@skydog@sfba.social cover

I was 'guy in the chalk outline', formerly 'skydog', in the birdhouse.

B'hammer, WA.

Interested in #science, #politics, #3Dprinting, #arthistory, and just about anything else. I have > 17,000 hrs in an airplane, mostly in seat 0-A. (#aviation)

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georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


She has a real chicken-egg problem with why she might be a Hollywood 'outcast.'

If it's not too dark in there, she might want to look within.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


The man's a walking rotted testicle. What does one expect?

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

That's certainly one way to go about it!

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar



georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Good one!

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Not if they work in one of the branch offices.😐

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


The meal was that expensive because she was eating at a rare meats restaurant.

Do you have any idea how much it costs for a plate of Dakota Cricket? They're not shot every day, you know!

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar


skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


grrrrrrr. you know you're making me take a vow of silence, don't you? I've got a punchline, butt......

arstechnica , to Random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

TDK claims insane energy density in solid state battery breakthrough

Apple supplier says new tech has 100 times the capacity of its current batteries.


skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Battery tech only comes out with outrageous claims once a month, so this MUST be real!

If this is a viable research path, then I'll wonder how large it can be physically scaled. If it's no bigger than a smartwatch button, it adds to a couple of sectors, but doesn't solve any real infrastructure programs.

Oh, I'm sorry. I was just told I was supposed to be saying, WHOOPIE!

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Your periodic reminder that Medicare For All would save $450 billion in health care costs and 68,000 lives per year.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


It might make all that money, but consider the tragedy of all those insurance agents, having to cross into Mexico to find employment. And Mexico doesn't pay people who have no skills beyond denying another person their health care.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar


skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Trump is coming out with a set of crocs, only by copyright law, the name cannot be the same trade name.

I'll check out the Trump Crock, and get back to you.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Trumpism, where the jokes are real, and reality is a joke.

arstechnica , to Random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

EV sales slowdown is mostly a Tesla problem, according to sales data

Almost every other automaker is seeing double-digit EV sales growth.


skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


They're also in a doom-fluffing loop, thanks to Elon.

Elon pisses off a large arm of the existing customer base, and they start talking smack about Elon, Elon gets more dogmatic, more people reject him, he digs deeper...

Meanwhile, nobody watches the store, they ship a bad product, don't produce new competitive ones and slip behind in competitiveness, fire the infrastructure recharger team...

Tesla, you've matured to the point you have to start acting like a mature corporation, or you're gonna end up dying a broke spinster.

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Rich donors are paying as much as $300,000 per person to attend a Trump fundraiser in San Francisco today. What do they expect in return for their money?

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar
georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

It better not be, "Feed me."

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


It's a fridge's version of farting in bed. If you're getting frustrated with it, it's communicating just fine.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


It should be pointed out that "right in the butt" is an anagram for "butt in the right."

Many people are not aware of this, including big strong men. Including big strong men with tears in their eyes, saying, "Sir!"

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Maybe his Tim Taylor sniffed too much burning commuter brush smoke. The 'dominant masculinity' of the character he played was a central portion of the JOKE! And Wilson was the punch line!

And after all that, Allen didn't learn anything? I may have to have a talk with him.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Where to even start...

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Well, ya gotta cram it all into 24 hours, and watch them having sex while you're doing it.

Good luck, Jim. This tape will self destruct in 10 seconds.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Gaetz is Little Lord Fauntleroy, all growed up!

Good Lord, what putzes.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Bringing a whole new meaning to chicken dance.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Oh MY! I hope there isn't a baby seal dance!

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Jesse Watters is a keening little pile of poo that even a dung beetle won't touch.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

It does jazz things up a bit.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar
georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


No, no, no, no.
They're having their "I am Spartacus" moment. It will not persist, as it pertains to this trial, past the end of this trial. In the absence of new dangers generated by these speakers, let them rant on.

It's our discretion where we give, and where we push back, so I suggest we use it wisely. Save the punishments for the finale, so as to heap them on Trump.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Russia is actively working through various means to undermine our elections, sow division, and chip away at our democratic processes. And there is growing evidence that they are being aided in that by members of the Republican Party. Just how compromised are these pro-Putin Republicans? https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/gop-russia-kompromat-putin-congress

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Madge was compromised by genetics. Let's give her a pass on anything philosophical, like politics.

Then again, the predicate to being a useful idiot...is being an idiot.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Merchan should do precisely nothing. Let Trump do the rally. It's a meme horse we'll ride all the way to the election...the "Caring Dad."

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Too clever 🫡

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Then be prepared to have the Kernel Core attack you.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


A brainworm and RFKjr walk into a bar.

The bartender asks, "What'll it be?"

