InternetCitizen2 , to Texas in [CNN] Texas has until the end of today to stop blocking federal access to miles of the US-Mexico border

Texas is like a cat, convinced of its independence while being completely dependent. Anything we got gone is due to being part of the Union. We’d be Cuba 2.0 on our own at best.

GARlactic , to Politics in News: McConnell says he's 'fine' after freezing during news conference | CNN Politics

I’m so disappointed to hear this.

jeebus , avatar

On my birthday no less!

jerome , avatar

Happy belated birthday!

derbis , to U.S. News in Vice to lay off hundreds of staffers, stop publishing content on its website | CNN Business

Just a reminder that Vice was founded by Gavin McInnes, who also founded the Proud Boys and explicitly mentioned wanting to use Vice as a hipster-to-chud pipeline.

noctisatrae ,

Wanna more about this can you send the thing?

derbis ,

Sure! This is a very illuminating article about the zeitgeist in the early 00s, including an interview with McInnes with the quote where he notoriously said “I love being white.”…/the-edge-of-hip-vice-the-brand.html

noctisatrae ,


btaf45 , to Politics in Jim Jordan loses first vote for House speaker amid GOP defections | CNN Politics

Dems need to nominate Liz Cheney for speaker. They could easily get 20 GOP votes (she was their former leader) but would only need 5 of their votes. She would still be Republican but she is also a loyal American.

stolid_agnostic ,

Didn’t she not get elected?

nolefan33 ,

Weirdly enough, being a member of the House is not a requirement to be Speaker.

stolid_agnostic ,

That’s true.

btaf45 ,

You don’t have to be a congressman to be the House Speaker. Putting her up as Speaker would be a big fuck you to the people who didn’t reelect her.

stolid_agnostic ,

I approve.

pastabatman ,

The reasonable Republicans have always had the option of approaching the Democrats and making concessions in order to get a speaker elected on a bipartisan basis, they just haven’t.

btaf45 ,

We are talking about a speaker elected by all Dems and a small number of Republicans. It would have to be Dems to set that up.

candybrie ,

Won’t work this go around. The speaker pro tempore wouldn’t let the vote get to the floor if they thought that might happen. It’s an all republican circus this time.

btaf45 ,

He literally has to schedule floor votes. It is his only job and the constitution requires that there must be a speaker. His only power is to decide when the next vote is scheduled. He cannot control how anyone votes.

candybrie ,

Yes but he will not be scheduling a vote if he thinks that has any chance of happening. And you aren’t coordinating 217 people without him noticing. The constitution doesn’t say how often they have to vote and there aren’t exactly precedents requiring him to schedule a vote if he doesn’t want to.

btaf45 ,

Yes but he will not be scheduling a vote if he thinks that has any chance of happening

This assumption that one person could force the House to never have a speaker is a ridiculously nonsensical argument. It is literally an impossibility for there never to be a vote for speaker. There is a 0% chance of that happening. The constitution requires it. If there is too long of a delay than the members can and obviously would hold a vote without him. And the GOP would pay a huge price in the next election for attempting to bring the idiocy to a new level.

candybrie ,

You’re right, it’s an impossibility for there never to be a vote for speaker. But the GOP is in the driver seat. They’ll either come to a consensus or there will not be a speaker until the next congress, which is in 14 months. They’ll probably come to a consensus because, you’re right, the electoral consequences are probably too great if they don’t. But there is virtually no chance that democrats and a handful of Republicans are going to get to decide the speaker this term.

btaf45 ,

or there will not be a speaker until the next congress, which is in 14 months.

That is not a possibility. That is a completely impossible scenario for a large variety of reasons.

But there is virtually no chance that democrats and a handful of Republicans are going to get to decide the speaker this term.

There is a very significant chance. Cross party coalitions are a very common thing in state legislatures. And even Republicans are getting totally fed up with the anti-American neofascists in their party.

paholg ,

Is it really that ridiculous? One man forced the Senate to never vote on a Supreme Court Justice, and they have the constitutional obligation to do that.

The GOP also paid no price for that.

btaf45 ,

Yes, it is really that ridiculous.

One man forced the Senate to never vote on a Supreme Court Justice

Nope. That one man was backed by the majority of members.

paholg ,

If you think the majority of the GOP want a functioning government, then I got some bad news for you.

Simulation6 , to Politics in New York judge finds Donald Trump liable for fraud | CNN Politics

The worthless clause is worthless. Ha!

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in [News] House Judiciary Committee expected to launch inquiry into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis

I bet they're going to subpoena her for a hearing the day-of or after the start of the Fulton trial just to delay the trial for Trump and then maybe he can cry unfair that his constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated.

Why do they still carry water for this goon?

