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No1RivenFucker ,

There’s a large portion of the left that just absolutely loathes the idea that someone might not perfectly fall in line, and thus brands everyone who they disagree with as some right wing psyop

No1RivenFucker ,

Why is it a problem that she’s not just hostile towards the right? Is leftism an obligation in your eyes?

No1RivenFucker ,

I’m drawing a compromise with the argument that she makes content that dogwhistles right wing talking points.

Compromise is only valuable when the positions the compromise seeks to find ground between are both equally honest positions. And calling her “right wing dogwhistle content” is anything but. It’s just a dishonest excuse to discredit her for not perfectly riding the approved narrative. And just to add onto it, the guy who posted the video was immediately banned for it. Compromise isn’t the goal it seems. It’s to throw out and discredit dissent.

Leftism isnt an obligation, no, but we are on solarpunk

No, we’re on Just because the mod is on solar punk, it doesn’t mean that the community is. And makes no claims of being a leftist instance, just a Canadian one.

No1RivenFucker ,

For how much you hate her, you are as hell haven’t leveled a single actual point against her other than generic shit talking. Surely you can actually point to specific issues, no?

No1RivenFucker ,

This is a 45 minute long video. Post a tldw

NYT Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Marrying? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. (Gift Link) ( )

This is a tough piece, one that I share without fully endorsing. It lays out the problems that women experience with some men, like that men are not getting college degrees at the same rate as women or the lack of emotional modelling provided to boys and young men:...

No1RivenFucker ,

Jesus, how many panels in before someone would think “maybe this should just be a written piece”. The comic format does it no favors whatsoever

No1RivenFucker ,

I’m sure there’s people out there that this is genuinely great advice for, but at least from my perspective, it just reads like an extremely long way to say almost nothing. “be out there and be confident” is like the most basic possible dating advice, ever, and is really only useful if you’re completely off track on things. And to some extent, I feel like the article did itself a disservice by making it entirely gender neutral, because like it or not, society still tends to be highly gendered, and the problems people face in dating tend to be different along gendered lines.

No1RivenFucker ,

It’s like the “have you tried restarting your computer” of dating. It’s the most basic possible piece of advice. To that end, most people have heard it tons of times, especially if they’re in the market for dating advice. It’s not bad advice, just not anything special.

No1RivenFucker ,

No, but there’s absolutely good advice to be had.

No1RivenFucker ,

I agree there’s no perfect universal advice, but that doesn’t mean advice shouldn’t be given, just that it should be more tailored.

No1RivenFucker ,

This video is over an hour long. At least hit a mild tl;dw, if nothing else.

No1RivenFucker ,

I don’t mind a video essay every now and then, but I’m certainly not watching one that I don’t already reasonably know I’ll like

No1RivenFucker ,

Or women could just lower their standards if they don’t think anyone is good enough for them. That’s basically what men have been told for ages, that women don’t need to go about changing themselves to meet the standards of men. Surely the same operates in reverse, no? If women don’t like their prospects, they can either lower their bar or stay single since men don’t need to change themselves to please women?

No1RivenFucker ,

I would hesitate to draw conclusions from something like that. Both me and a lot of the other men I know just flat out skipped basically every assignment like that if it didn’t give enough points to be worth the effort, from middle school up through college.

Beyond that, it just seems like a shitty assignment as a whole. Because either a) it’s done under an assumption that their day as the opposite sex would be spontaneous, and thus would have very few relevant differences from their normal days (and we can easily guess those differences) or b) it’s done under an assumption of having always been the opposite sex, in which case it would just be an exercise in the butterfly effect, since huge amounts of things would be different, to the point that any generic hypothetical day would work.

All this is to say, it’s a prime assignment for skipping

No1RivenFucker ,

The problem here isn’t that they have unattainable standards, it’s that a lot of men aren’t putting in effort to meet those basic standards, for whatever reason.

Are men obligated to meet those standards if they have no interest in doing so? Men don’t just exist for the sake of giving women someone to date, after all. And while the article was (I hesitate to say intentionally) vague about specifics, one thing it mentioned multiple times was holding a college degree. It’s hardly what I’d call “basic standards”, considering it takes a huge amount of time, and a fair deal of money to achieve. Of all the men I’ve talked with, myself included, that “standard” doesn’t seem to be prevalent, with the closest thing being “I guess it would be cool”.

At what point does the principle of “if everywhere you go smells like shit” start applying to these women who date but seem to never find a man that meet their standards? It only seems reasonable if nobody meets the standards, that the standards may be a major part of the issue.

And I don’t mean to say that women should just settle for men they don’t like, but “just stay single” is always an option, one men are told repeatedly whenever they struggle with relationships.

