Jaysyn , to Politics in Hackers threaten to release Trump documents from Georgia case if they don't get a ransom by Thursday avatar

Pound sand, losers.

trolololol ,

Instructions unclear

To me sounds like the losers are **ump himself, the hackers that are now at the back of the creditors queue, and whoever wanted to vote for this dictator wannabe.

Jaysyn , (edited ) avatar

They are all losers, but I want them to release that dirt.

And today is Thursday. Tick-tock....

bedrooms , (edited ) to Politics in [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.

Possibly her contribution was important, but tbh it's also generally easy to cherry pick records to invent narratives like this.

Ocasio-Cortez again asked Cohen if the former president had ever inflated his assets. "Yes," Cohen answered.

This fraud was already documented at the time by journalists. Do you call this the "beginning", then? Also, Cohen was collaborating with authorities. Would the investigation not happen without that testimony?

Although AOC contributed there, this article is rather shallow as it misses the bigger picture where AOC was not in the center in my opinion.

Dkarma ,

I watched this live and you couldn’t be more obtuse. NO ONE else in the room was following this line of questioning. Sure reporters could have uncovered all of this eventually but she had the presence of mind to know this was under oath so it could move the prosecution along much faster.

bedrooms ,

Thanks for sharing your personal opinion.

workerONE , to Politics in [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.

The NYT broke this story around 2017/2018 I’ll try to find the link

bedrooms ,

Journalist Craig Unger at least mentioned this in 2018 in his book House of Trump, House of Putin. Likely that book is not the original source on this, so there should be some earlier one.

Dkarma ,

And nothing happened until AOC did something with Cohen under oath. You guys seem to think those are holding equal weight.

Let’s be clear. A nyt article most of the time doesn’t do shit.

bedrooms ,

Nah... how do you argue it's not a coincidence? There are likely hundreds of people who worked hard to make this outcome possible.

lettruthout , to Politics in [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.

More please.

an0nym0us , to Politics in [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million. avatar

Analysis: AOC is being groomed by corrupt DNC insiders and think tanks as the next Obama.

gravitas_deficiency ,


PaupersSerenade , avatar

Lots of ‘burn it all to the ground’ users on lemmy I’ve found. They hate democrats so much that they end up being republican in the end. I try and ignore them, but there’s a handful each time a democrat is mentioned.

norbert , avatar

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  • an0nym0us , avatar

    I’m 47 years old. I have a Master’s degree in software engineering and I have been homeless as of last year when I was priced out of existing anywhere but my 23 year old hatchback. I must be one of those outliers, huh? I must be an inconventient victim of neolberalism that could never happen to you.

    I am much further along in my realization that electorialism is dead. There is not one person in the entire US government that can turn this around. It is too far gone. I’m sure that, if you were in my place, you already have come to realise how bleak things are. Stop being so smug and marginalizing those of us that are paying attention just because you fear being awakened from your privledged lifestyle. Electoralism isn’t going to magically fix this shithole. Things need far more of a reset than voting will EVER accomplish.

    Let me guess, you want me to get out and vote for Biden?

    norbert , avatar

    I want you to do something more than nay-say and complain on the internet.

    NightGaunts ,

    I am an astronaut, I have been priced out of the electric guitar market for over a year, I no longer think this city was built on rock and roll. For this reason I will blah blah blah.....

    Melkath ,


    Standing against fascism will assuredly lead to gang rapes and famine.

    Perhaps shut up and watch Red Dawn again?

    Melkath ,

    Kbin user for the record.

    I invite you to embrace that Democracy is not binary, and "people who hate democrats so they (sound/are) republican, so I ignore them" is a stupid way to look at it, and causes an immense amount of harm to the society as a whole.

    PaupersSerenade , avatar

    There’s no winning on this site. I’d love a multi-party system, but our current set-up isn’t like that. Right now I’d like to keep what very little bodily autonomy I have as a woman. I’ve voted and protested for years. I don’t care if you think I’m ’harming society as a whole’ because of my singular comment. I’m honestly done. I really can’t take this anymore. Yes, I will be voting democrat because the other option is too dire to consider, and that’s if I make it that long. I’m glad you were able to sum up my entire being due to one response to a user asking ‘what’. I’m glad you’ve laid this blame at my feet and called me stupid to boot. Every user is (hopefully) a human being and I just can’t stand how hostile everyone is.

