@Madison_rogue@kbin.social cover
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar


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Reddit refugee...wasting my time at kbin.social now.

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[Opinion - Legal Analysis] The Constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again - Donald K. Sherman ( thehill.com )

While some ­on the right portray accountability for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as just another partisan dispute, two prominent conservative legal scholars have made the case that the Constitution disqualifies former President Trump from public office....

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

That's because it's A. implied, and B. covered by the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendment. Legally, Trump did not commit insurrection until it's proven in court. Then he is ineligible. He has the right of Due Process, and Presumption of Innocence.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

That case went only to appeal. You bet that Trump will take the case to SCOTUS. How do you think they'll judge the case considering Trump gave them the conservative supermajority they now enjoy?

Russia fines Reddit for first time over 'banned content,' RIA says ( www.reuters.com )

Russia on Tuesday fined social media site Reddit for the first time for not deleting "banned content" that it said contained "fake" information about Russia's military campaign in Ukraine, RIA reported on Tuesday, citing a Moscow court....

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Putin might find some old Soviet Era Roubles underneath his grandmother's floorboards. It might be worth more than current Roubles.

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I don't know; I don't go on Reddit any longer.

That said, r/worldnews was very pro-Ukraine. It could be that subreddit the Russians are referring to as well.

[News] Trump, 18 allies indicted in Georgia over 2020 election meddling, the 4th criminal case against him ( apnews.com )

ATLANTA (AP) — Donald Trump and 18 allies were indicted in Georgia on Monday with scheming to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state, with prosecutors turning to a statute normally associated with mobsters to accuse the former president, lawyers and other top aides in a sweeping criminal conspiracy aimed at keeping him...

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Reddit may have won...

Now let's outline how they really lost in the rest of the article.

Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous ( screenrant.com )

Strange New Worlds has been my favorite Trek since Next Generation, and if the quality continues, could easily be my favorite Trek ever. But with the e.p. wishing for more episodes per season, there’s a danger of diluting the show by adding weak episodes that would have never made it in a 10 episode season....

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

While I understand your hesitation, I definitely believe there could have been at least five more relevant episodes in Season 2. This season was overall character driven instead of a "planet of the week" format we've seen before. So, there could have been some extra episodes that extrapolated on the seasonal Gorn arc, or an Ortegas episode, or a Pelia episode. There's a lot of potential to provide spanning character and seasonal arcs while delivering episodes from different planets over a 15 episode season.

I definitely believe 20 episodes is pushing it, but a 12-15 episode season could work if the stories are laid out well.

Madison_rogue , (edited )
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Let hbomberguy tell you how Sherlock is bad by talking about it for what feels like an entire season of Sherlock.


Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

To be fair with Ortegas they lean heavily into the thrill seeking flyboy archetype.

They do, but man an Erica Ortegas centered episode would be awesome. I would love to have an episode where we aren't reminded that "Hi, my name is Erica Ortegas; I fly the ship." Because at this point it feels like it's trolling the audience.

And considering the way the season ended, there's no guarantee that Ortegas makes it through alive. She's one of the few characters that doesn't have plot armor if TOS canon is to stand relatively unaltered.

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I knew Sean was going to give a down for that as soon as he mentioned it. You can tell by his inflection just where he’s going with it.

I’ve been watching his videos way too much…

[Analysis] Many transgender health bills came from a handful of far-right interest groups, AP finds ( apnews.com )

Aaron and Lacey Jennen’s roots in Arkansas run deep. They’ve spent their entire lives there, attended the flagship state university, and are raising a family. So they’re heartbroken at the prospect of perhaps having to move to one of an ever-dwindling number of states where gender-affirming health care for their...

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

If Abrams would have offered I bet Olyphant would have been great as Pike, for sure.

[News] Targeting DeSantis, Trump team warns state parties that super PACs can't act as an arm of a campaign ( apnews.com )

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump’s campaign is seeking to blunt the efforts of a super PAC supporting rival Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign by sending a letter to all state Republican parties on Thursday arguing that they cannot work with a super PAC as if it is representing a candidate....

[News] Trump vows to keep talking about criminal cases despite prosecutors pushing for protective order ( apnews.com )

WINDHAM, N.H. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday kept up his attacks on special counsel Jack Smith and vowed to continue talking about his criminal cases even as prosecutors sought a protective order to limit the evidence that Trump and his team could share....

[News] Voters in Ohio reject GOP-backed proposal that would have made it tougher to protect abortion rights ( apnews.com )

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio voters on Tuesday resoundingly rejected a Republican-backed measure that would have made it more difficult to change the state’s constitution, setting up a fall campaign that will become the nation’s latest referendum on abortion rights since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned nationwide...

[Analysis] Republicans are talking up the possibility of impeaching Biden. Is it what voters want to hear? ( apnews.com )

SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (AP) — Bill Mehlem recalls a time when his politics generally aligned with conservatives, enthusiastically backing Republicans such as John McCain during his 2008 presidential campaign....

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Just more than half a decade? I've been shaking my head for well over 20 years.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I was initially put off by the UI of Lemmy that I encountered when I first went to the Lemmy site. I was a little confused as to which instance to join. That's when I stumbled upon kbin.social and that's where I landed my new account. Overall I am most comfortable here.

