just move to nowhereville, job openings: 6, 5 of which are $10/hr while homes are still $180k

Asafum ,

Does it say “when I (removed) about…”?

I said the big bad B word… Female dogs and all that…

Asafum ,

It’s more like 30% and even then they don’t actually want most of this shit, they’re just too caught up in the propaganda bullshit that makes them hate the 30% on the “other team” to the point that they’ll vote for anyone that says “I’ll kick a Democrat if you vote for me!”

We’re welcoming the atrocious social behavior of the past all so we can watch politicians kick people we don’t like because some millionaires on T.V and radio are fucking propagandists… It’s “fun.”

Asafum ,

This is exactly my problem as well… We wanted to try a 4 day work week at my factory but they said no because we need to ship things 5 days a week… Except for the fact that we almost never ship more than 1 or 2 things in any given day and they are rarely things that need to go asap… One day wouldn’t kill them but they’re stuck in the past.

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