    Melkath , (edited )

    Correct, but not how I think you are framing it.

    AOC, one of the 5 not corrupt members of the DNC, but the longer she stays in bed with them, the more fleas she will accumulate.

    She is eligible for this Presidential election. She should go for it.

    an0nym0us , avatar

    not corrupt

    Are you sure about that? 😅

    Melkath ,

    Bernie, AOC, Katie Porter, Ro Khanna, Rashida Tlaib.

    Those are the 5 Democrats that I currently trust and believe not to be corrupt.

    littlebluespark , avatar

    This, right here. ☝🏼

    (Maybe the Presidency would be better off as a quorum. Right after the guillotines get packed away and everyone’s learned once again what treason gets you.)

    lolrightythen ,

    Do you have any kind of evidence otherwise?

    an0nym0us , avatar

    In the weeks leading up to her election:

    what is happening in Palestine is a massacre

    After election:

    MH: You, in the campaign, made one tweet, or made one statement, that referred to a killing by Israeli soldiers of civilians in Gaza and called it a “massacre,” which became a little bit controversial. But I haven’t seen anywhere — what is your position on Israel?

    AOC: Well, I believe absolutely in Israel’s right to exist. I am a proponent of a two-state solution. And for me, it’s not — this is not a referendum, I think, on the state of Israel. For me, the lens through which I saw this incident, as an activist, as an organizer, if sixty people were killed in Ferguson, Missouri, if sixty people were killed in the South Bronx — unarmed — if sixty people were killed in Puerto Rico — I just looked at that incident more through . . . through just, as an incident, and to me, it would just be completely unacceptable if that happened on our shores. But I am —

    MH: Of course the dynamic there in terms of geopolitics —

    AOC: Of course.

    MH: And the war in the Middle East is very different than people expressing their First Amendment right to protest.

    AOC: Well, yes. But I also think that what people are starting to see at least in the occupation of Palestine is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian condition, and that to me is just where I tend to come from on this issue.

    MH: You use the term “the occupation of Palestine”? What did you mean by that?

    AOC: Oh, um [pause] I think it, what I meant is the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to their housing and homes.

    MH: Do you think you can expand on that?

    AOC: Yeah, I mean, I think I’d also just [waves hands and laughs] I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue. You know, for me, I’m a firm believer in finding a two-state solution on this issue, and I’m happy to sit down with leaders on both of these. For me, I just look at things through a human rights lens, and I may not use the right words [laughs] I know this is a very intense issue.

    MH: That’s very honest, that’s very honest. It’s very honest, and when, you, you know, get to Washington and you’re an elected member of Congress you’ll have the opportunity to talk to people on all sides and visit Israel and visit the West Bank and —

    AOC: Absolutely, absolutely. And I think that that’s one of those things that’s important too is that, you know, especially with the district that I represent — I come from the South Bronx, I come from a Puerto Rican background, and Middle Eastern politics was not exactly at my kitchen table every night. But, I also recognize that this is an intensely important issue for people in my district, for Americans across the country, and I think what’s at least important to communicate is that I’m willing to listen and that I’m willing to learn and evolve on this issue like I think many Americans are.…/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-israel-pal…

    Toast from day one.

    lolrightythen ,

    All I’m reading is that she isn’t particularly knowledgeable about middle eastern politics. How does that serve as evidence of her corruption?

    Melkath ,

    I tend to go with this interpretation.

    And unlike Schumer, she is delicate about walking the line between being against Israel's actions in Gaza and saying something stupid (IE: Israel direly needs aid to help the people suffering in Gaza!).

    exocrinous ,

    Eh, mostly not corrupt. She voted to end the rail workers strike

    Melkath ,

    Oof, that is actually a big one I didn't readily know.

    The longer she remains a Dem, the more corrupt she is going to get. That is a definite.

    Jaysyn , to Politics in [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million. avatar

    I love that for both of them.

    spez_ , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    We deserve shares when we join. Give us a slice of the pie

    TempermentalAnomaly ,
    Toribor , avatar

    And yet businesses try to convince you that you’re part of the family and we’re all in this together. Work your ass off by coming in early and staying late all year? Good job here’s a 2% raise. Nevermind that is lower than inflation and the extra work and meager raise actually lowers your hourly equivalent if you’re salaried.

