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e_t_ Admin

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e_t_ Admin , to Sysadmin in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

"You will use Edge as your default browser"

e_t_ Admin , to Men's Liberation in Men Are Lonely. We Explore Some Reasons Why, And What Can Be Done About It

I've been attending a monthly men's dinner organized through my church. The most recent occurrence, I almost missed because apparently the organization of the event transitioned from email to WhatsApp. I don't have a WhatsApp account. There was no email about the move to WhatsApp. One person just happened to realize I hadn't gotten the details and called to invite me. I was grateful somebody remembered me (at the last minute), but for weeks leading up, I kept wondering if it just wasn't happening for March or if I were no longer welcome. I guess being an afterthought is better than being no thought at all.

e_t_ Admin , to Men's Liberation in Men Are Lonely. We Explore Some Reasons Why, And What Can Be Done About It

About 6-7 years ago, I had a couple of close friends, but they got married and I did not. I've invited them to various events, but they have children now and usually decline.

e_t_ Admin , to U.S. News in A new kind of activist journalism: Hunterbrook investigates corporations (and hopes to make bank trading off its reporting)

Is that really new? It seems like I've heard stories for years about short sellers putting out negative press releases to tank one stock or another, making good their short position.

e_t_ Admin , to U.S. News in Ben Gurion, founder of Israel, admits having stolen land from Arabs and that's there's no reason for arabs to make peace. See more of his behaviour on this article

By definition, news is something happening now. If you had posted an article about the US selling bombs to Israel, I would have no complaints. But that isn't what you did. You posted a link to David Ben Gurion's Wikipedia entry and a link to a book from 46 years ago, neither of which fit the definition of news.

A better approach would be to post a recent and topical article, something that fits the definition of news. Then, comment on that post adding your commentary.

e_t_ Admin , to Star Trek in Rewatching TNG: classic Riker boning his way out of the problem


e_t_ Admin , to U.S. News in Ben Gurion, founder of Israel, admits having stolen land from Arabs and that's there's no reason for arabs to make peace. See more of his behaviour on this article
  1. This is not news
  2. This is not United States news
  3. The sub guidelines call for posting the original source of information and Wikipedia is never the original source
  4. The sub guidelines call for posting the original headline. Inasmuch as Wikipedia has headlines (which they don't really because they are not a source of news), this isn't it.
e_t_ Admin , to Satisfactory in Satisfactory Direct | April 2024

You couldn't mock up a version for the N64?

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in U.S. signs off on more bombs, warplanes for Israel

They say for a half a billion they could do it right:
Bomb all day and burn all night
'Til there's not a living thing upright
In El Salvador Gaza

e_t_ Admin , to LinkedinLunatics in Everything about this comment is cursed

You ever wonder if the robots will rise up and kill us all because we actually deserve it?

e_t_ Admin , to Photography in Which lens for low light event + portraits?

Do you already have the 50mm f1.8? That's a good portrait lens. Not as sharp or as bright as the much bigger, much more expensive "L" 50s, but still brighter than a f2.8 lens.

If you've got the 50mm, my advice is to take that to the party as your only lens. If you're going to spend money on something, spend it on a flash.

With a flash, you should be able to stop down, even at night. Try f/4 or f/8. That will boost sharpness. If you're concerned about weight, consider the Canon EL-100. It weighs 6.7oz without batteries. I'm guessing it takes either 2 or 4 AA batteries.

e_t_ Admin , to Photography in Which lens for low light event + portraits?

One thing to keep in mind is the R10 has a APS-C size sensor. That means that the effective focal length of those lenses will be higher than on a full frame camera. I believe Canon uses a 1.6 crop factor for their APS sensors. So, while a 24mm lens is very wide-angle on a full frame camera, it will be only moderately wide on your camera.

For portraits, a moderately long lens usually produces more pleasing results than wide angle. Wide angle lets you capture more of the scene around a person, but then it's more of a landscape that includes people, not a portrait. A portrait should focus on just one (maybe two) subjects.

Of the lenses you mentioned, the 15-35 is probably your best bet. It's a "L" lens, which is Canon's top-of-the-line. It's fairly bright.
You might also look for Canon's 50mm f 1.2 or f 1.4 "L" lenses. With the crop factor, 50mm is comparable to 80mm on a full frame.
Your subjects will fill the field of view. You might have to take a step or two back, but they'll look better than when shot with a wide angle lens close up.

e_t_ Admin , to Linux in How can I run something that needs sudo at every login without having to do so manually?

Read the documentation on the sudoers file. You can specify particular commands to not require a password.

e_t_ Admin , to Satisfactory in These things are NOT coming in 1.0

Color cartridges were an outstanding vehicle fuel. Not fully automatable, but they last a decent time. It didn't take a lot of brush clearing to end up with a supply of flowers that, after conversion to color cartridges, would run your vehicles for dozens of hours.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Donald Trump Should Probably File for Bankruptcy, but Likely Won’t Because He’s Worried It Would Make Him Look Like a Loser: Report

Do you think he's tired of winning, yet?

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