Taringano ,

Hmmm where does public service build wind turbines?

jcdenton ,
@jcdenton@lemy.lol avatar

Define the rich

bullant ,

100% they mean average working class families. We all know the real rich donā€™t pay proper taxes

MiddleWeigh ,
@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

Iā€™ve been working at a rich ladies house the last few weeks.

If you used her money to feed an entire town for a month, she wouldnā€™t even know.

dipshit ,
@dipshit@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing better than taking rich peopleā€™s money!

berot3 ,

Thatā€™s right, @dipshit

workerONE , (edited )

Federal government spending is not funded by taxes. When the federal government spends, it credits accounts with the press of a keystroke, creating money from nothing. The federal government issues money by spending and destroys money by collecting taxes. medium.com/ā€¦/on-the-role-of-taxes-mmt-707fb4b3b80ā€¦

psycho_driver ,

I left a private sector job where I did increasingly evil things for a good amount of money for a public works job where Iā€™m doing something beneficial to society. I have to work a shit-ton of OT to make the same money but the OT is there for the working and I ultimately maybe work a hair more than I used to in my salary position.

chicagohuman ,

Living the ducking dream man, have at it!

doppelgangmember ,

Stop it youā€™re starting to tax me šŸ˜œ

bob_wiley ,
@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • sebinspace ,

    There are some thing that will always be dangerous and thereā€™s nothing that can be done to mitigate risks. See also: linemen. Electricity is pretty goddam indifferent.

    However, if your union was not helping at all, then you need to have a word with union leadership or, maybe, replace them :)

    unfreeradical , (edited )
    @unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

    There are very few guarantees ever.

    Not having a union guarantees having no power when the bosses stomp their boots over the faces of workers.

    A union is just workers agreeing and organizing among themselves that they prefer to fight back. United we can build the power we need to make meaningful advances.

    There is no reason simply to let the bosses take whatever they want just because no one tried to stop them.

    JokeDeity ,

    Shit man, hiring?

    thorbot ,

    Piss man, is not hiring

    RoryButlerMusic ,

    I have a public service job.

    Canā€™t afford to live, get shouted at by callers irrelevant to my role each day just cos I am at a phone, canā€™t work from home despite the whole organisation doing so, higher paid people throw their workload at me cos they donā€™t want to do it.

    Feels no different from when i was in the private sector really.

    GBU_28 ,

    No offense due but I hope youā€™re interviewing

    RoryButlerMusic ,

    Looking, not much on the market right now, but itā€™s a process I suppose!

    atetulo ,

    Canā€™t afford to live

    At what quality of life?

    I find it hard to believe you have a public service job that canā€™t pay for your peanut butter sandwiches and basic vegetables to stay alive.

    kofe ,

    Lol damn, God forbid someone want more out of life than scraping by getting basic needs barely met. Iā€™ve been looking around while in school, and plenty of jobs are still paying $15-19/hr. That is barely enough to get by, depending where you live and rent may not even be enough, let alone take a vacation once a year or even think of raising a family.

    atetulo ,

    What do you mean? You used the word ā€˜needā€™ and now youā€™re changing it to ā€˜wants.ā€™

    Why not just use the proper terminology in the first place? Why are you conflating needs with wants?

    kofe ,

    Itā€™s both. Humans need breaks, vacations, etc. I may want to take a vacation to South America but would settle for somewhere North, though.

    atetulo ,

    Humans need breaks, vacations, etc.

    Woah woah woah. Breaks and vacations are very different things.

    Itā€™s funny watching you people conflate needs and wants just like breaks and vacations, lol.

    You really need to brush up on your vocabulary!

    TheBeege ,

    Youā€™re arguing semantics while the intention is clear. Quit being pedantic.

    In our parentsā€™ generationā€™s time, a public service job could fund a house, two kids, and annual vacations. We want that, or even more since weā€™re significantly more productive since those days. A job used to give us needs and a good amount of wants. Conflating the two in this context, while not perfectly precise, is irrelevant.

    atetulo , (edited )

    Needs and wants are different things and should be described as such.

    TheBeege , (edited )

    If Iā€™m talking about liking red cars then point to a car, and you say, ā€œthatā€™s not red, thatā€™s mauve,ā€ youā€™re being an ass.

    If weā€™re shopping for paint together, and i say ā€œi like this red,ā€ and you reply, ā€œi think thatā€™s mauve,ā€ youā€™re trying to be specific in our communication about a common task.

