GrayBackgroundMusic , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

Not gen z, but God bless 'em. I came to the same conclusion after the first round of layoffs at my first job. They laid off the experts because they had higher salaries and kept the lower paid, less skilled workers. It was completely absurd. Then it happened again, and again. Why would I ever expect my work to treat me with any loyalty or concern when no employer has even shown me or mine any?

catalog3115 ,

Companies were never loyal to worker not in 80s and not now. They are loyal to profit šŸ˜

RestrictedAccount , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

You mean they saw what happened to their parents.

zib , to Work Reform in Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000-a-year package with a mixture of anger and admiration avatar

As a tech worker, I'm super happy they're being compensated so well. We're witnessing the power of workers organizing and I'm loving it. I would like to see unions in tech become a thing, but it's impossible to organize anything with the people here and talking about it openly will get you fired for "completely unrelated" reasons.

rockSlayer ,

Hey, Iā€™m a union organizer at a tech company! Union support is more likely than you think in the industry. Itā€™s all about a strong OC forming connections with your coworkers. If you want to be the change, reach out to CODE-CWA!

mesamunefire ,

I think there is real pressure to divide different workers. This article is just one Iā€™ve been seeing that had this narrative. And no tech worker I know is angry.

RGB3x3 ,

Itā€™s okay to be angry when itā€™s directed the right way. Itā€™s not the driverā€™s with whom anyone should be upset; itā€™s the executives refusing to provide fair compensation that we should all be angry at.

Bye ,

The only thing Iā€™m really afraid of is that with organization, theyā€™d learn how little work I actually do.

Son_of_dad , to Work Reform in Gen Z is forcing a workplace reckoning that should have happened years ago

Every single gen z person I met, I encourage them to push for unions. Iā€™m so happy theyā€™re not putting up with this shit.

snooggums , to Work Reform in I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices avatar

What a jackass.

McDonald's, which has raised prices by 20% over a two-year period, said late last year that it was starting to lose low-income customers.

20% price increase over two years you say? Certainly that was necessary to keep the company afloat!

McDonald's annual/quarterly gross profit history and growth rate from 2010 to 2023. Gross profit can be defined as the profit a company makes after deducting the variable costs directly associated with making and selling its products or providing its services.

McDonald's gross profit for the quarter ending September 30, 2023 was $3.864B, a 12.12% increase year-over-year.
McDonald's gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2023 was $14.317B, a 9.63% increase year-over-year.
McDonald's annual gross profit for 2022 was $13.207B, a 4.98% increase from 2021.
McDonald's annual gross profit for 2021 was $12.58B, a 29% increase from 2020.
McDonald's annual gross profit for 2020 was $9.752B, a 12.77% decline from 2019.

Other than a dip in 2020 that was more than replaced in 2021, McDonald's is right back on track with record profits and the only reason they are losing low income earners is pricing themselves out of that market.

falsem ,

I'm not low income but I do think McDonald's is pretty poor value for the quality. You can usually go someplace with much better food for the same or slightly more now - they're a long way from being 'cheap' food.

Anticorp ,

You can usually go to a sit down diner for less now. McDonaldā€™s prices are ridiculous.

aubeynarf ,

One thing that I learned recently from the Modern MBA YouTube channel, is that these fast food brands donā€™t run stores ā€“ they primarily charge franchise/royalty fees, and the store operators/franchisees see a significantly different and lower-profit-margin situation.

ā€œMcDonalds Corporationā€ is not where these expenses accrue.

Anticorp ,

Itā€™s true that the McDonaldā€™s corporation is in the real estate business, not the burger business. But the franchisees are certainly in business selling hamburger analogues. They wouldnā€™t be on every corner if they werenā€™t profitable. I read once that if you want to open a McDonaldā€™s, they wonā€™t even talk to you unless you have a million dollars cash. It takes a fuck ton of money to open a McDonaldā€™s franchise and people still do it, because itā€™s a license to print money.

snooggums , avatar

Those franchise fees are still tied to sales enough to have a dip during covid and continuous increases after which aligns with menu price increases.

