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PowerCrazy ,

Well fortunately for her the will of the voters is the least important metric about who will become president, so she has a great shot!

PowerCrazy , (edited )

401ks weren't a "mistake" they were designed to give wallstreet traders more money and for that task they have succeeded extremely well.

e: To the tune of $7trillion according to the article.

Biden Campaign Memo Claims Florida Is “Winnable” Though Polls Say Otherwise ( truthout.org )

Despite some tough odds pitted against them, the campaign team for President Joe Biden believes they can “flip” Florida to his win column in the 2024 presidential election, due to a number of issues they think will resonate with voters in that state, particularly abortion rights....

PowerCrazy ,

If Trump is just a weak candidate, then Florida is irrelevant. However this only makes sense if you think the DNC/DCCC exist to elect democrats to office. The real purpose of those orgs is to grift, and a casual look at the former DNC Chairs should tell you everything you need to know about credibility.


Additionally the only metric that seems to matter is how much money they raise, you rarely hear about how successful their efforts are and never any introspectives, or concerns of favoritism and perverse incentives of the members to protect incumbents.

firefly , (edited ) to Politics
@firefly@neon.nightbulb.net avatar

Vote HARDER! That will for sure work this time!

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Al Anon (1981)

If I vote harder each election, will justice eventually win?


PowerCrazy ,

Agreed, make sure to vote, but not for the parties of Capital. It is the least you can do.

PowerCrazy ,

Not really surprising. States have never had the power to over turn federal elections or laws, and the last time they tried there was a whole civil war thing about it.

There is a specific process states have to overturn federal laws, but that doesn’t include barring federal candidate from state ballots.

PowerCrazy ,

What is it with liberals and not understanding the constitution? It’s not that hard of a concept, the vocabulary is a little dated, but it’s not complex. None of those disqualifications apply to Trump and unless you feel like BLM protestors should also be barred from holding office in the future, it’s a weird hill to die on.

PowerCrazy ,

I must have missed the part where Trump went to trial for insurrection, and was found guilty of insurrection. I’m pretty sure that many of the people that were literally there on your sacred day in January were not found guilty of insurrection either. So while they may or may not be felons, which may or may not disqualify them from voting, they would still be able to run for Congress and President. So if the people you call “insurrectionists” are still eligible to run for federal office, why would a citizen who wasn’t involved in that, let alone brought to trial for that have anything to do with the 14th amendment?

This whole circus is basically “but her emails” for blue maga.

PowerCrazy ,

I wish democrats would start kicking conservative and Israel supporting dems out of the party. It is NOT ok to support Israel regardless of your other positions.

PowerCrazy ,

Hopefully a leftist wing of the dems can start doing the same. I dont’ want Schumer or Pelosi in my party.

PowerCrazy ,

You can’t be a feminist and support Israel.

PowerCrazy ,

Feminism is way more then just “women’s rights.”

PowerCrazy ,

America isn’t feminist, at all so if anything, you should be giving the side-eye to anything America is doing if you call yourself a feminist. I’m not “writing these people off,” I’m challenging them. Saying “I’m a feminist” without understanding what that means, isn’t useful to anyone except rainbow capitalism, and whoever the next neo-liberal woman ghoul to run for president is. If you are a feminist, and someone says you can’t be a feminist and support israel, you should do some introspection.

PowerCrazy ,

2nd wave feminism is that yes, but proper feminism leads one to the contradictions of capitalism.

PowerCrazy ,

Unfortunately I have to agree, but I consider my position more aspirational.

PowerCrazy ,

But not palestinian women right?

jlou , to Politics

If the Republican Party bans the UBI, what the fuck is their plan?



PowerCrazy ,

Why are they blaming the republicans for banning UBI? Obama had a super majority, and the dems didn’t pass a UBI or even an abortion bill, so obviously the Dems dont want it either.

PowerCrazy ,

No need to change history to protect your best friends, the blue capitalist party. In 2008 they had a super majority for a few months, specifically July and August. Now I should specify, that 60 votes isn’t necessary at all, it’s just another one of those convenient rules that only seems to matter if it’s legislation democrats don’t want to pass in the first place.

PowerCrazy ,

I don’t see where I said the length was 2 years? I said Obama had a super majority, and when he had it he “abortion wasn’t a priority,” and neither was UBI. I don’t give a shit about what republicans think.

PowerCrazy ,

So like I said and the article confirmed, July to August he had a super majority.

PowerCrazy ,

It won’t be forever banned as soon as the dems decide they want it. The ban literally does nothing except signal to the republican base, but that law had no power to stop the federal government from providing UBI. Much like all the dumb bullshit states are doing with abortion could be simply and easily undone as soon as dems decide they actually cared about abortion beyond a fundraising opportunity.

But I’m sure Dems in Arizona are going to use the existence of a law, that does nothing, to send out thousands of emails urging you to donate to whatever dem candidate that has never cared about UBI, will never pass UBI and has no intention of passing a UBI.

PowerCrazy ,

Oh! How convenient. Democrats, that ran as Democrats, are referred to as Democrats, and are funded by various “Democrat” funding orgs such as the DNC or the DCCC, are suddenly not Democrats when it comes to actions in congress that might matter.

Maybe we shouldn’t vote for people just because they have a D next to their name?

