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A Story

i worked as a manager for a cafe, me and my boss had a good relationship texting after hours, bonus’s. in lock down i was furloughed so i moved across to another city to live with my partner through lock down, my boss out-of-the-blue calls me in the evening telling me to go into work the next morning, something that wasn’t...

Hogger85b ,

If your were officially furloughed and boss was claiming on any schemes for that it is fraud to ask you to work during furlough

Hogger85b ,

He is command track the other officers were engineering or security etc.

Maybe not "acting captain" but certainly I have seen equivalent in the merchant navy of a lower bridge officer being effectively in command of the vessel including more senior engineer

Hogger85b ,

He tapped out

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight"

LoglineWho knows? They never released one. Edit: They finally released one - how novel to release the actual episode first! Captain Freeman assigns the Lower Deckers an overly safe mission to try and keep a self-destructive Mariner out of danger....

Hogger85b ,

Imagine the Kolvoord Starburst you could do with a klingon, romulan, ferengi, binar and cardassian ship

Hogger85b ,

I really enjoyed this one, from captain knowing somthing was up to the careing security team

Hogger85b ,

I wonder if "Boimler, he guesses the charade" will enter the tamarian lexicon by kayshon for somebody finally getting it.

Hogger85b ,

I think they are still trying diplomacy with the gorn, admiral april says they want to try to bring them in and see if they can be allies. Star fleet doesn't want to be outward threat

Also I think admirals are downplaying the gorn threat, maybe not to scare citizens

Hogger85b ,

The whole point was scans were down UNTIL they slammed saucer into planet. They couldn't detect chapel due to the beam the saucer was used to destroy

Hogger85b ,

Isn't that why you have bottle episodes that keep things more like a stage show (some of best and some.of worst are bottles) and also you have episodes centered on part of the cast maybe a few to give others a break then another charecter has an episode. Even in the old series they found ways around the issues.

SNW Musical Episode: Klingons’ Boy Band Number Was Almost an Opera ( tvline.com )

Arguably one of the best moments in the SNW Musical episode subspace rhapsody was Bruce Horak Cameo as the captain of the Klingon boy band. But there is a deleted scene of the opera version that while absolutly best scene won, would be fun to see released to fans

Hogger85b OP ,

Really hope it can be released to fans maybe at a con then online

Hogger85b OP ,

But it felt packed and so became a chore of too much of a thing...the fact each of 5 main character needed their own 5mintues of it

I know musicals breaks the show don't tell a bit as you can sing not show......but they seemed to use that excuse to get right back round to tell tell tell even in song form

Hogger85b ,

I was expecting fun and was mildly dissapointed by way too much angst.

I enjoyed opening and the closer and chapels song was fun. But the other songs seemed pretty samey with each charecter privately singing their angst in a sterile cgi room. Some of it felt chore. I really glad they tried and the last song/scene was a great concept but personally didn't land for me.

Hogger85b ,

Wow, wish they would release the opera to fans

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

Hogger85b , (edited )

Agree. I love musicals (Buffy musical episode, scmigadoom) and was really looking forward to this. The first song I though yes this is great..... but when Una started singing to Kirk I thought meh....and the songs never really got any better. Just got too much into the angst and no joy (except chapels song that was a banger and should have been the tone of all the other songs)

Hogger85b ,

I think many of the middle songs were pretty samey too.

Someone singing their angst alone in a Cgi set. Liked first and last and chapels was good, but agree others were a bit long which made the overall episdoe seem long.