The worm says, "Anything but this guy. He makes my head hurt."

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Lara Trump is as gushingly stupid as she looks. She is so stupid, it's impossible to tell if she's just spouting a political position, or if she's truly believes what she says. The military vote is a crucial point, but not even the least of it.

She's trying to sell buggy whips, arguing that they help cars go faster. And disregarding the fact there are no more buggy whip factories.

Voting by hand, over the course of one day, and then collating and announcing the results before midnight, is so completely laughable in this day and age. And its only TRUE intent is so that 'poll workers' can gaze upon your color, before handing you a ballot. THAT is what it boils down to. Enforce a vote by excluding minorities, thru a dozen different mechanisms, this being just one.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Who knew about this??

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


An arrow?

I'd always thought it was a fallen tree, in honor of all of them killed to make FedEx boxes.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


How about a little slack.

He was studying the Crushifixion.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


RIP Larry.

Marcel Marceau will read the eulogy.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Thank GOD it wasn't a tan salad!

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar


skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


"Well, your grandma needs some erasers cleaned!"

It happens to us all. One day we wake up, and before the sun falls, we know what age is. Normally in some painful fashion.

So pick your painkiller, and pop, smoke or drink it.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Farewell, father.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


"If you're a prince, they let you do it!"

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Don't you dare!

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Just a quack. Just open it a quack.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Shoulda used a calculator...

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Add, THEN drink. Add, THEN drink!

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


And for those of you who had planned to go to catch a glimpse of Donald Trump, we must reiterate, ONCE AGAIN...

...it is pronounced 'Gran pree!'

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Quick, someone call Liam Neeson!

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Well, this kidnapping obviously went off the rails.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar


skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


My rule?
If it's there for less than ten seconds,
Or if it rolled less than 3 feet,
Or if it's any day ending in 'y',

It never fell.

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

The world's billionaires now hold a combined $14.2 trillion in assets.

That exceeds the GDP of every country in the world except the US and China.

And we’re supposed to believe the ultra-wealthy can’t afford a wealth tax?

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


The time is closing on taxing them.

Soon the time will come to take it from them.

arstechnica , to Random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


I take it they'll have to remove the frame to replace the pedal cover, but it's not that costly. Only $5000. Recall, you say? Oh...okay. Drive 300 miles to your closest Tesla dealer, and they'll do it for free.

We, for whatever reason he did it, he helped kick EV development up a bit. Thank you, Elon. Now take your fascist ass somewhere else.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


NW Georgia. You'd have to have spent some time there.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

For all the true crime fans out there.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


And 911 requests that you also text, in detail, what your emergency is, and what the fuck you expect police to do about it.

(no, I'm not dissing the operators, and yes, cops are undermanned. but come onnnnnnnnn...)

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Remember when RFK Jr. seemed like a real contender against Biden? Now, it seems like Trump and his team are worried about RFK Jr.'s appeal to their voting base. With RFK Jr. potentially siphoning off votes from Trump, the dynamics of the 2024 election are shifting. https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/rfk-trump-biden-election-spoiler

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


This isn't rocket surgery. If Kennedy walks like a Trump, and talks like a Trump, he will appeal to people Trump sloughs off. If ANYTHING over half of Kennedy's supporters come from Trump, it is a net loss for Trump. The only other impact he has is in discouraging voters from one or both sides from voting.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


Something very interesting in that video. Look at the background crowd.

He has dropped any semblance of broad base. Gone are the women and blacks. This is full on the appeal to the Proud Boys crowd, a field of dullards.

Also note that with this crowd, he's no longer using all the handheld Trump signs. I'm still riddling on that one. I doubt it's because he would be bashful about the visual of the signs being held by thugs.

rbreich , to Random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

In the 1960s, CEOs made 20 times the pay of their workers.

Now, they rake in over 300 times.

When people stop believing they have a fair chance to make it, the tacit social contract begins to unravel.

That's how a nation becomes susceptible to demagogues like Donald Trump.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


The same covenant applies to the Supreme Court. They have no inherent enforcement power. All they have is the tacit agreement of law enforcement and lower courts to follow them.

That social contract is fraying, at the same time. And the demagogues precede the effective dissolution of the Constitution.

When I say, Eat The Rich, I am being metaphorical. TO A POINT.

Please pass the catsup!

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

At least they're honest!

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


How did Red Green put it?

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy?

Jon is just the barberian at the gates.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Reminder: iced coffee doesn't count as water.

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


I'll go with W. C. Fields on the subject.

"I don't drink water. Fish f..k in it."

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar
skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar


That is FACE DOWN IN THE POOL funny!

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

Dry for a day!

skydog ,
@skydog@sfba.social avatar

Shoot for February. Even tho' it's leap year, it's still the shortest month!

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