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passinglurker ,

They did it again TOS purists

spoileryou wanted a rubber suit, so they gave you a rubber suit.

passinglurker ,

One can hope the surviving snw crew get their own ship and show after pike gets the chair. Last thing I want is for them to follow the 1701 for so long that they start refilming TOS

Enterprise era new trek show?

I’m not sure if this is the right community or not, but I’m curious what y’all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of...

passinglurker ,

Yes, I need more ENT! The era had a unique semi-grounded scifi quality to it. But make it an animation so I don’t have to hear folks repeat “no more prequels!” and “where’s legacy!?” Ad nausium.

passinglurker ,

I’m in agreement that we can just have both, but I’m just thinking what’s the least confrontational way to get what I want. After all 3rd rule of acquisition “don’t pay more for an acquisition than you need to”.

billmason , to Star Trek avatar

First look at Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is out.

The Doctor/EHM returns, as does the Voyager-A. Inject it into my veins. 🙂


passinglurker ,

a refitted Intrepid-class and outfitted with technology Voyager gathered from her 7-year journey through the Delta Quadrant. It has 29 decks, 800+ crew and 2 schools, compared to Voyager’s 15 decks and 160 crew.

How do you fit 14 extra decks into a refit? with that many decks this ship would be the size of a sovereign class.

passinglurker ,

I don’t think that flies here. The Luna class and Neo-Connie have arguably similar internal volume so taking the bits out of a Luna could be enough to drive a Neo-Connie. Going from Intrepid sized to Sovereign sized though is a much bigger jump. Also I don’t see where you’re getting the word “refit” from in the first place? are you just assuming cause the ship is roughly intrepid shaped?

passinglurker ,

Obviously the Neo-Connie space frame is a new build due to its size but I don’t see how that stops them from reusing the warp core, warp coils, computer core, etc.

passinglurker ,

I see what you’re talking about, and don’t want to see them play so fast and loose with the notion as to take old noteworthy’s and heroships out of mothballs, triple the volume and call it a “refit” for nostalgia bait. But Trek does offer an interesting notion here that we don’t really have in real life in that there are core valuable parts of a ship more important and possibly more enduring than its hull. We don’t take reactors out of old aircraft carriers and submarines and drop them in new ships as some sort of legacy so the idea that it could arguably be done in star trek is novel.

passinglurker ,

Yes, that is what I was saying…

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

passinglurker ,

Maybe Pike keeps the ship’s environmental settings a little colder than the others, so nobody wants to free the knees

I dunno about nobody considering the recuring background andorians (give me slim blue men in skimpy minidresses you cowards!/s) clearly 23rd century fabric just breathes really well.

passinglurker ,

This timeline is Altered not AlternateThey did the same thing for First Contact, and ENT add just enough time travel to excuse not making the show into a history documentary yet none the less its considered part of the same story as everything that was made before but came later in the timeline.

passinglurker ,

You’re moving the goalposts asking for such explicits beyond what is reasonable. Why would they need to spell it out for you in an interview when they have the actors say “these events weren’t supposed to happen” repeatedly on screen? Are all viewers expected to familiarize themselves with every entertainment news article around and about a film or TV show in order to understand it? These things should be intuitive, and if what is intuitive isn’t the writer’s intent then that’s just a failure on the writer’s part.

passinglurker ,

Except total unaltering is impossible you can put the big history book events back into place (ie zefram cochrane invented the human iteration of warp drive) but the butterflies are still set loose (ie zefram cochrane was told about the enterprise-E by time travelers and was shown it through a telescope in order to gain his trust and cooperation, a century later a hitherto unmentioned ship of the same name and rough silhouette would be launched supplanting Dauntless as the name associated with the NX-01 registry.) Our time travelers don’t notice the differences when they return home because they are so far removed from the altered events that the fog of history essentially covers things up.

passinglurker ,

I’d take up that wager they used the same actor for zefram cochrane to do the traditional new series handoff, they cast him as involved in the NX-01’s multi decade development program before he disappeared.