I really respect them trying and there are some great moments

Hogger85b ,

Auto tune fits with frequencies being blasted out and then trying to talk and end up singing

Hogger85b ,

But but lotus eaters was that "she is Erica Ortegas...she drives the ship"....../s

Hogger85b , (edited )

I thought it was played like pattern buffer storage is an m'benga special skill he is better at than his peers

Hogger85b , (edited )

Once more with feeling

Wormhole Xtreme
The tomb

But yeah had to go quite far back

Edit also how could I forget what seems an inspiration of this episode MAS*H

Hogger85b ,

It made me think of mash too, luckily hadn't just come off watching one but did have some of the feeling of darker episdoes

Hogger85b ,

Excellent post, absolutely right about symobolism

Hogger85b ,

My take is the same as the other poster the biobed was metaphor for the doctors state of mind.....but happy to be wrong if it is system glitches and have seen suggestions it links to romulan time sabatours

Hogger85b ,

yeah, they used the Lower decks crossover to great affect to hint spock future and crush Chapel's dreams

Hogger85b ,

isnt it meant to be a halfway house between TOS to TNG

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x07 "Those Old Scientists"

LoglineAn accident while investigating a time portal sends Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Bradward Boimler through time from the 24th century, and Captain Pike and his crew must get them back where they belong before they can alter the timeline....

Hogger85b ,

Especially the poster girl part being how she (and her lawyer) presented her self in the trial in ep2

Hogger85b ,

I wonder how many times crew get blackout/asleep and for a joke their mates put them in the holodeck for "computer end programme" to be a wake up meme.

Hogger85b ,

Do we know which EPisode in the run it is yet. Seems all articles keep only.talking about the crossover and never the episode of the week and seems a bit tiring by now actually.

Hogger85b ,

I remember seeing articles that Bruce Horak was acting in season 2 so think he was back for hemmer shots, I assume zombie shots too as why not.

Hogger85b ,

Deuterium is toxic (in high concentrations) to multicell animals as it changes the angle of.the hydrogen bonds which is key to cellular replication and enzyme prodcution. However you would have to drink all d2o instead of h2o for about a week to begin to notice (need 25-50% of body water). Blocking cellular replication is similar to what chemotherapy does so would.be like bad chemo...eventually the dose is so large it is not useful Cancer drug.

There is also mentions of dizziness and impact on vestibular system (senses) but not the wiki article does not expand on this and the linked article just mentions nystagmus (involuntary eye movements)


Interestingly there is also a theory it may affect circadian cycles in some insects https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC433660/ (which could impact sleep pattern in humans)

All in all it looks like the writers may have looked into it afterall.

Hogger85b ,

Yeah when you have "refinarey", mysterious signal, it was well hinted, then acts of sabotage it did seem that way and when the other victim was focussed on jestisoning the gas from the nacel seemed even more certain

Hogger85b ,

Hydrogen burning would be bad too right, (the frieball seems large, how much oxygen was on the station?).but burning the D in the explosion is bad too right

Hogger85b ,

Pull a shax from lower decks. Not sure exactly which old trek that story line was based on but shows it is well troped.

(Senior Bridge officer "dies" on away mission andin next ep just returns with no explanation to rank and file)

Hogger85b ,

From the "previously on SNW" showing pretty much Soapy relationship drama of half the crew I had worries for the episode but was not realised

Hogger85b ,

"I fly the ship"

Hogger85b , (edited )

Not just wages, conditions too like to get paid having to sign away your likeness to be used in all future movies

Hogger85b ,

I am not sure I agree with your series Vs episodic approach truly great writers can tell a story in a an hour or a short story. I mean House MD became formulaic but it's first few series the fotmula of two misses and hit (you could check the angle of the minute hand to see where you were) did work and made highly popular single hour whodunnit.

Imgur links suck ( kbin.social )

Most Fediverse software supports image uploads, so there's no reason to use Imgur for image hosting. Hell, even on my small single-user server (atomicpoet.org), image hosting is easy peasy. Not only is Imgur not needed, they're an annoyance for those of us who are used to seeing images natively on the Fediverse....

Hogger85b ,

Remember to stripout any exif data if posting photos

Hogger85b ,

But you can't then use that to run rust shreddit fork over


Hogger85b ,

Are you on windows and do you have the .exe.