No1RivenFucker ,

Ultimately it seems like a complicated issue that isn’t going to be fixed with one simple solution

Now this I agree with wholeheartedly. My primary issue with the article is that it takes a grievance mindset rather than a problem solving one. It just reads like the women’s equivalent of some incel rant, in the sense that it externalizes the issue such that it’s always someone else’s responsibility to do something about, which doesn’t help solve anything.

No1RivenFucker ,

I mean it makes sense. Feminism has become quite the loaded term as of recent, and young people are going to be a lot more distanced from the earlier wages of feminism.

No1RivenFucker ,

Not even getting into substantive issues, the people who loudly proclaim their feminism online are usually total fucking jackasses since honest people see little need to hide behind the concept of “feminism”, as if it’s a shield against criticism.

Overall, a more substantive survey would just be better. Or really anything beyond “self ID with a broad and contentious label”.

No1RivenFucker ,

Not really, no. People aren’t working off some master database of language that pushes updates out universally. They’re working from their own understanding based on their own life experiences. Someone born in 1973 will have a very different socialization and bundle of personal experiences than someone born in 2002.

No1RivenFucker ,

True. Obviously we all know that never happens

No1RivenFucker ,

Awful take. Parents don’t need to be 24/7 surveilling their kids.

No1RivenFucker ,

Articles like this suck. They contribute absolutely nothing to discussion by just saying “well, other people also have problems too”, without even attempting to suggest any direction where a solution is.

No1RivenFucker ,

Context and empathy doesn’t fix anything

No1RivenFucker ,

Not putting up with bullshit just because it might hurt someone’s feelings, for one.

No1RivenFucker ,

Ahh, yes. The only possible reason I could want to make progress is because it’s edgy. How about you go somewhere else if you’re only interested in dismissing everything out of hand

No1RivenFucker ,

The problem is that the article doesn’t really have anything to say beyond the title of this post. Just a whole lot of padding and rambling to make an entire article out of a two line idea. It doesn’t go into anything resembling what the premise would look like in the real world, nor does it build up reasoning for it beyond just “some people thought of this”.

No1RivenFucker ,

Overall, I’ve just been vibing, though I ended up blowing the vacation day I took on Friday basically just having an identity crisis and playing games. Guess I’ll just check out the restaurant I had wanted to hit up next week. Glad I was able to get everything resolved before going back to work, but damn a wasted Friday always sucks.

No1RivenFucker ,

You’re not really wrong, I just would have rather done anything more enjoyable. Without getting into personal details, it was just the accidental resurgence of some bad blood with someone I was friends with years ago, solely just because we accidentally ended up in a matchmade game together.

No1RivenFucker ,

Looking back, I’m really glady middle and high schools made participation in extracurricular sports a requirement, even though I hated it at the time. Because even though I felt like the lazy slob compared to a lot of the people on other teams we played, once I got to college and beyond, especially considering I’m in a technical field, I realized that I was actually fairly athletic, relatively speaking, and had an inflated idea of what most people did.

No1RivenFucker ,

And I didn’t plan on stopping eating those either

No1RivenFucker ,

Most modern social “science” papers are just “people I agree with are actually just superior people, and everyone I disagree with is stupid and dumb”, with the most blatant statistics fuckery on earth

No1RivenFucker ,

Seems like they use a lot of money for very little effect on this. I mean, 700k in government money and 60k/year budget, and they get less impressions on their content than my second favorite pokemon showdown YouTuber? Seems like they either have shitty content nobody actually cares to watch, or there’s a lot of $$$ going into people’s pockets at the top.

And looking at their content, it’s obvious why. It’s the most fucking corporate activist looking garbage ever. Like 90% of it just redirects back to their website, which nobody likes, regardless of who posts it. In addition they have a non-existent post schedule, with only two in 2023. Nobody on earth is going to organically discover and interact with their message in a meaningful way except for their own crowd of activists, who they don’t need to reach in the first place. Overall, it just feels like out of touch activists who would rather keep their target audience at arms reach while sitting around talking up how great they are.

As a whole, they really need to shift to a much more human-first approach. While it’s contradictory to say they need to try and be organic and in the community, it’s ultimately what they would need to do to be successful. Because nobody just goes and looks for bland corporate content. There’s a reason opera gx has significantly more impressions on twitter X than Google Chrome, despite the latter being a far more successful product.

No1RivenFucker ,

Y’know, I’m not one for victim blaming, but you’re not the brightest bulb if a you get recruited by a literal comic book henchman

No1RivenFucker ,

Looking through that paper, it’s not something to be held up as a particularly good source. I don’t disagree with the conclusion, but it feels like it was written not necessarily with the intent to create this conclusion in particular, but definitely to create a conclusion that makes a good headline.

No1RivenFucker ,

Yeah, I made it about as far as you did.

No1RivenFucker ,

My guy out here profiling streamers 💀

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