PowerCrazy ,

Unrelated to the fact that giving money to corporations never results in what the money is allocated for, bills can be marked as being immune to government shutdowns. The military, for example, never “shuts down.” There is no reason that any other agency would need to either. Just add the provision in your funding bill that the agency is to be automatically funded at a the previous budget + inflation, in the case no appropriations have been passed.

PowerCrazy ,

I generally agree with the article, but what I don’t know is what “should” be done with Ukraine and Russia?

For Israel and the West Bank, the answer is much easier. But for Russia/Ukraine, Russia is clearly the aggressor, despite the history of NATO propping up Ukraine and antagonizing Russia. What is the “correct” response? Where correct is obviously a loaded term.

PowerCrazy ,

I ask the same about Obama when he sat his hands in 2009 instead of codifying roe v wade, or when he compromised on bodily autonomy for his Heritage Foundation insurance handout.

PowerCrazy ,

No but the democrats are, and they also sat on their hands.

PowerCrazy ,

The election is coming up right? And Democrats are going to run in that election. So if the “talking point” is that Trump didn’t pardon the rioters when he had the chance, therefore he is lying to them, how is it that the democrats promises they broke re:abortion and the environment when they had the chance, not relevant to the topic at hand?

They are lying to you about what you think you are voting for.

PowerCrazy ,

Since when do courts care about what the general public think

That is one of the pillars of justice in a so-called democracy.

PowerCrazy ,

Perhaps the country is corrupt and should be overthrown? The fight should be on every front. Legal and Illegal.

PowerCrazy ,

The law is open to interpretation since language is imprecise. Thinking that the law is some kind of rigid holy truth is extremely naive at best. Or at worst is fascist.

PowerCrazy ,

Well the original intent of the insurrection clause was to prevent the same senators/congressmen who seceded and started the civil war from being eligible for federal office. This obviously doesn’t apply in Trumps case since there was no civil war and Trump was the lawfully elected president of the US at the time.

PowerCrazy ,

It was responding to your original assertion.

The courts are intended to be neutral arbiters of law itself

Which in Trumps case has nothing to do with the original intent of the law (insurrection clause, since no insurrection has taken place.)

As for my original assertion. The General Public is absolutely the folks the justice system should be accountable to, after-all government is supposed to be FOR the people. And if The People want to vote for someone who wants to overthrow the government, the courts have no business saying they can’t.

So if you think the court shouldn’t care about the general public, then the insurrection clause doesn’t apply. If you think the court should care about the general public, then they have to let the voters decide.
In either case Trump belongs on the ballot.

PowerCrazy ,

Healthy democracy you’ve got here, where people who have real complaints about the parties of capital and genocide are dismissed as “trolls.”

How about “fuck you,” supporting israel in any manner should should be automatic disqualification from any possible democratic process. If you don’t accept that you don’t deserve any of the rights described in the bill of rights.

PowerCrazy ,

If you don’t vote for biden you aren’t voting for trump. Anyone who claims otherwise should lose the right to vote.

PowerCrazy ,

Actually yes. If our democracy is so broken that not voting for a piece of shit is considered bad, then anyone who defends it should be banned for life from voting.

PowerCrazy ,

Why is the end of a fascist state a “hard call?”

PowerCrazy ,

This is the ultimate troll against liberals and I’m here for it.

PowerCrazy ,


PowerCrazy ,

The problem Israel has is that there are Palestinians in Israel, period. Mossad can’t do a genocide. No a genocide has to be done during a war of self-defense, openly, but gradually. The Palestinian “threat” must be nurtured and supported to provide cover for the genocide up until the point they are no longer required, then they can be disposed of quickly and efficiently once the genocide is complete.

PowerCrazy ,

Most Americans also vote for the parties that not only allowed this to happen, continue to allow this to happen, and also are happily enabling it to happen, so I’m not really sure why anyone should give a shit about what “most americans” want?

PowerCrazy ,

I’m also not sure that Ben is all that likely to have Mossad track him down and take him out for creating and funding Hamas.

PowerCrazy ,

I mean sure, but that assumes that Israel doesn’t want Hamas to exist for now. Hamas is very useful because their existence provides cover for killing 12000 civilians in the last month or so.

PowerCrazy ,

Totally understandable. I’d recommend you vote for a non-genocide enabling candidate, but not voting is valid too.

PowerCrazy ,

Yea sorry I went off on a tangent there. Agree.

PowerCrazy ,

They are a scam, but they are also yet another tax loophole for people that are rich enough to be unconcerned with the broken healthcare system. They are pushed by the investment banks that actually manage all that money and large corporations sign their employees up for these plans because they count as “providing healthcare,” so they aren’t penalized, also the various HR departments and other C-Suite execs get huge kickbacks and bonuses for cutting employee costs.

They suck in more ways then just stealing people’s money.

PowerCrazy ,

That is true. But if you are rich enough to take advantage of it, you aren’t necessarily handling your own finances personally. This doesn’t mean you are a billionaire, merely a <10millionaire or “middle-class” as the Democrats would say. The same people who offer pell grants for entrepreneurs who operate a business in a disadvantaged area for 3 years. Or the people who can afford to “run” a non-profit while they are attending Harvard or whatever.

Basically if you don’t need it, it’s trivial to benefit from it.

PowerCrazy ,

Sounds like if the world “works” that way, then Jan 6th was morally correct in all ways and those fighting to preserve the status quo should be hunted down.

PowerCrazy ,

Fuck you. Piece of shit fascist apologist. Go die in ukraine with the rest of your capitalist nazis. I don’t care which side you choose to die for they are all the same.

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