Anticorp ,

I canā€™t for the life of me figure out how theyā€™re still in business. Why would anyone eat there? It used to be an okay option when you were in a hurry and wanted some cheap food. But now itā€™s cheap (quality) food, that is worse than it has ever been, that costs a fucking fortune, and it isnā€™t even a fun place anymore. Their food barely qualifies as food. Their buns, burgers, and fries taste like compressed napkins. The book Fast Food Nation and the documentary Supersize Me exposed how atrocious McDonaldā€™s food really is, and people just kept on going. What the fuck is wrong with people?!? Why are you spending $20 for a tasteless trash lunch that masquerades as food, that is terrible for your body, and the environment? WHY!

Immersive_Matthew ,

Really powerful reply here. Thanks for sharing the financial details as it makes it easier to evaluate.

_number8_ , to Work Reform in Gen Z is forcing a workplace reckoning that should have happened years ago

thank fucking god. so much at so many work environments iā€™ve been in just seem designed to be malignant and enforce austere application of power moreso than anything, let alone account for worker quality of life and mental health. itā€™s a business so because itā€™s a business and since they have to make money thatā€™s just ok to disregard, as though our existence as human flesh and blood bodies and souls is predicated upon keeping these fucking things going, rather than these companies providing for our common needs and goods.

i remember a dishwasher job at college which was literally just standing in place washing dishes, the boss kept coming back to check on us and yell at us if we were listening to music in headphones because we had to be able to communicate at all times apparently - and these checkups were the only time we had any fucking thing to communicate; the only other duties of the job were mind numbing standing in place washing spoons with roaring machines going.

Nommer , to Work Reform in Gen Z is forcing a workplace reckoning that should have happened years ago

Iā€™m a millennial and have been questioning it for quite sometime to the point Iā€™ve had places cut my hours and pay for calling out shitty practices like making us punch out to use the restroom. And this was at a government facility.

Son_of_dad ,

We millennials wasted too much time questioning these shitty practices and tryinh to work up the nerve to call it out. Gen z walks in, gets treated badly once, and gets the fuck out, knowing there are better workplace. Iā€™m proud of them, and they they donā€™t waste time calling out unfairness, and just walk out.

Drusas ,

That's largely because we millennials already uncovered the unfairness for them. They don't have to figure it out; they just have to act against it.

I still give them credit for that, but it's not as though they walked in without having the previous generation's help getting started. We tried with Occupy Wall Street and failed. Maybe they'll try again and succeed someday.

Son_of_dad ,

I agree, Iā€™m just happy they learned from us instead of wasting time reprogramming their brains. They have a leg up and Iā€™m glad

Tolookah ,

Itā€™s hard rebuilding the ladders that were destroyed before us.

InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

Iā€™m proud of them and I encourage them every chance I get.

When I got in, the oldest old-timers were still lifers, and seeing them was inbetween an illusion and an anachronism. Something that none of us would ever have: a lifelong career at the same place.
They were very loyal to the company, but the company had also (mostly) been loyal to them through their career.
Then we started seeing the corpo-grinder start cutting folks a year away from their retirement, they started or gutting pensions, etc. Full mask off moment.

Now, they donā€™t even bother with the illusion, so I donā€™t see why younger folks would have loyalty for the grinder.

Showroom7561 , to Work Reform in Frontier Airlines CEO says the pandemic made workers 'lazy' and less productive: 'People are still allowing people to work from home, all this silliness, right?'

The irony of a fat CEO calling people lazyā€¦


The irony of the CEO of fucking Frontier Airlines, the Dollar Store of airlines, calling people lazy lmao

gravitas_deficiency ,

Whatā€™s that? Youā€™re having an opinion on one of our flights?

Thatā€™ll be a $34.99 aerial opinion fee; you can pay as you disembark the plane, or, in the future, if you anticipate having an opinion on one of our flights, you can save $5 by paying the fee from your home computer!

agent_flounder , to Work Reform in A Florida restaurant chain says boosting pay and offering better benefits helped it end its labor shortage avatar

It genuinely blows my goddamn mind that this article is actually considered news and has to even be published.

Like, what the fuck do they teach people in business school these days?? Just cut costs endlessly? Like ā€œI have this restaurant with no employees that serves nothing and charges $1B per customer. I will be rich!ā€ ??

Wrench ,

Hey, worked for that mobile app that sold for like $2k and just showed some shiny bling animation

Overzeetop ,

I thought it might be an Onion headline.

half_fiction ,

Like, what the fuck do they teach people in business school these days?? Just cut costs endlessly? Like ā€œI have this restaurant with no employees that serves nothing and charges $1B per customer. I will be rich!ā€ ??

I work in corporate retail, and yes, basically. Itā€™s pretty wild how myopic senior leadership can be at times.