passinglurker ,

That is a strawman argument, I didn’t claim this is a different timeline, in fact I claimed just the opposite. Altered is not the same as Alternate. Key events that are remembered and influential are still intact, while superficial details like whether NX-01 was named Dauntless or Enterprise deviate with little consequence.

passinglurker ,

Again you’re moving the goalposts demanding greater and greater explicits not because you’d be convinced but because you’d expect the explicit doesn’t explicitly exists. This is a low stakes conversation about a fictional universe intuition reinforced by references is sufficient, and if in subsequent series writers forget these details or go another way well then that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

Though I don’t know why you don’t find this very intuitive the episode Regeneration featured borg drones from the events of First Contact, sure you may be entitled to your wishful thinking but to claim its never alluded to or incredibly hard to believe that first contact one of the more successful startrek films was an influence on enterprise is itself incredibly hard to believe.

As for Dauntless I’d say the screen canon speaks for itself why would I need characters to constantly break “show don’t tell” and hold my hand every step of the way?

passinglurker ,

ENT’s trip to 1944 between seasons 3 and 4. Or in other words what must be the writer’s “you made us make this temporal cold war cake and by koala we are gonna make you eat it” letter to the execs.

passinglurker ,

Lower decks had a

spoilerrogue AI attacking a starbase

, but no mass fleet hijacking.

passinglurker ,

Maybe this also could help explain the Klingon changes in-universe

I was thinking this to they might refrence ENT’s augment arc, the crews full of smooth heads we see in TOS, the fan theory of counter-augmentations and cosmetic surgeries, anything to smooth things over and bridge them together.

Anyone else out there who actually really loved Discovery's S1 style of Klingons?

I am the kind of person who enjoys “big weird” scifi like Stanisław Lem. Stories about trying to relate to and find common ground with something so alien that the prospect of even understanding is basically hopeless. Star Trek usually doesn’t do stories that, which makes sense as it often uses alien races as allegories or...

passinglurker ,

I’m not really a fan of “it only looks overdesigned cause its supposed to be alien to you!” That they did with early Disco klingons and have done so far with SNW’s Gorn. That line of thinking works for one off antagonists like V’ger, but these aliens are effectively supposed to be recurring characters and and making them and thier ships big balls of (sometimes asymmetric) noise means they all just start looking uniformly chaotic on top of being hard to replicate and recognize outside watching the show.

passinglurker ,

For me, having them look like TNG Klingons doesn’t even solve the problem because ENT had implied that shouldn’t happen until the TOS movie era. They could have rendered explicit the implication that not every Klingon was infected by the virus, but that still doesn’t support making the Klingons look how they did in s1 DIS.

Folks forget the klingon’s made that Augment virus which then got loose in a lab breach. If they could do that to themselves on accident imagine what they’d do to themselves on purpose to try and compensate as the implications of the augment virus turn thier society upside down. There’s much I don’t like about Disco Klingons but the face redesign intrigued me as a potential reaction and over correction to the augment arc in ENT, and how past exchanges like that ultimately lead to federation vs klingon hostilities. Unfortunately Disco didn’t capitalize on this probably cause if they start explaining things they’d ultimately have to admit they can’t get away with haveing the longest heroship in canon…

passinglurker ,

There’s these things called “stars” most planets with life on them have them very close by in the cosmic scale of things, and if you look up pictures of the ISS under one you’ll see it’s actually quite bright…

passinglurker ,

ENT era.

Externally speaking Starfleet ships march to the beats of NACA/NASA X-planes, Klingon embrace a very soviet yet alien look in contrast, Vulcans look advanced and sleek yet ancient and mythical with the biggest pointiest toys on the block.

Internally speaking construction is depicted as having limits, tech and interfaces are familiar to real world, cramped ship like rooms are the norm, and there’s no handwaving over how everything might fit inside the ships.

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