Fedizen , (edited ) to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

Calling for more REDACTED to REDACTED these marie antionette ass dumbfucks.

btaf45 , to Politics in Trump pleads not guilty in Georgia election fraud case

Does Crybaby Trump have to sit in the corner for throwing food on the wall? Sure looks like it in the pic.

OceanSoap , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

Hmm, I don’t know how this could possibly be taken seriously in a court, otherwise any video out there of anyone singing a song would be included in some sort of infringement.

adespoton ,

ASCAP doesn’t cover political campaigns. Also, most campaigns don’t want to be seen performing an artist’s work against their direct wishes; it doesn’t tend to look good.

Dawn , avatar

Cover songs have always been a copyright violation, it’s just that musicians don’t go after them cause they will almost always look like the asshole for doing so, and the companies normally dont because the amount of money they would be able to get out of the lawsuit wouldn’t normally be worth it.

Clent ,

There is a ton of licensing that is occurring behind the scenes.

Typically, the venue pays for it but other arrangements are possible including explicit permission from the copyright holder.

Obligatory: fuck copyright law. Stupid idea that dates back to when owning people was still cool. Society operated just fine without for hundreds of thousands of years. No one should be allowed to own culture.

babyphatman ,

While technically cover songs are copyright infringement, anyone can cover a song as long as they obtain a mechanical license and follow some guidelines.

I think copyright should be abolished and replaced by a tax that pays artists, writers, journalists, and musicians. This will eliminate the middleman copyright legal industry and allow for far more creativity.

TheBeege , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive?

Whenever I work with non-engineers, it’s baffling to me how impractical they are. They don’t measure things. They don’t test things. They don’t try new ways of doing things. It’s like work is just a place to hang out and push some paper.

I get that we ideally don’t want to work, but I would be so bored being so ineffective. I think the article is trying to distinguish between these two kinds of people with respect to IT. With IT, you need to measure. You need to test. You need to plan. You need to experiment. A new idea or implementation can start an entire industry. So many people just don’t get that.

The great part is that if you create a good environment, the shit is fun. During good times, I fucking love my job. At bad companies, every day is a living hell.

If we could fix the bugs in modern capitalism, we could see real competition kill off these boring, ineffective companies, ideally in favor of driven but balanced places where people can do cool stuff. Plus, with a good social welfare system, if people wanted to fuck off for a few years, there would definitely be enough surplus production to support that (there probably is now, but it’s all hoarded…)

marche_ck ,

Because their performance matrices are evaluated by how closely they follow their SOP. They are forced to follow it even if it’s brain dead. It is up to the ones setting the policies and procedures (the management) to make sure that their SOP and workflow they put in actually works.

If the management don’t give a shit, keep giving bullshit orders and setting bullshit targets, workers with common sense will leave from all the frustration, leaving only the kinds of people you met running the department.

TheBeege ,

That makes sense, but I’m also taking about employees who operate without an SOP.

But your point about bullshit orders and targets makes sense. So it’s more an individual company’s culture than a general trend? Maybe I’ve just had bad luck

marche_ck ,

Sadly its a widespread thing in most workplaces 😭

gapbetweenus , to Men's Liberation in CW:SH - Why more men than women die by suicide

Sad article. I think it really has a lot to do with how men a raised - especially that parents and peers “tell” boys to suppress their negative emotions. The only permitted male emotion was anger, but anger does not jive with out modern society. And at least for me, even with parents sporting my emotional expressions - it took long time and a predominantly female social circle to be able to really access my feelings.

TSR55 , to U.S. News in Peter Navarro: Ex-Trump adviser sentenced for contempt of Congress

Now for that scumbag Bannon.

shiveyarbles ,

Yeah in fact the list is long

raccoona_nongrata , to U.S. News in Boy, 6, killed in anti-Muslim attack - US police avatar

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  • AlmightyTritan ,

    Overall I think you’re right. Just like this whole shit is so sad. Both antisemitism and Islamophobia are on the rise.

    Like I could give two fucks about how the governmental bodies and regimes involved are pushing any narrative, when we see the litteral human cost being reported constantly. But, I know I’m not well informed enough to have a good conversation on what should be reported and what is being reported is filled with fluff and skewed to support certain sides.