    Right now, weā€™re talking about cars. Chill out

    atetulo ,

    What are you talking about?

    Needs and wants are not like colors, lol. What a terrible analogy that only a moron would take seriously.

    Youā€™re putting yourself through mental gymnastics to try and change the meanings of words to suit your agenda.

    Iā€™m gonna block you now. I can tell people like you arenā€™t worth dealing with.

    kofe ,

    Please do explain the difference, then, between why breaks are necessary but vacations shouldnā€™t be? You do realize study after study shows that 24-30 hour work weeks provide the most productivity? That family leave, healthcare, paid time off etc is associated with the happiest citizens? Is increased well-being not necessary in your worldview?

    atetulo ,

    between why breaks are necessary but vacations shouldnā€™t be?

    One is literally necessary for survival while the other isnā€™t. This is the difference between a ā€˜needā€™ and a ā€˜want.ā€™

    Is increased well-being not necessary in your worldview?

    Considering how many people are able to live a significantly lower quality of life than what youā€™re advocating for, no. Itā€™s not a ā€˜need.ā€™ Itā€™s a ā€˜want.ā€™ Thereā€™s no limit to ā€˜increased well being.ā€™ There is a limit to what the human body can take before it can no longer go on living.

    Might want to brush up on your vocabulary. This is a pretty simple concept that even 2nd graders have no problem understanding.

    kofe ,

    Yeah, second graders get longer vacations than I do, interesting ainā€™t it. Maybe you need one cuz your brain seems to be working overtime to justify people suffering.

    atetulo ,

    Iā€™m not justifying anyone suffering.

    Iā€™m educating adults on the difference between needs and wants because they have the vocabulary of a pre-schooler.

    Apparently the reading comprehension, too. Lol.

    kofe ,

    Keep insulting people that are suffering, really must do you a lot of favors when youā€™re talking to someone in person.

    atetulo ,

    Man, you just donā€™t quit do you.

    Gonna block you now. You clearly need more life experience to be taken seriously. Lol.

    kofe ,

    I need a vacation, you might say? Or do you need me to work hard enough by your standards to earn it? You havenā€™t even seen my resume. Sorry you canā€™t handle criticism.

    RoryButlerMusic ,

    The wording was a tad dramatic.

    I can afford to eat. But I canā€™t afford housing and any enjoyment comes with guilt from knowing itll have a knock on effect to my finances. Iā€™m living with a parent (who similarly struggles to pay bills)

    Itā€™s more a case of finding it hard to hit the bills and not being able to see a future where Iā€™m comfortable.

    Iā€™d say itā€™s mostly due to the cost of living rather than the pay. 10 years ago Iā€™d be doing quite well, but the pay grades havenā€™t changed to meet inflation or accommodate for the high cost of living.

    Zaphod ,

    I keep reading unionized as un-ionizedā€¦

    Steve ,
    @Steve@communick.news avatar

    I think youā€™re thinking of deionized.

    sebinspace ,

    First rule of English: learn every word

    Second rule of English: Consistency is one of those words

    Third rule of English: Consistency does not apply to English

    RagingNerdoholic ,

    A facebook meme that isnā€™t nuclear waste level toxic dogshit? Either this is breaking my brain or Iā€™m misinterpreting it.

    unfreeradical ,
    @unfreeradical@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel you have a very low bar.

    I am really tiring of the shitposts

    BanditMcDougal ,

    Taxes from the middle class. Ftfy.

    dudinax ,

    Might not be American.

    A_Toasty_Strudel ,
    @A_Toasty_Strudel@lemmy.world avatar

    Bout to say. We barely have a middle class in the US anymore. Lol

    aidan ,

    The US taxes the middle class some of the least in the world.

    some_guy ,

    Iā€™ll take, ā€œThings that will never happen,ā€ for 200, Alex.

    ieightpi ,

    Mind elaborating on this rich tax? Iā€™m honestly curious but also feeling skeptical. Iā€™m starting to think this is just a joke since itā€™s in meme form.

    ScrotusMaximus ,

    A grant (taxpayer money) funded company creating jobs that will eventually run out of money while having the double benefit of poors feeling empowered and forgetting/not caring who is siphoning off the value of the company slowly.

    Context: https://lemmy.ninja/comment/2180478

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