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chronicledmonocle , (edited )

Meh. Looking forward to this show dying and making way for the good, new Trek shows, like LD, SNW, and Picard’s Season 3 (sorta).

So tired of Michael Burnham and her stupid “Magical Burnham Problem Solving Mary-su Solution Express”. Really too bad, because Saru, Tilly, Georgiuo, Staments, Adira, and basically all of the other characters are REALLY interesting in this show. Unfortunately, they didn’t relegate Burnham’s character for being a “get out of writer’s block free card” to the background and that basically doomed it.

chronicledmonocle ,

Yeah the show would be so much better if they didn’t rely on Burnham as the “solver of all things”. Literally the first thing they do with her when she walks into Starfleet Command after the time jump is go “YO HAVE YOU TRIED THIS SOLUTION TO THE PRIONS?”. It’s like the writers can’t help themselves.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a stupid, uninspired speech that is a “These are the voyages” rip off at the end of the finale episode right before they inexplicably promote her to the Admiralty. It would be a fitting f*** you to end the show right in line with what the writers have done so far.

chronicledmonocle ,

What beef you got with Tilly?

chronicledmonocle ,

Pretty much. We paid for the damn infrastructure. It should be OURS.

chronicledmonocle ,

Honestly with the train wreck that was Seasons 1 and 2, going full fan service was about the only path forward for the last season. I liked Season 3, but it certainly was NOT original.

As for Lower Decks…brah…how is Lower Decks fan service? There are references and stuff, but its got its own vibe now going on.

chronicledmonocle ,

Season 3 wasn’t amazing, but it certainly wasn’t as awful as Seasons 1 and 2. The scene with the D reveal and the fighting inside the cube was pretty dope, but I’ll admit it was full fan service start to end.

Seasons 1 and 2 of Picard left me going “WTF how did this story make it out of the writer’s room with approval?” With some editing and reworking it COULD have been good…but it wasn’t.

And don’t get me started on Discovery. That show has been a Trainwreck forever.

chronicledmonocle ,

It definitely has some inside jokery going on and references to other shows, but I’d argue it’s more organically done than just calling it “fan service”. It’s also a comedy SciFi, so I feel like it has more leeway than I’d give most shows, though.

The show has progressively become it’s own thing as each season progresses, though.

chronicledmonocle ,

You know the old rule:




Pick two.

Define your priorities. Lol.

chronicledmonocle ,

I grew up with Star Trek Elite Force 1 and 2, Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates, Armada 1 and 2, and Bridge Commander. All excellent games that I played many, many hours of.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

chronicledmonocle ,

Well that episode was certainly…uh…something. Lol.

Don’t get me wrong I loved it, but in that “oh God it’s happening again” laughing my arse off kind of way.

Also, whoever wrote the lyrics to the first song “All Systems Stable” really made a banger.

chronicledmonocle ,

Dang, man…what a whiplash from last week’s episode. From slapstick funny to Siege of AR-558 in 10 seconds flat. LOL.

Excellent episode, though. I’ve got to say that M’Benga being basically a butcher was not something I expected.

chronicledmonocle ,

The Dominion/Borg/DS9 era of ships. The Akira, Steamrunner, Defiant, Prometheus, Sabre, and Sovereign are awesome (and the Galaxy even though that came earlier). It represented a reality check when Starfleet finally snapped out of complacency.

chronicledmonocle ,

The Defiant had a lot of issues due to it’s “lack of sticks” though.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x03 "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"

::: spoiler Logline La’An travels back in time to twenty-first-century Earth to prevent an attack which will alter humanity’s future history—and bring her face to face with her own contentious legacy. :::...

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