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e_t_ Admin

@[email protected]
e_t_ Admin , to xkcd in xkcd #2909: Moon Landing Mission Profiles

Simple! Just change the gravitational constant of the universe.

e_t_ Admin , to Work Reform in Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion unless they go hybrid

Won't someone please think of the corporate real estate market!?

e_t_ Admin , to Personal Finance in What are "complicated" taxes that require a professional? (USA)

I hired a professional to do my 2022 taxes. I had finally gotten access to an IRA that I inherited from my mother. She passed in 2014. Reading through the rules on inheriting IRAs, I knew I had missed RMD withdrawals, but I couldn't find satisfactory answers on how much I needed to pay. The pros were able to calculate that for me and told me the amount to withdraw. They also drafted a letter to the IRS explaining the situation and asking that I be excused the penalty for missed RMDs. I got a letter back from the IRS in February accepting the explanation.

e_t_ Admin , to Work Reform in Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to pay drivers more

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

e_t_ Admin , to Learn Japanese in What do you say when asked to say something in Japanese?


e_t_ Admin , to Work Reform in Job Websites Need a "Report for incorrect information" Option

That would require the job websites to 1. care and 2. have staff to handle the reports

e_t_ Admin , to Men's Liberation in Dangerous, sexist rules of how to be a man are still alive for many

A better advertisement for blocking ads, I have not seen.

e_t_ Admin , to Seattle in Seattle council president on getting workers back to the office: ‘We have to build those numbers up’

A niche that small would be hard to distinguish from quantum fluctuations.

e_t_ Admin , to Literature in How to catalogue my library

You could just make a spreadsheet. Not everything has to be an app.

e_t_ Admin , to Seattle in Seattle council president on getting workers back to the office: ‘We have to build those numbers up’

What, like slave-rowed galleys?

e_t_ Admin , to Satisfactory in Pioneer is getting a new look

When I first saw the Pioneer, it didn't hit me that it's supposed to be a female figure, I just thought the coverall was baggy. With this new model, the femininity is more obvious.

e_t_ Admin , to Work Reform in Rich Countries Are Becoming Addicted to Cheap Labor

The Atlantic slave trade says what?

e_t_ Admin , to Star Trek in New York Times: "Could Trekkies Decide the Election?"

No, they liked it, but only at the barest surface level. They were too media illiterate to pick up on the deeper themes. It doesn't require media literacy to like cool-looking starships going pew pew at each other or Kirk chatting up a hot alien chick.

e_t_ Admin , to Photography in Why do so many videos and even online camera stores call the 4/3 type sensor "Micro Four Thirds" when Micro Four Thirds is a mirrorless camera mount format?

What's an example of a device with a 4/3 sensor that is not m43?

e_t_ Admin , to Literature in The Great Fiction of AI: The strange world of high-speed semi-automated genre fiction

Automatic writing for the twenty-first century

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