SirEDCaLot ,

Came here to post just this. How fucking stupid are the people in charge of these places? That offering higher wages gets you more/better employees is such a revolutionary concept that not only has nobody else tried it, but when one does and realizes it works, it becomes a Business Insider article?

You donā€™t have to be an MBA to understand supply and demand. If there is less supply of workers and more demand for workers the market price of work will rise. Did they think the labor market was a slave trade?

I really genuinely do not understand how so many supposedly smart successful business people can be so stupid as to not understand such a simple concept.

Sanctus , to Work Reform in Denver basic income reduces homelessness, food insecurity avatar

We're at the point where the reaction to this is "no shit". We know, now make our masters do it.

bobs_monkey ,

But muh "campaign contributions"

skvlp , avatar

I agree, but one nitpick: they work for us, we donā€™t work for them.

fubbernuckin ,

Who works for who depends on how organized each one is.

GBU_28 ,

They act out "your" choices. Look to your neighbor directly after your representative

kaffiene ,

100% we have 100s of similar studies now

aidan , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

Iā€™m GenZ, it has nothing to do with stability, it has to do with what I want to exchange. I donā€™t want to exchange majority of my energy for more money than I need, I want to earn enough to live, and not work more than is required for that.

Isthisreddit ,

ā€œfor more money than I needā€ - thatā€™s the real trick, employers arenā€™t exactly looking to give people more money than they need, itā€™s sort of the exact opposite typically

aidan ,

Eh, my current job, itā€™s more money than I need, but also way more time and energy commitment than I want.

Isthisreddit ,

Iā€™d say your doing better than many if you have surplus money! But to your point, I do agree slaving away all day to make someone else rich sucks

aidan ,

This is GenZ weā€™re talking about, Iā€™m from a fairly LCOL area, so most people I know, donā€™t have many responsibilities and rent and food arenā€™t too high. So I donā€™t think for my situation itā€™s that uncommon.

Crystal_Shards64 , (edited )

Lol Iā€™m just about to ask my boss about raises this year. Letā€™s see what happensā€¦ 100% of my pay is going into cost of living right now

Edit: no idea as she hasnā€™t heard anything from HR. lmao I doubt weā€™ll be seeing much of anything even though we increased profits by 4 million a year this year.

piecat ,

And yet most of us are making way less than we need

aidan ,

In GenZ?

unreasonabro ,

dem bosses tho

kowalski ,

To add, what you need NOW is not what you need over your lifetime. Health insurance is needed regardless of your pay (outside most folksā€™ 20ā€™s) and retirement savings are exactly what you donā€™t need now, but eventually will.

assassin_aragorn ,

I want to earn enough to live, and not work more than is required for that.

Management couldnā€™t fathom this at my first job. Theyā€™d tell us that everyone couldnā€™t be CEO but there were still great careers, and they didnā€™t understand when we asked about jobs where we wouldnā€™t climb the ladder necessarily, just do meaningful work.

paraphrand , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

The internet is the reason they get to grow up with tons of details about how and why these promises are bullshit and vapor.

Nougat , to Work Reform in I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices

Two Pizza Hut franchisees, who own hundreds of stores in California, are eliminating their in-house delivery fleets. The labor-gutting strategy has left 1,200 drivers without jobs.

"I feel that there will be a lot of pain to workers as franchise owners are forced to take drastic measures," Walberg said.

If you own hundreds of Pizza Hut restaurants, nobody is "forcing" you to do anything.

TonyTonyChopper , avatarā€¦/the-elements-of-bureaucratic-stylā€¦

In short:

ā€œOur agents were left with no choice but to call Chicago Aviation Security Officers to assist in removing the customer from the flight. He repeatedly declined to leave.ā€ The phrase, ā€œleft with no choiceā€ is calculated and deliberate, and every rhetorical move of the preceding paragraphs is leading up to this moment. The bureaucratic state never acts of its own volition; it is always reactionary, and it always acts because the victim leaves it no choice.

Treczoks , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

I donā€™t know what employers expect to get in return for their behavior. For decades they treated employees like shit, and now they complain that employees donā€™t love them.

floofloof , to Work Reform in Frontier Airlines CEO says the pandemic made workers 'lazy' and less productive: 'People are still allowing people to work from home, all this silliness, right?'

Pay us like you pay yourself, and weā€™ll come in to your shitty office.

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