
rbreich , to Random avatar
sglerman95814 , avatar

Seriously, I would rather vote for President Biden's dog, Major than former President Trump.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
RVLara23 , avatar

@georgetakei she's right. That's so gross. Such a ridiculous broadcasting decision to put them in that position.

This is probably one of the worst case scenarios but they're all kinds of innocent sports fans falling victim to the cameras anymore for a variety of reasons and being turned into memes and whatnot.

TLDR - show fans more respect ESPECIALLY women fans when you damn well know what's going to happen on interpretation.

raiaren , avatar

@georgetakei Agreed.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
soundconjurer , avatar

@georgetakei , that ridiculous looking spray tan is going to have me put in a concentration camp. 😰

Beachbum , avatar

@georgetakei As many have been saying; enjoy tomorrow, it may be our last Fourth of July. No, I don’t believe that, not for one minute. We will work our tails off to save our constitutional republic. We are not going to fail Benjamin Franklin. We will keep it.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
C0ppert0p , avatar

@georgetakei just waiting for the shot to ring out

Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei yup, time to start erecting the guillotines in public squares, it's time to remind potential kings what happens when you act in defiance to your citizens.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

384,000 sites link to code library caught performing supply-chain attack

Many website admins, it seems, have yet to get memo to remove Polyfill[.]io links.

nicolaottomano , avatar

Wait once it happens to jQuery or FontAwesome...

asmaloney , avatar

@arstechnica It's not really a "supply chain" - it's a dependency. "supply chain" implies some kind of financial arrangement that simply doesn't exist when using a random person's git repo.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

High-altitude cave used by Tibetan Buddhists yields a Denisovan fossil

Cave deposits yield bones of sheep, yaks, carnivores, and birds that were butchered.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
Juice8767 , avatar

@georgetakei That’s a bummer that he feels that way. That laugh is contagious, it rules.

MatthewChat , avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar

Frazzled by the Frizz 🚌

georgetakei , to Random avatar

In "How Men Like Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, And Brock Turner Are Made," writer Amelia Mavis Christnot explores the roots of toxic masculinity and privilege. From Ivy League halls to positions of power, see how entitlement shapes behavior and fuels impunity. A powerful read—dive in now by visiting The Big Picture.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei Very well written article. What always amazes me isn't so much the toxic people who grew up surrounded by privilege and yes-people becoming so terrible as the way society, as a whole, bends over backwards to enable them to do so even outside of applicable context. For example, when they were "investigating" Kavanaugh and intentionally chose not to interview witnesses and to ask almost no questions, that was no ivy league school -- he was being appointed as a Supreme Court justice.

JoeTheDumber ,

@georgetakei I’m looking for combat veterans who want to address the loss of the democracy we fought for. To have a few privileged misfits ending this 250 yr democracy is not sitting well with me. We need to take it to them up close.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
elfin , avatar

@georgetakei I think the whole production team should quit.

huntingdon , avatar


Cardi B defends cursing out production team at show? Like a mountaineer half way down an abseil cursing out the teammate responsible for her belay. Shit happens.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

The hunt for the most efficient heat pump in the world

A new generation of engineers has realized they can push heat pumps to the limit.

artfulrobot , avatar

@arstechnica coefficient of performance above 5! Incredible.

robloblaw , avatar
arstechnica , to Random avatar

“Everything’s frozen”: Ransomware locks credit union users out of bank accounts

Patelco Credit Union in Calif. shut down numerous banking services after attack.

lorgonumputz , avatar

@arstechnica What is amazing to me is that the software responsible - the system by which the phishing email gave the bad guys control - is never mentioned.

Systems that are this vulnerable should be banned from these kinds of businesses. e.g. "All banks have 6 months to remove vendor X from all banking systems."

Furthermore, were all of their backups also encrypted? Is so - how? How do you fail this badly at system security?

I have multiple layers of security on my systems. Backups can be added - so, a compromised system could upload an encrypted (not by me) backup.

But it cannot remove previous backups which would mot be ransomewared*. None of the systems doing backups have that kind of access.

This is almost trivial to set up. How are these companies failing so badly at this???

  • Is "ransomewared" a word? Well it is now.
aggiepm , avatar

@arstechnica sigh, this is my bank and it SUCKS!

arstechnica , to Random avatar
leemoknows , avatar

@arstechnica We still get weekly spam add through the fax machine. How?? Who in the world still has a fax spamming setup these days lol?

greg , avatar

@arstechnica @godnojoe I predict floppy disks will come back again, like the LP.

jaykuo , to Random avatar

The SCOTUS immunity decision drove deep despair and concern that Trump’s indictments and even the verdict against him are now in jeopardy. While the path is tougher, the way forward remains clear and viable. I explain in today’s piece, link in the replies.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

The more you know!

LyleGray ,

There are some "black" bears that are actually not black, e.g. cinnamon bears.

ilfazzo , avatar

@georgetakei Duh man.

It's because of Oregon.

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