@lxskllr@mastodon.world cover

Dunno what I'm doing here. I'm a fan of federation, but not sure about microblogging. Trying see what's going on with Trek and arboriculture.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@ValueSubtracted @setsneedtofeed

It could go either way. Someone around here postulated they were proto changlings. That's pretty interesting. There's other cool ways to spin it, and lame ways also of course. Like all this stuff, I think "Ok, now what?". I hope what they come up with outweighs the fun mystery of the Breen.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


Heh... Yea, I forgot about that. Trek isn't always the best at consistency, or perfect logic. They could still pretend that never happened, or give some hand wavy explanation for why Kira and Dukat never mentioned what they look like.

It's out there now. I guess we'll see where it goes. I'm not upset. There's been worse design decisions in the franchise :^)

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


I've only yelled at my screen once, so that's a big improvement over previous seasons.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@ValueSubtracted @JWBananas

I'll go further and say I'm not in favor of remasters. I want everything original, low res warts and all. Tasteful enhancements don't really bother me much, but I'm just as happy with the original versions, and consider them a record of history.

Reflections on my first Star Trek Conference ( medium.com )

I went to the Star Trek Convention last week - it was my first time there and I had a blast. Overall a great experience and it’s safe to say I have some new friends that I’m looking forward to seeing again next year. At the same time, I found all of the cash-only photos and signatures with the actors to be pretty...

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@metaversemorgan @blewit

I've never been to a con, and likely never will, but it's a lot of work for an actor to be there. They take time out of their lives, have to be charming, and operate the assembly line of autographs on a multi day event. I'm not sure there's a clearly correct answer, but them being there is a real job with real work. Having them do it all gratis is a big ask.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@onehellofausername @sarsaparilyptus

I'm pretty cool with subpar episodes. They still add to the world, and give me something to watch with characters I enjoy. Of the series I like(almost all of them), there isn't a single episode I skip on rewatch. The "bad" ones bulk out the series and make it last longer.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


I recently completed all the official releases myself. I'm now working on the fan made movies/shows(give Star Trek Continues a shot. It's like TOS, and in some ways better). In general, I don't like any of the movies. They're ok, but I'd prefer they took the budgets, and made 10(or more!) tv episodes instead. I like more thought, and less action/effects. TAS was ok. The kitschy cartoon style is cool. I'm from the era, so it's nostalgic for me :^D

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@x4740N @ValueSubtracted

I don't like musicals either, and I enjoyed it. Adding an exception to "I've seen all of the $tv_series" is kind of lame. Maybe you won't like it, but it only takes an hour to find out. I've spent way worse hours in my life than watching a tv show I generally like with a dud episode.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


Pretty silly episode. I'm not a fan of musicals, and I was dubious going in, but it was fun. They managed to make it as good as a musical could be for my tastes. I'm happy it was made, and I'm happy to have seen it. That's about the highest praise I could give for something like this.

billmason , to Star Trek
@billmason@mastodon.social avatar

Charitybuzz: Lunch with Jonathan Frakes and Elizabeth Dennehy of Star Trek in LA

I presume this auction is out of the price range of many people, but I'm throwing it out there anyway.



lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@billmason @startrek

I like the idea in the abstract, but actually meeting them would make me extremely uncomfortable, and the anxiety would be no fun. Having it be a setup "thing" makes it all weird and awkward. If they randomly sat next to me at a bar or something, I could talk to them no problem.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


We'll see... Can't say I'm stoked, but maybe it'll be better than I anticipate. I'm not really a fan of musicals in the first place. I could count the ones I find 'acceptable' on one hand, and can only think of two atm. If it turns out merely 'acceptable' I'll be happy enough. Hopefully the actors had fun.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@fades @z3n0x
You won't get the motivation from me. I went from "Dunno bout this shit, but let's see where it goes" in s01 to yelling at my screen in every other season. I won't be watching s05. Life's too short for mindless completionism.

Some people like it. Maybe you're one of those people. There's no accounting for taste, and only you can decide.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@reddig33 @Tired8281 I'm fine with reusing stories/themes. There's only few blues songs, but remixing them still keeps me entertained.

I have zero complaints about SNW. I might rewrite some of it, and I also might screw them up by doing so. All I'm looking for is a good story with characters I like, and nitpicks aside, SNW is knocking it out of the park.

Would You Try New Pastimes If Star Trek Level Medical Care Was Available?

Star Trek’s level of medical care is far more advanced than today’s. As Beckett says in LD, “Doc will wave a light over it.” Yet, in Star Trek people aren’t shown doing hobbies and pastimes that are much different from what’s done now. Still, I wonder about differences in a society where people know they won’t be...

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@Nmyownworld Nothing I can think of. My hobby(arboriculture) is pretty dangerous. I just do my best to minimize risks.

A holodeck would be a game changer though. While perhaps not truly dangerous with safeties on, doing Worf's calisthenics program, or recreating historic battles where you meet on a field with sword and shield would be hugely fun and intimidating, even with the safety factor.

lxskllr , to Star Trek
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

Fan Made Shows/Movies?


