not the country or the triangle :)

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bermuda , (edited )

All the more reason to hate the Supreme Court, I say. They’re a corrupt, miserable institution that rarely accurately reflects the American consciousness. Their only saving grace is the few times they have.

Also Supreme Court precedent will be the death of us all.

bermuda ,

Otherwise, states like Kentucky, Arkansas, and Alabama would kick Democratic candidates off the ballot non-stop.

I’m sorry, did I miss the part where Democratic candidates incited an insurrection against the Capitol?

‘I’m not ready, brother’: US man to be put to death months after botched execution attempt ( )

Kenneth Smith, 58, is facing execution by an untested method that has never before been used in capital punishment in the US. It’s a technique that has been rejected on ethical grounds by veterinarians for the euthanasia of most animals other than pigs: death by nitrogen gas.

bermuda ,

Well that and a large majority of medical corporations refuse to provide their drugs for this purpose. That was one of the main reasons the “lethal injection cocktail” kept changing, because companies found out their drugs were in it and took legal action.

bermuda ,

Hot take, maybe we shouldn’t do state sponsored execution if they’re so easy to botch huh

bermuda ,

How bout the state just not kill people

Your Sci-Fi suggestions

I haven’t had any luck in finding sci-fi books recently. I’m looking for a longer story that takes its time to establish the world/universe and the characters living in it. I like the idea of exploring space or futuristic cities/landscapes and being on a journey together with the protagonist. The story doesn’t have to have...

bermuda , (edited )

Asimov’s Foundation series is pretty solid. Mostly the same main character for a few of them and then it’s his relatives / friends for the rest. Lots of “space politics” very similar to Dune but with a little less war and more science adventuring. I especially liked the first book in the series. The prequels are good but not required reading. It’s one trilogy with two prequels and two sequels released decades later.

edit: I also strongly recommend “The World at the End of Time,” which has a couple narratives intertwined but is mostly about one man who gets cryogenically frozen a couple times. Very adventurous and pretty sad. Lots of speculative future visions in that one.

bermuda OP ,

I don’t think I can post the video here but it’s floating around. Only 7 seconds long but yeah it is what it says on the tin. Sex tape in senate hearing room.

bermuda OP ,

I know right?

He then went on linkedin claiming it was all fake and that people were “attacking him for who he loved.” I’m sure some people were attacking him for being gay but I think most were attacking him for having sex in the senate hearing room.

How to get cigarette smell out of my apartment?

So my roommate is a habitual cigarette smoker. He doesn’t smoke indoors (thankfully) but he does smoke about every other night outdoors. I don’t think he realizes that when he’s done smoking the smell sort of… lingers on him and his clothes. Last night after he was done he was in the kitchen for a bit cooking. I came in...

bermuda ,

I think they all look nice but some of them are definitely a bit too maximalist. Don’t have to represent everything. I like submission personally

Americans are confused, frustrated by new tipping culture, study finds ( )

It’s gotten rather absurd. If my interaction is with a kiosk short of being handed something, it’s an insulting extra step. I’m already paying the price for my employer’s pay scale … I can’t take on someone else’s stinginess....

bermuda ,

I work as a delivery driver (NOT gig work, hired by my company directly) in a city in a state that pays me a living minimum wage plus a living mileage. What confuses me the most is how pissy my coworkers get about non-tippers. Shaking their drinks, dropping their food, getting all huffy.

I literally don’t care. Some nights have been horrific nights with 4 dollars total in tips, but I think most nights I end up with 30 to 50 anyway just because of tip culture.

bermuda ,

earth is about 4.5 billion years old so 1 year is pretty new

bermuda ,

It’s not a lot like saying that at all.

bermuda ,

Being argumentative is only going to help contribute into making lemmy another reddit. Many, many of us left reddit to escape these vitriolic violent comment threads that were so pervasive on the platform. It’s obvious that you’re passionate about your beliefs and I’m not trying to tell you to stop being passionate, but I don’t think really anybody enjoys seeing this platform becoming like that one.

bermuda , (edited )

I think it might be different for dating results, but as a Gen Z member myself it’s more pervasive in just general friend group culture. People don’t like to include others that have different phones than them, especially if the group is iPhone and the outsider is android. I have an android currently and it’s actually pretty frustrating. People will get genuinely upset at me that I don’t have an iPhone, or if I ask for a phone charger at a get-together, nobody in the building has USB-C.