Since joining, I've encountered Lemmy posts that take me to their instances proper, and the formatting looked different, more like here just with a different colored background. Overall, Lemmy instances seem okay, I just like it here better.

Maybe it's the overall familiarity with the instance, calling main topic pages "magazines," the microblogging option, etc. Lemmy's resemblance is a little closer to Reddit, so that might account for why people decided to go there instead of a kbin instance.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I use Firefox on mobile to access currently; I'll switch over to Artemis after kbin.social instance is available. With Firefox I do experience logout from time to time, however I have my password and username autosaved, so login is as simple as a click.

It's not really annoying at all, and quite frankly it's much better then enriching that Reddit asshat.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I’m concerned it would turn into a circus, and work to his benefit. Alt-right news outlets and talking heads will have a field day, and define the narrative.

I mean did anyone pay attention to how the Muller probe changed Trump supporters’ minds overall? Because that didn’t happen at all.

Giving Trump any additional platform is a bad idea.

[News] Pentagon warns of disruptions as Army, Marines both lack confirmed leaders for first time ( apnews.com )

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned that troop readiness and retention is at risk as the Army’s chief stepped down Friday, leaving the military’s two ground combat forces without Senate-confirmed leaders for the first time in history....

[News] 2 members of expelled 'Tennessee Three' vie to win back their legislative seats ( apnews.com )

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee Reps. Justin Pearson and Justin Jones, who became Democratic heroes as members of the so-called “Tennessee Three,” are hoping to once again reclaim their legislative seats Thursday after they were expelled for involvement in a gun control protest on the House floor....

[News] Wisconsin lawsuit asks new liberal-controlled Supreme Court to toss Republican-drawn maps ( apnews.com )

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A lawsuit filed Wednesday asks Wisconsin’s newly liberal-controlled state Supreme Court to throw out Republican-drawn legislative maps as unconstitutional, the latest legal challenge of many nationwide that could upset political boundary lines before the 2024 election....

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

The incoming court from the election is just getting seated. There is a several month long lame duck session with the court. That’s why nothing has been done yet.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Honestly MAGA doesn't care about that. Trump is a strongman to them; nothing that says differently will sway their opinion.

News: The FBI should face new limits on its use of US foreign spy data, a key intelligence board says ( apnews.com )

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI should stop using a U.S. spy database of foreigners’ emails and other communications for investigating crimes that aren’t related to national security, a group of White House intelligence advisers recommended in a report released Monday....

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I would surmise that Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow has somewhat altered the main timeline, and there could be some minor adjustments with the characters to accommodate the story that showrunners want to tell.

I'd consider the Pike/Kirk relationship to be a minor thing. If they meet again, I'd be okay with it if the story broke some of the canon. I mean, they already changed the timeline of the Eugenics War, so is it a huge deal if Pike and Kirk come face to face a couple more times throughout the series?

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

That's an interesting metric. Apparently the vitriol for Discovery is mostly contained to the internet.

This comes as no shock at all.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I like it as well, yet I didn't find a place in Trek forums until I left Reddit last month. So this is new territory for me. Take it in stride, there are other Discovery fans out there.

Madison_rogue ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I could only keep drawing parallels in Babs' performance to Jamis in Dune. It's like he brought the tension in that fight scene with Paul Atreides to the entirety of this episode. He is an amazing actor, and I love how he brings this mystery to M'benga, and how writers continue to peel his layers away as the series progresses.

I would like to see an Otegas focused episode though. While there was some focus with her in this episode, it was definitely overshadowed by M'benga and Chapel.

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Sean, while I love it when you point out uniforms, I really don't enjoy a five minute conversation on uniform comparisons between shows as you give it a down.

/end rant

But seriously, this episode was grim, and I really liked it.

News: Senators rebuke Wisconsin congressman who yelled vulgarities at high school-age pages ( apnews.com )

WASHINGTON (AP) — A freshman Republican congressman from Wisconsin is refusing to apologize after he yelled and cursed at high school-aged Senate pages during a late night tour of the Capitol this week, eliciting a bipartisan rebuke from Senate leaders....

Analysis: DeSantis is defending new slavery teachings. Civil rights leaders see a pattern of 'policy violence' ( apnews.com )

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Civil rights activists cheered when Ron DeSantis pardoned four Black men wrongfully convicted of rape as one of his first actions as Florida’s governor. But four years later, as DeSantis eyes the presidency, their hope that the Republican would be an ally on racial justice has long faded.

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I honestly don't think you get more racist, you just go "mask off."

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

He's really mad he never got invited to drag shows. You can tell.

Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

I have to admit, like Sean, this is probably my favorite episode of the New Trek Era. There's been so much to unravel.


Madison_rogue OP ,
@Madison_rogue@kbin.social avatar

Literally translates to "Time Portal." Yeah that was hilarious.

Sean didn't mention La'an's timing in the shuttle when she catches Boimler and Mariner in the shuttle just after she says "I never get caught." That was really funny as well.

Honestly there's just so much in this episode, that even after several viewings I'm sure you'd still be picking out small references and easter eggs here and there.

Analysis: Democrats eye Wisconsin high court's new liberal majority to win abortion and redistricting rulings ( apnews.com )

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will flip from majority conservative to liberal control in August and Democrats have high hopes the change will lead to the state’s abortion ban being overturned and its maps redrawn to weaken GOP control of the Legislature and congressional districts.

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