Any particular shows people here like watching? I've seen Renegades and a few others. I'm currently in the middle of Phase II. The special effects impress me for the budgets involved, and the writing/acting makes me appreciate the professionals more :^P I don't want to shit on any of them though. The effort is solid, and they're still an enjoyable watch.

lxskllr OP ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


One thing I really notice is timing in the dialog. It's one of those 'I know it when I see it' things. I couldn't do any better if I were producing it, but I can see a clear difference between amateur and professional shows. It's hard to exactly put my finger on it, but they'll hold onto a shot, the dialog will lag by a little bit, and it doesn't land as well as it could.

lxskllr OP ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


Horizon was pretty good...


It has a weird hazy soft focus film style that I suspect is to make effects/backgrounds easier to produce. There was also a couple times I was confused, but it was a decent story and an enjoyable watch.

lxskllr OP ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@Reva @Corgana
"He looks just like Ted, the sysadmin from Xcorp"

"That's because that /is/ Ted, the sysadmin from Xcorp" :^D

I know what you mean. I think I could work with that though. It gives it a more true life representation of people doing their thing. When combined with the other "errors" though; it makes it harder... or something. Probably best to adjust expectations, and enjoy them for what they are. Homemade Trek is better than no Trek, so it's something new when nothing else is on

lxskllr OP ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


I finished Phase II New Voyages... I guess... There was one episode left, and apparently they got the smackdown from CBS, and it was never released. It was getting good too. Everything was tightening up, and they were finding their footing, per Star Trek tradition. It's a perversion of copyright law. Copyright is to ensure works get produced. A monopoly isn't the end goal. Not like these shows are real competition. If anything, they bolster the franchise.

lxskllr OP ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

I have that downloaded, but haven't read it yet.

I downloaded a bunch of stuff from youtube while waiting at the doctors, and I need to see what I got. I must have grabbed the wrong link, and started downloading the whole youtube channel that was linked above :^D

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@Acamon @BaroqueInMind

No problem starting with s03. There's very little continuity between seasons, and the parts that call back to earlier seasons are fleeting and non crucial. Each season can be watched out of order, but within seasons, they need to be watched serially.

FTR, I liked the whole series, but I'd have trouble recommending s01-02 generally.

rother_stuebs , to Star Trek
@rother_stuebs@mastodon.online avatar

@apps is it possible to subscribe to the timelin of a account (like @startrek with a lot of postings per day) using without having those postings flooding my personal timeline?

I'm worried to flood my personal timeline and on the other hand it is possible to put an instances timeline on a list without directly following it.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@rother_stuebs @apps @startrek

Mastodon 4.1.4 allows hiding list contents from home. The feed is disordered, and is sometimes lacking context, but I find it minimally workable.

(meta) Does anyone whose lemmy account is here notice missing comments/votes/etc on posts from other instances?

I prefer to use this instance as my primary, but I’ve noticed a lot of missing comments/votes/etc on posts from other instances. I’ll switch between this account and one on lemmy.world or Lemm.ee and notice that I’m not seeing all the activity. Does anyone know why?...

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


I'll make a reply sometimes from mastodon, and I don't know where it goes. Sometimes it shows up in a thread, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it's delayed. I don't have a good enough grip on this stuff to figure it out exactly, but I suspect it's a federation issue of some kind.

Getting into the nuts & bolts of how the federation scheme works would probably give some clues, but that's a lot of work.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@Betazed @Digital_Cam

I really hate the transparent consoles they use in new Trek. I would be so angry being forced to work on one those ~8 hours per day. How can you see anything with zero contrast and background disruptions?! Like trying to read a web page with a movie going on behind it.

My computer terminal is at 75% opacity just for the novelty and visuals, but it makes it harder to work with. I wouldn't have it if I were working in the terminal all day.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@Admin @BalooUriza

Yea, following the site in Mastodon is suboptimal. I'm kind of waiting to see how all this stuff shakes out. I don't like creating accounts everywhere, so I'm looking at kbin, lemmy, or just staying on mastodon. Depends on where the software goes.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


I'm used to painful browsing. I keep my systems pretty locked down, so I'm always twiddling knobs to see what I want. What I envision is a tabbed interface where I could have startrek.website in a non logged in tab, with my logged in mastodon acct in another. I click on the federation link in startrek, and it automatically populates my mastodon acct to make a reply. A cursory look at kbin looks like it might work like that, but I need to spend the time studying it.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar

@Nmyownworld @StillPaisleyCat

He swan dived off the cliff. Hard to come back from that, but nothing's impossible for Trek I guess.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


He's alright. No love, but no hate either. What bothered me most was the 'Leave it to Beaver' presentation in the early years.

lxskllr ,
@lxskllr@mastodon.world avatar


I realize I'm kind of a PITA with my idiosyncrasies, but I'd like you to consider a way of taking 'one and done' donations. I tend to avoid recurring automated subscriptions.

There might be others like me, and you could pickup a couple dollars here and there from one-offs.

I don't have a lemmy acct anywhere at this point, but I like what you're doing, and I spend time here, so I'd like to support you without making a commitment.

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