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Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit ( )

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

Coreidan ,

Study shows more than 1/4 of bosses are morons that know nothing about how shit works.

Coreidan ,

Ya but work quality from India and Philippines is pretty bad. They aren’t equal.

Coreidan ,

Your problem is a severe lack of discipline. If you need someone watching over your shoulder and putting pressure on you in order to get work done then you have a big discipline problem.

For me it’s about getting the job done. If I don’t get the job done then I’ve shown my employers that I am useless and I lose my job.

Keeping my job is about as much pressure as I need in order to be productive. For that I can put my phone down long enough to complete my tasks.

I guess I can’t relate to the concept of dragging ass all day. Aren’t you worried about losing your job? Is that not enough encouragement? Does someone else pay your bills?

Coreidan ,

Some do. The ones that don’t are garbage companies not worth the time to begin with. It depends heavily on the type of work you do. If your company can squeak by with shit quality work, then you probably don’t belong there to begin with.

Coreidan ,

They could. But they are so easily bought that Uber will just throw them like $5k and they’ll bend over backwards for them.

Coreidan ,

This looks like a disaster waiting to happen

Coreidan ,

Unless I’m missing something I just don’t see how those studs are providing any real support to the wall.

Empty cabinets are heavy. I’d be worried about those studs giving way.

Hard to tell tho just looking at this picture.

Coreidan ,

Then I recommend posting some additional pictures otherwise you’ll never get the insight you’re looking for

Coreidan ,

How do you negotiate severance? You’re in absolutely no position to negotiate anything. You have zero leverage.

Coreidan ,

Oh ya? Is your rage posting on lemmy? How’s that working out?

Coreidan ,

Bold of you to assume they were talking about the stock market

Coreidan ,

And? How do you get stock market from that? They are obviously talking about the economy as a whole and not the stock market

Coreidan ,

The stock market is certainly part of the problem but it’s not everything.

Capitalism in its entirety is the issue. Capitalism is based on infinite growth which is unsustainable and impossible.

The stock market is just a tool to extract wealth from the populace. Without the stock market it would still happen but with less efficiency.

You have the same problems with or without stocks.

Coreidan ,

If everyone stopped working the entire system would collapse.

Thing is people need to eat so that will never happen

Coreidan ,

“Ask women what dating is like”. Good idea if you want a biased one sided opinion.

This article is vomit.

Coreidan ,

Odd take. You do realize that a relationship is about TWO people right? It’s not all about you. Shocker right?

Coreidan ,

What about all the unfuckable women? Again you look at everything one sided.

Both sexes need to get better. You’re saying that it’s all up to the men. In other words what you’re saying is women don’t have to be responsible for anything, they can act any way they want. A very entitled and selfish attitude.

Did you ever consider that this toxic mentality DRIVES AWAY the good men? Maybe good men want nothing to do with you because of your mentality. That leaves only the toxic men to put up with your bullshit, so that’s all you see.

Coreidan , (edited )

Yikes. You have deep issues.

The thing is no one is arguing that men don’t suck. Plenty of men out there are garbage.

What you’re glossing over is the fact that women have lots of issues as well. There is no shortage of psycho women with deep issues.

Go talk to a “good” man and get their perspective on dating. You’ll get a different picture and you’ll see women are chock full of their own issues. It’s just a different flavor.

The problem is you’ll never do that because you hate men and have no interest in a genuine conversation. Instead it’s all “woe is me, all men suck”.

If you can’t find a good man, it’s not that they don’t exist, but rather you don’t attract them. Maybe work on your attitude and you won’t come off as toxic with tons of baggage and maybe then they will give you a shot.

Coreidan ,

This is the definition of a strawman. You’re fitting an argument the other person never made.

Except this thread is chock full of you all doing this exact thing.

Listen, nothing will change that there are shitty men out there. Nothing will change that there are also shitty women out there. If you can’t find a decent guy it isn’t because they don’t exist, it’s because YOU aren’t attracting them. This is a YOU problem.

Coreidan ,

So your argument is that men as a whole aren’t dateable because an extreme minority of them are unhinged and go on school shootings? Huh?

You hate men. We get it.

Coreidan , (edited )

And all you can muster up is hate and insults.

This is why you’re not taken seriously. In other words you’ve shown how completely irrational you are. No point trying to have a rational conversation with someone so completely out of line and irrational.

Best of luck to you.

Coreidan , (edited )

Projecting? More like you’re deflecting.

You’re the hateful one here. You’re the angry one. You need a nap.

Coreidan ,

But women aren’t undateable. They are all perfect


Coreidan ,

Ya you clearly don’t get it. The economy is already destroyed for poor people. You can’t wreck what is already destroyed. Since the economy is already destroyed for poor people the next step is pulling the rich down with us and making them bleed.

Coreidan ,

I don’t see the issue with it as long as they are getting paid a good rate.

For instance if you’re collecting 250k a year from doing this work it doesn’t matter much if it were salary or if the doors are closed because it’s good money either way.

The problem here is that they aren’t getting that 250k because their rates are so low.

Coreidan , (edited )

Boo hoo. If you can’t run your business without exploiting the fuck out of people then you don’t deserve to be in business. Fuck off already your food is SHIT.

Coreidan ,

Good. I hope they go out of business and the owners have to cry themselves to sleep. I hope they have to sell everything they own before having to work a minimum wage job.

crimedad , to Home Improvement

Anyone else have trouble with these GE dishwashing machines?

Mine cleans dishes well enough, but the gaskets leak easier than any other dishwasher I've ever had. I replaced the gaskets a few months ago, but if a little bit of debris builds up then it's leaking again. Also, the racks are badly corroded, but the machine is only maybe five years old. Anyway, it's just kind of funny that my aunt is coming over tomorrow and the last time she was here she noticed the dishwasher was leaking.


Coreidan ,

That’s one butt ugly floor you got there

Coreidan ,

If it’s only 1.5 feet then get a shovel and start digging. Get a gander for yourself what it’s connecting to. Sounds like it’s not connected to anything.

Coreidan ,

Hey look a boot kicker defending a garbage system. Good work!

Inflation is plummeting across America except in Ron DeSantis’ Florida ( )

Americans learned Wednesday morning the rate of inflation nationally has dropped dramatically, to just 3% annually, down from over 9% one year ago.But not in Florida, which MarketWatch reports “has the highest inflation in the U.S.”For much of the year, even before his presidential campaign official...

Coreidan ,

To be honest Florida has been a shit hole for the longest time. You basically have to ignore the problems in order to ever come to the conclusion that is where you want to live.

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