I wrote this help comment as it helped me was a Windows user but still a bit involved if your not use to batch files and command prompt


How can I automate the process of deleting my remaining comments that scripts weren't able to delete by using the csv file received from my GDPR data request? ( kbin.social )

I ran into the profile limit so no more comments show up, but they are still on reddit with the csv file having links to the ones that haven't been deleted. There's too much for me to do it manually so would appreciate help if there's some tool to automate the process.

Hogger85b ,

Just finished today...started on Thursday evening deleted 60000 comments

Hogger85b , (edited )

If you have the exe

Have you gone into Reddit and setup the "script client" and got the client Id and the secret (if not I will have to create some screenshots next time I am on desktop)

In windows start bar type CMD to get a console window

Then set some environment variables (they will only last this session) use the example in the git repo or here (the first four you will need to edit for you details from.reddit as per above) and the gdpr directory (if you put these in a file and save it as .bat you can run it or just type one line at a time into the CMD window

Set SHREDDIT_USERNAME=your_username
Set SHREDDIT_PASSWORD=SuperSecretPassword123
Set SHREDDIT_CLIENT_ID=lk4j56lkj3lk4j5656
Set SHREDDIT_THING_TYPES=posts,comments
Set SHREDDIT_BEFORE=2023-07-07T00:00:00Z
Set SHREDDIT_GDPR_EXPORT_DIR=c:\users[name]\Downloads\gdprunpack

Then In the same window drag the exe in so the command line will say "c:.....shreddit.exe" and press enter it will then run for 4s per comment so it will.take hours

Hogger85b ,

I'm addition to my other reply below with full details also worth noting if the script halts (e.g. your isp resets at 0200) the. Make a note of the comment id that last deleted in the CMD window then clear up to that comment in comments.csv (back up full version first).

Started deleting my Reddit comments, now my profiles shows no comments at all, despite them being there!

I don’t know if Reddit is just trying to be a dick or what, but as I started to delete some comments, I’m not able to see any comments in my profile “hasn’t commented on anything”, but if I visit actual posts where I’ve commented, I can clearly see my comments there....

Hogger85b ,

Mine ran pretty much constantly from thursday night to this morning to remove 60k comments (although script crashed once on Friday and Sunday at0200 for isp.resets while I was asleep so not quite full time)

(One tip if it does stall make a note of the comment I'd it stopped on and clean out the copy of the comments.csv the script uses above that point. That way it is not starting again)

Hogger85b ,

You can get your top 1000 (only updates as comments are voted) your comteqverisal 1000 and newest. So you should be able to see your most popular. In theory if they were all different you could see 3000 comments but they is likily.overlap. Reddit doesn't bump any into new if you delete and doesn't go looking for votes on delete either.

Hogger85b ,

Assuming your using the https://github.com/andrewbanchich/shreddit script then it uses the comments.csv as it's reference not headers. If you are doing posts as well then that uses Posts.csv

Hogger85b ,

Just to add a couple of bits for windows users that the readme there doesn't cover

If you have the exe

Have you gone into Reddit and setup the "script client" and got the client Id and the secret (if not I will have to create some screenshots next time I am on desktop)

In windows start bar type CMD to get a console window

Then set some environment variables (they will only last this session) use the example in the git repo or here (the first four you will need to edit for you details from.reddit as per above) and the gdpr directory (if you put these in a file and save it as .bat you can run it or just type one line at a time into the CMD window

Set SHREDDIT_USERNAME=your_username
Set SHREDDIT_PASSWORD=SuperSecretPassword123
Set SHREDDIT_CLIENT_ID=lk4j56lkj3lk4j5656
Set SHREDDIT_THING_TYPES=posts,comments
Set SHREDDIT_BEFORE=2023-07-07T00:00:00Z
Set SHREDDIT_GDPR_EXPORT_DIR=c:\users[name]\Downloads\gdprunpack

Then In the same window drag the exe in so the command line will say "c:.....shreddit.exe" and press enter it will then run for 4s per comment so it will.take hours

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