@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar


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MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been working at a rich ladies house the last few weeks.

If you used her money to feed an entire town for a month, she wouldn’t even know.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t have a stone basement, but it’s block, on a hill, with bare floor(rocks etc). We just fixed it all up with pump, membrane, dehumidifier etc. Get a good dehumidifier with an actual pump. Some say they have pumps, but they are super weak. Get a good one.

Before we fixed it up there was a decent bit of mold in the air. And things would collect dust then mold very quickly. So watch your stuff. Keep your nose open for mold.

Beyond that, every house is different. I wouldn’t have an issue doing what your trying to do. I’d probably just keep a door open when I was down there or something. I don’t have mold anymore, and humidity levels are good with the membrane, seal, and dehumidifier.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

He doesn’t even lie as far as I’m concerned.

“Were gon be shitty and tribal cuz muh nature”

deeneyhart , to Politics

@politics What do you folks think about throwing a former president in prison?

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

Let’s launch them into space in a massive tesla instead. All of them. Billionaires too. Well call it Fesh Start Initiative.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

Daytime reality TV drama following orange man’s prison escapades incoming. Just kidding, he won’t go to actual jail. More like a gated retirement home with all the perks.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think he’s gonna try to lie that much at this point, at least not lies meant to portray innocence . I think he’s gonna focus on outrage, riling up the whackos who think this behavior is acceptable and warranted. I imagine we’ll hear a lot about the usual stuff like “witch hunt”, “deep state”, etc. He’s gonna be pretty blatant about his motives cause he knows he’s got. He will attempt to incite violence and perhaps even squeak out a few whatabouts to try and drag a few other corrupt rich people down with him. I dunno, it’s gonna be interesting, sadly.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

It should really only be a stop gap while we handle the education bit of addiction, but that will never happen. And I mean from early education on. Give kids useful lessons like critical thinking, mindfulness, etc

I was addicted to fent. I am from east coast, and hung out in shooting galleries, tent cities, bandos, you name it.

I watched people steal from passed out people. Picked my way through bodies. Watched multiple people get shot, and was caught up in a drive by where i had to dive behind a parked car. Robbed at gun point, knife point, arrested a bunch, served a little time, went to rehab. I don’t miss that life at all.

I am an advocate for criminal justice reform all the way, especially decriminalization of drugs. But tbh, I would have never gotten clean without jail and rehab. The jail part was unnecessary imo. I just needed a chance. Any chance to break the cycle of addiction. I was a semi functioning addict, barely, and sometimes not at all. I had people that cared for me though…and many of these people can’t say the same. I probably would have never checked myself into rehab, but I was also poor and couldn’t afford to not do drugs, so i could function for work to survive. No health insurance either. I think it would be OK to arrest people for a light sentence and not strap em with acriminal history afterwards… but the justice system is really archaic and absolutely fucked ime. Once these people get out, there ain’t shit. No job. No housing. No one and nothing but drugs, police harassment and back to jail, cause once the hooks are in, the legal system doesn’t let go. These poor people are $$$ to it.

I don’t rely know how we should handle the problem, but I think decriminalization, even to the point of manufacturing pharmaceutical grade drugs for consumption, while offering rehab, housing, and support will go a long way in easing the suffering, and getting people on a different track. I think alot of the drug culture in America comes from the fact it is illegal as well. It is romanticized in some areas, namely large areas surrounding open air markets.

Tbh it’s all just a by product of the larger system. It’s a feature of our greedy society. People seek an escape from their shitty existence where money is God, and money is then made off the problem on multiple fronts. Pharmaceutical companies pumping out methadone, suboxone, for profit prisons, for profit legal system, keeps cops busy, and it gives a platform to politicians, all while gutting specific populations and classes.

The smartest people I’ve met in my life were in a real bad way. They’d mean trouble in society quite frankly. Not in a bad way. I don’t know. I just felt like ranting.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

The principals of capitalism align with their interests and perhaps their swing that direction could be seem as a defense mechanism against their better nature and any sort of guilt associated with their, what i consider, morally corupt actions.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a requirement for people to suffer for others to get ahead. It’s the entire basis of our economy and given the unsustainable population, it’s only going to get worse. Like much much worse. The redistribution of wealth would probably take a war tbh. There’s a ton of people who just don’t care, or have been indoctrinated to believe they deserve to suffer. No one wants to fight a war. We maintain status quo until the earth kicks us off. And we’re left with sustainable population.

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

I’m making that point exactly. Why aren’t we?

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