    If businesses really want everyone to go above and beyond they need to pay people in equity. Why else would anyone give a shit about the long term success of a business? They certainly have no loyalty to their employees.

    lanolinoil , avatar

    They do that if you go work in young industries. I think once the pie has been divided up and sold between rich guys 2000 times and there’s no more hyper growth, there’s no more pie to give out. So you have to move to models like bcorps, like a King Arthur Flour, or be evil.

    Treczoks , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    I don’t know what employers expect to get in return for their behavior. For decades they treated employees like shit, and now they complain that employees don’t love them.

    Lennnny , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want. avatar
    1. stop hoarding wealth
    2. 1 but louder
    TIMMAY , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.


    lemmylem , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    Increase minimum wage

    normalexit , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    Universal healthcare would be great in the US. It’s always terrifying to quit or get fired/laid off, despite COBRA, because you’re one accident or diagnosis away from having your nest egg destroyed.

    Previously being a good worker at a profitable company meant you were safe, but now that isn’t the case, and it is making me anxious every day.

    nickwitha_k ,

    COBRA is, intentionally, pure garbage. “You can continue your insurance, if you pay full-price, which virtually no one eligible can afford.”

    Devccoon , avatar

    People always said COBRA is too expensive but I had no clue how bad it could possibly be. Turns out, $1200 a month for the cheapest option for a married couple in my case. And I didn’t get that information in spite of repeated asking for months before I left, until I was nearly out the door.

    This compared to the marketplace plans starting around $600, similarly decent plans to my work one in the realm of $800 and the APTC covering almost all of that cost if I’m not making too much money self-employed. COBRA is a joke.

    Emotional_Sandwich , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    I think this generational divide is bullshit. Most people have always known that the system is rigged and keeping your head down and working hard doesn’t get most people anywhere.

    derf82 ,

    There is a generational divide. Boomers and older GenXers often bought their homes years ago when they were far cheaper and have no mostly or entirely paid them off. If they need money, they can get a cheap HELOC. Their house is also a nest egg. That saves a lot.

    They also likely actually got regular raises. Plenty of boomers make 6 figures and still struggle to open a PDF, while zoomers and millennials are doing most of their work for them for 1/3rd the pay.

    Emotional_Sandwich , (edited )

    Yeah, but there are a ton of boomers and gen x that never got a chance to buy a house. Stack on being a minority, or a woman, and your chances of owning a home back in the good old days were probably worse than now since banks and certain neighborhoods would tell you to get fucked. Things may have been easier for many in different generations, but not for everyone. I’m not discounting that gen z has things worse in a lot of ways, especially work and financial wise. I just don’t think fighting amongst generations is going to help. It’s class warfare.

    Edit: By class warfare I mean basically everyone vs the ultra powerful/wealthy.

    derf82 ,

    I’m not discounting that gen z has things worse in a lot of ways, especially work and financial wise.

    But that’s just it, by not acknowledging it, by acting like we’re all in the same boat, it is being discounted.

    zik ,

    But that’s not their fault. It’s the fault of current bosses. Why blame it on a generation that was slightly less screwed than yours, just because they were slightly less screwed?

    derf82 ,

    The current bosses are largely of that generation.

    zik ,

    But not all people of that generation are those bosses. In fact very, very few ever were.

    You have to realise that denouncing all the people of a group based on their race, appearance, gender, sexual preference or - yes - even age is morally problematic. Blaming all of them for something that very few of them had anything to do with just makes you look bad, not them.

    I hate where the world is at but I think you’re wildly misguided about who’s to blame. Blame the super rich and the politicians who set economic policy - not your granny whose worst crime is loving you and baking you apple pies.

    derf82 ,

    I’m not blaming ALL of them. But there definitely are differences (in general) in their voting, their wealth, and their attitudes.

    Those politicians also got into power generally because of the older generations that vote Republican.

    the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

    Uh, stuff was better but nowhere near as nice as you imagine for a poor kid growing up like i was. but they were better. Work sucked, but yeah life was easier. You’re missing the point though, lemme rant some.

    How many rich old boomers do you personally know vs how many do you hear on tv?