On the one hand it is seen as a status symbol but on the other hand it’s seen as a symbol that you’re a real member of Gen Z.

For a lot of my peers, the person they date never belongs to their “friend group,” so it makes sense that they wouldn’t consider it as mattering as much for a partner as it does for the group of friends.

edit: a good analogy I think is that gen z’s look at phone ownership the same way a lot of car people look at owning a prius. They’re good enough cars with great mileage and a whole host of perfectly fine features, but if you own one then you just cannot belong to the in-group.

bermuda ,

I could your insults violent as a metaphor. Calling somebody a dumbfuck doesn’t solve anything and, like I said, helps contribute to this space becoming like reddit was at its worst.

Have you said anything to the violence supporters in this thread?

No and it’s pretty clear to me that you simply don’t understand why. The people that you think are “violence supporters” are at least talking in the thread like normal rational people. It’s perfectly okay to not like people! What’s not okay is acting like a five year old and having a meltdown over what you perceive that they support, as well as insulting them multiple times. You seriously need to take a step back and see that you are the problem in this thread. You might not like what the person you were responding to said, but at least they said it like a grown adult.

This conversation is over and you’re being blocked because I think it’s pretty clear that your comments aren’t contributing anything of value to this website. Come back when you’re able to talk to other people without sounding drunk.

Army Corps of Engineers to barge 36 million gallons of freshwater a day as saltwater intrusion threatens New Orleans-area drinking water | CNN ( )

The US Army Corps of Engineers is planning to barge 36 million gallons of freshwater daily into the lower Mississippi River near New Orleans as saltwater intrusion from the Gulf of Mexico continues to threaten drinking water supply, officials said Friday....

bermuda ,

Continents is a bit of a stretch, but we can and have done this in the past just like with oil. Look up the Great Man-Made River project in Libya, which supplies freshwater from deep in the desert aquifers to cities along the coast, or the LA’s multiple aqueducts which supply water from various sources hundreds of miles away. There’s also the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, which supplies water from the coast of Australia inland.

bermuda ,

what I never got is why golfers and golf course management companies are obsessed with sticking their courses right in the middle of cities. It makes sense that they’d want it to be easy to travel to the course. But golf originated as a rural game that people played on the treeless rolling hills of eastern Scotland. So, why not continue that? There’s plenty of space available outside cities, especially in the US, and to me it just makes sense to put golf courses there.

Like there’s a golf course right in the middle of the town I live in and it’s just such a nuisance for everybody. It’s next to a freeway too so I can’t imagine it’s very pleasant to play on it. It blocks so many roads and is right in the middle of an area that is almost overflowing with housing necessity. There’s another one that serves my town but it’s on the outskirts, probably a 20 minute drive or 45 minutes by bus. As far as I can tell, it’s never really upset anybody, not nearly as much as the one right in the middle.

bermuda ,

When I read “escaped” I figured it would be one of those “in the dead of night things” but that GIF is wild! “crab walk” is a great way of putting it

He pushed through two installations of razor wire, some of which was put in after another inmate escaped by the same route in May,

Well that’s embarrassing.

bermuda ,

Sources online have said he’s 5’0 (~152 cm) and 120 lbs (54 kg) so he’s a really tiny guy. I can definitely see him squeezing through the gaps in razor wire.

bermuda ,

and it’s been accused of producing content that functions “as dog whistles to the extreme right.”

A lot of it’s not even a dogwhistle. A lot of their content is extreme right.

bermuda ,

As a current college student, I think a lot of this has to also do with teachers and our schools also having this mindset and even actually giving us basically job training. On the one hand it makes sense; If you’re getting a degree in graphic design, you might as well learn Illustrator. But on the other hand, it communicates to, say, graphic design students that their degrees are “Illustrator Degrees” instead of “Graphic Design degrees.” I don’t want to generalize too broadly, but I’ve definitely seen it where if you give a student these types of classes, they start to disregard the theoretical or even the “knowledge base” classes in favor of “here’s what you’ll be doing in 2 years” classes.

bermuda ,

It’s so difficult to argue for a better prison system too, because a lot of people seem to think you’re siding with the prisoners.

bermuda ,

I’m saying people will say absurd things like “so you think it’s okay to murder people?” I have genuinely had people ask me that when I complained about our inhumane prison system.

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