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Thorned_Rose ,

Steam Deck is modified Arch with KDE desktop so probably not beginner friendly.

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  • Thorned_Rose ,

    Probably because normally there's a huge financial and social disparity between shoe shiners and the people getting their shoes done. Classism is a learned behaviour so it's disconcerting and unpleasant seeing such young children who wouldn't yet understand classism behaving in discriminatory or prejudiced/internalised oppression behaviours.

    Additionally the shoes shining child has dark hair and is wearing what appears to be a fez/tarboush whereas the child getting their shoes shined is blonde - which brings to mind social disparaties between white people and POC/colonialism and could be seen as enforcing racist stereotypes, again in young children who wouldn't normally have any sense of this sort discrimination.

    Tl;DR: It provokes a juxtaposition of innocent children against adult behaviours that involve classism, racism and colonialism.

    It's like the Uncanny Valley of classis, racism and colonialism - it illicits feelings of discomfort but you can't entirely put your finger on why.

    Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive ( )

    I got an invite code and so spent a bit of time browsing around because I'd heard good things about it. But I was surprised at how basic and non-diverse it all is. The forums are preset and are very generic. The conversations are definitely better than Reddit, but no better or worse than the ones I've had with people on Fedi....

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I thought you were being facetious calling the admin, Δεῖμος. Like implying the Tilde admin rules with such an iron first he instills god-like levels of dread in users. And then I discover the admin's username is indeed Deimos 😅

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Exactly this. I often browse the interwebs while waiting for updates to finish. If Firefox gets updated, it'll prompt me to restart it.

    Not sure ht the big deal is here. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Thorned_Rose ,

    But if the program isn't restarted then it could become unstable or crash. You shouldn't really have any software running while doing updates anyway. I browse the web knowing that I'll need to restart Firefox so I never do anything of import while waiting.

    How do I make a Plasma panel completely transparent? ( )

    So I've loved the minimalist aesthetic of Elementary's Pantheon desktop for a long time now. I even ran Pantheon (on Arch) for a long time but eventually the quirks and bugs got to me and I ditched it. I've now been using KDE for several years but still sometimes get the itch for that aesthetic again....

    Thorned_Rose OP , (edited )

    I tried that. Unfortunately it doesn't play nice with adaptive transparency and makes the panel transparent all the time, so even when a window is maximised its still transparent. 😞

    Thorned_Rose OP ,

    Thanks for helping. I've already tried putting the blur all the way down (and fiddling with the noise, no idea what it does either) - the screenshots in my post are both with blur at 0 :( Also means my logout screen isn't blurred properly and the icons are harder to see over the background.

    My panel opacity is set to "Adaptive" so that it turns opaque with maximised windows. Even if I set it to be "Translucent", it's looks the same as it is in my screenshots.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    What's wrong with being a communist?

    A filthy hippy socialist witch.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    We have a Loki cat too. Can confirm that cats named Loki are indeed mischievous tricksters.

    On Coining a New Term ( )

    Edit: alright I'm sticking this up here because a number of people seem confused--this post isn't trying to convince you that "fediverse" is a bad term--rather it's a discussion of why I think "threadiverse" is a good umbrella term, for the forum-based part of the fediverse specifically. (lemmy+kbin)...

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Huh, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Seems kinda cynical but then I remember I fucking Facebook and that's not a cynical idea, but rather a very plausible one.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I was confused with the section showing awards when an email just went out saying Reddit are ditching awards. But if this is indeed from two years ago, that would make sense.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    If this is indeed new and not from 2021,I'm waiting for Reddit to implement about 10% of it badly and then make promises about the rest for another 5+ years.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Reminds me of someone I knew who had a cat that would repeatedly and randomly just turn up in their house and be all like, I live here, you're my humans. They would post photos of the cat with nothing but the hashtag but I ALWAYS read it as No Tour Cat. Was it like a musician cat that could never get any tours? Confused the hell out of me until I got the backstory NOT OUR CAT. 😅😹

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Do they share the orange braincell or take turns?

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I wouldn't trust Microsoft as far as I could kick them with their long history of EEE

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Our orange is the same. You'll barely see her during the warmer months unless it's breakfast/dinner time. Even in winter she still stays outside (WHY?? HOW???) but this winter (we're in the Southern Hemisphere) has been especially wet and miserable so it's been nice that she's been choosing to stay inside more 😻

    Thorned_Rose ,

    It wouldn't surprise me if the popularity was artificially inflated. Social media has known for a while now that encouraging outrage drives views and clicks. Coupled with Reddit using bots when it was first up to artificially populate the site, there has probably always been some bullshittery going on, it's just become more obvious now. I unsubbed to subs like r/facepalm and all the other rage generating subs because they were having a detrimental effect on my mental health and because it was obvious they were encouraging and driving outrage for clicks.

    Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. ( )

    It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my...

    Thorned_Rose ,

    The user Mutant seem to be going around various communities to either vent their misplaced rage or cause shit. Or maybe both. Check out their comment history. Then feel free to block them.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I feel like the patiently needs some suspicious quotes - "patiently"

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Thank you! The paywall bypass link OP provided didn't work for me with a "secure connection failed" error.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    Gees, the Admins aren't very smart. Least they could have done is go buy some karma farmed accounts and use those self-respecting bot spammers do.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I totally hear you that comments like this can feel insensitive of people who have been abused. I'm an abuse survivor so I get where you're coming from and appreciate your intent.

    What I disagree with is that we shouldn't make this comparison at all. The same relational dynamics and structures that give rise to mental, emotional, physical, sexual, etc. abuse and exploitation give rise to this behaviour too.

    It's like the pyramid of rape culture ( The stuff at the bottom isn't one for one equal to what's up the top. But the underlying structure and foundations are the same no matter how far up you go.

    The same as any form of abuse, no matter how big or small, is underpinned by the same thought patterns, behaviours, power dynamics, culture, societal attitudes and practices, etc.

    EDIT: removed preview of pyramid so no one gets smacked in the face with unpleasant descriptions scrolling down. Typos.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I would drop kick FB in a heart beat if it wasn't for that shitty platform being my only means of communication with some family and friends. WTF happened to email and phone calls/txt jesus.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I wish I could do that. But I'm disabled which is isolating by itself but also makes maintaining friendships difficult let alone making new friends.

    So unfortunately the few friends I do have are firmly entrenched in FB and I have little recourse to make more friends. They're good people. Genuinely good people so I don't want to ditch them anyway, they've just been wicked into social media addiction and entrapment the same way many have been.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I had to stop posting photos of me feeding my baby on FB (even when you couldn't see shit or only a tiny bit of skin) because I would ALWAYS get random creeps PMing me.

    I'm also an admin in a pregnancy/birth group and I constantly have to block scody arseholes from trying to join. It gets depressing sometimes. I can only imagine what r/breastfeeding mods have to endure to keep the community safe.

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