    The point of the tv (or in this case the article) using this angle is to point blame away from the culprits who caused this bad situation, the ultra-rich.

    My boomboom parents, myself (xennial), and my extended family members have all watched their money get squeezed right out of their pockets their whole lives.

    Maybe you assume we got to keep the money we made from way back when times were better?

    Nope! All those wealth transfer graphs you’ve seen where the line goes up had to come from somewhere. That line means i watched it happen is all, watched it get taken from us. I’m poor like you.

    Gramp’s life savings got eaten up by gram’s medical care. Dad lost his house. I will never get to own one. You probably know a lot of people in all different age groups that have a story like mine.


    • Warren Buffet is a boomer
    • Jeff bezos and Elon musk are Gen X.
    • Zuckerbergs a millennial.

    Though they are in different generations They all have something in common.

    Their wealth, and their absolute love of lobbying the government to get even wealthier at the expense of your and me.

    Like Carlin said, "they want all of what you got, and they’re gonna get it too."

    They are the ones to focus on. Maybe the past was great but we live in the present, and there’s no reason left to be jealous of boomers/xers. Our ages don’t separate us, our (lack of) wealth unites us.

    Trust me, we are all in the same boat.

    derf82 ,

    Oh, I know way more better off boomers than well off millennials. Many with large suburban homes fully paid off. Homes I couldn’t afford if I made double.

    I do not excuse the super rich. But I also know boomers are the ones that helped push Reagan into power for him to inflict trickle down on us.

    the_post_of_tom_joad ,

    Welp, can’t say i didn’t try. See you in the trenches

    Bipta , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    Adequate pay and basic human kindness?

    No, it's the workers why are our of touch.

    the_post_of_tom_joad , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

    Another dumb-ass op-ed that starts with a stupid premise and gets worse from there. Look how desperately they try to make it seem like workers are different by generation. watch them desperately thrash and twist to avoid the truth, that conditions are their fault.

    They sampled 18-25 y/os then skipped straight over the rest of the workforce to workers 65 and older.

    No talk about compensation differences between these groups. No talk about 26-64 year olds… I want to find the author and personally tell them how disappointed i am in their work, but it was probably ai or one of those gig word count jobs and they wouldn’t even care

    Buddahriffic ,

    Yeah, I’m a millennial who has hated those same things since probably around the same time gen Z started joining the workforce. I bet the only real difference is that gen Z didn’t join the workforce with the illusion that it wasn’t so bad because millennials were already talking about it. And gen X cynicism (which is deserved, not trying to open a front in the “generation war” here) likely planted the seed for millennials to notice it.

    SoleInvictus , avatar

    I’m seeing the same. I’m an older millennial that joined the workforce in a conservative state, so I kept my mouth shut about shitty work conditions so I didn’t end up fist fighting some of my coworkers. Gen Z is entering a workplace full of disgruntled millennials like myself and we’re together making an environment where it’s safer to tell employers we’re tired of being taken for granted.

    veroxii ,

    Gen X here and it has been common knowledge since 2000 that the only way to not fall behind your peers in terms of salary or career advancement is to change jobs every few years.

    Existing staff getting paid less than new hires has been a thing for at least 25 years.

    “The best way to get a raise is to get a new job”

    Buddahriffic ,

    Hell, I think it was boomers, if not the silent generation, who first learned the hard way that company loyalty can screw you. If that shit started in the 80s, it would have caught the silent generation.

    The whole generational conflict is just another attempt to divide people so they are less likely to unite effectively against the ones who put their profit ahead of everything and everyone else.

    stoly ,

    Younger Silent and older Boomers definitely got the biggest shaft of all. This was the group of people who were promised a pension and regular retirement. Then the idiots who manage the companies ran them into bankruptcy and got business-friendly bankruptcy judges to dissolve the pensions, leaving retired and retiring people with nothing to fall back on. Younger Boomers looked at that and went “sounds good to me!”.

    stoly ,

    I’m a Xilenial and agree 100% with what you said. Younger Gen X started to notice these problems, but when your 35-ish year old Boomer parents are living the life, they shut you down without mercy. It took until the youngest Millenials/Older Gen Z for people to be able to talk about this openly.

    toasteecup ,

    Older gen y, been railing against the bullshit as long as I’ve been immersed in it. Glad others are taking up the torches and pitchforks.

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