    The only thing I have been able to tell concretely from the reporting is war is hell.

    Leafeytea ,

    Western media could start by grounding their information in less Islamophobic rhetoric for one.

    I mean, I am certainly not a scholar of Islam, but I do know enough about it to understand that at least for Sunni Muslims, the actions taken by terrorists like Hamas are not condoned or supported. Too much misinformation in the West about mainstream Islam’s position on “Jihad” is also severely missing, and in the end we end up with extreme interpretations being touted as part of the central tenets of the religion and nothing but assumptions that ALL Muslims are anti-everything-not-Muslim and ready to kill us all at any moment. This is categorically false.

    For another, not ALL Palestinians are Muslim. Christian Palestinians have been systematically victimized by Israel’s policies every bit as much as their Muslim brothers. For decades now, thousands of them have seen themselves forced to flee Gaza and the West Bank to other countries just survive. So it does get really irritating when you see arguments in Western media squarely blaming Islam or anti-Christian hate for the extremism of terrorist groups like Hamas when clearly, there have been (and continue to be) Israeli governmental pressure and policies in place to discriminate and displace any Palestinian, regardless of them being Muslim or not.

    But you know, to talk about any of these facts means you are anti-Semitic so… it doesn’t happen anywhere outside of academia basically. Infrequently at that.

    Lightsong , to Politics in Trump and 18 others charged in Georgia election inquiry

    Surely it’s snowballing now…

    theodewere , (edited ) avatar

    it is, and you can call me Surely all night long

    PatFussy , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive?

    Productivity is just measured differently. Every major company has a hand full of process engineers and PPI teams whos only task is to speed up processes and save the company money. The money saved is thrown into a bucket called productivity but its expected YoY for the various different groups. If they stop to use whatever changes its not measured negatively which is confusing.

    ShellMonkey , to U.S. News in Pressure grows on President Biden to allow Ukraine to use US-supplied weapons to strike Russian territory avatar

    We must respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Russia by all means, they have been the victims of a brutal invasion by the Ukrainian empire and... oh shit nevermind, had the propaganda leaflet upside down.

    some_guy , to Texas in Texas' skyscrapers are going dark to keep billions of birds safe

    Texas doing something positive for once. I like it. In this one specific instance.

    protist ,

    To be fair, "Texas" is in no way doing anything here, people in Texas's urban areas are doing this (urban areas which are often at odds with the state). If Abbott or Patrick were involved, they'd probably mandate that no one was allowed to turn lights off in order to "prop up the energy sector" or some bullshit

    jaspersgroove ,

    Waiting to the inevitable backlash in a few weeks when turning lights off to save birds is labeled as “woke” and treated as evidence of the downfall of our society.

    InternetCitizen2 ,

    Ughh why can I image this too clearly.

    atx_aquarian , to Texas in Texas' skyscrapers are going dark to keep billions of birds safe avatar

    Glad to hear the Lights Out campaign is working. I hope more people pay attention. All Texans can appreciate living in a region so important to so many species, and taking care of Texas means taking care of an amazing chunk of nature. Turning off unneeded lights by 11pm is such an easy way to do that.

    Daxtron2 ,

    We need this globally, fuck light pollution

    LibertyLizard , to U.S. News in Peter Navarro: Ex-Trump adviser sentenced for contempt of Congress avatar

    I don’t understand why executive privilege is even a thing. It is an absurdly authoritarian concept that the president should be immune to oversight.

    FartsWithAnAccent , (edited ) to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

    Let the pain start with this entitled asshole, he should be permanently unemployed and lose all his assets to fund those in need.

    jonne ,

    He’s been saying what every central banker has been saying as well. It’s why they’ve been raising rates, they just phrased it in slightly softer language.

    They will solve every economic crisis by taking from the working class and funneling that money to the rich. It’s how they fixed the GFC, COVID and now inflation. The wealthy are not to be made to ‘suffer’.

    TurnItOff_OnAgain , to Work Reform in Education staff could strike in September - union

    There were rumors of an education strike in my state years ago, so the state made it against the law for education workers to strike.

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