Zombiepirate , to Texas in [CNN] Fourth bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles avatar

Republicans’ only policy considerations are:

  1. does this increase the wealth of the .01%?
  2. is this a callous showing of cruelty towards groups hated by Christian Nationalists?

A ‘yes’ to either question gets rammed through regardless of anything else.

steltek , to U.S. News in 7 Republican AGs write to Target, say Pride month campaigns could violate their state’s child protection laws

Grow a damn spine, Target. They can’t do anything of the sort without 1A burning their entire bigot law to the ground.

azimir , to Politics in New York Attorney General takes initial step to prepare to seize Trump assets | CNN Politics

It’s not over yet until the sheriff actually seizes assets and has the door locks changed.

Every hour between now and the 25th ratchets up the defendant’s willingness to do something desperate. Foreign money, selling any national secrets he managed to hide from the feds, promises of cabinet picks, it’s all on the table and our safety is what’s for sale.

gregorum OP , avatar

Over? Nobody said it was over. Only that it’s just getting started.

And that’s less than 4 days away, not some far-off deadline.

azimir ,

We had a similar ramp up of anticipation for the Carroll case’s 93 million judgement too. His lawyers were in court bald faced lying to the judge about not having a bond and needing time/reduced bond amounts right up until the last moment. Then they filed the bond in the last hour.

Can he do it again? I don’t know. None of us truly do. He’s a lying con man, so nothing he says matters. Four days is a long time in politics and finance.

My biggest concern on the political/media side of things is that he does have the bond already. All of this thrashing is performative to get the media whipped into a frenzy of anticipation and then he drops the bond at the last moment. This makes him look stronger and the media who frothed over his imminent demise look blundering. Don’t walk into that trap.

The moment the sheriff locks up his properties I’ll celebrate like crazy. Until it’s really done, anything can happen and I wish the the DA, the courts, the political leadership, and media agencies stay sharp while the clock ticks down. Don’t get hit at the finish line.

gregorum OP , avatar

Not that similar. Not similar in circumstances and, certainly, not similar in the amount which is nearly 5x as much. Getting a $93m bond is much easier than getting a $467m bond.

And all his whining and crying in the media makes him look anything but strong.

Look, I don’t blame you for being cautious in your optimism, but, even if comes up with the bond somehow, he’s losing the appeal for sure and the people of the state of New York will get their payout. And that’s all the more reason for nobody to put up the money unless they get all his assets in return.

One way or another, Trump is fucked.

davel , (edited ) to Politics in Live updates: Another shockingly good jobs report shows America's economy is booming avatar

Did these ~350K jobs just suddenly get filled in the span of a month?
Forbes, Dec. 2023: Over 305,000 Laid Off In Major U.S. Cuts This Year—Here Are The Biggest

Or are these numbers BS to prop up the Bidenomics plank of the re-election platform?
CNN, Nov. 2022: Unemployment Statistics Are Misleading. Economic Hardship Is Much Worse

When analysts at the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity, a nonprofit research center focused on lower- and middle-income families, measured what they call the “true rate of unemployment” in October, it was 23.6%, more than six times higher than the official number.

wishthane , to Work Reform in The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up

You have to shoot big if you want to get anything close to what you want - it’s a basic principle of negotiation

ZeroCool , to U.S. News in Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case | CNN Politics avatar

Powell will also be required to testify at future trials

Release the kracken snitch!

flta OP , to Politics in [News] John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump | CNN Politics

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

PugJesus , avatar

Then why the fuck did he stay silent this long?

Piece of shit is just a rat fleeing from a sinking ship.

sin_free_for_00_days ,

All these fuckers should be held to the fire when they show up. They need to be asked,“Why? Why did you support this shit?” Hutchison, Kelly, Griffin, Barr, all of them should not get a fucking pass just because they have since come out questioning trump’s fitness.

Arotrios , avatar

Power is a helluva drug.

wildncrazyguy ,

We gotta stop thinking that everyone that doesn’t think exactly like us is our enemy. This guy probably did an untold amount of things to obfuscate what Cheeto knew during his presidency and what his actual options were. Remember that huge bomb in Afghanistan or the killing of Iran’s head of CIA? Or completely backstabbing our allies, the Kurds? Or when he met and then fell in love with Kim Jong Un?

When Cheeto was presented reprehensible options, he chose them.

SinningStromgald , to Work Reform in Judge: Starbucks violated federal labor law by withholding pay hikes from unionized workers | CNN Business

Any chance a judge can force Starbucks to negotiate with the union in good faith sometime before the heat death of the universe? Maybe? Please!

Hazdaz , to Work Reform in Flashback - Mark Zuckerberg on billionaires: 'No one deserves to have that much money'

Love how people are confusing salaries or yearly income to net worth.

Net worth is the total accumulated value of all the stuff you own (value of assets minus the liabilities) - houses, cars, investments, etc. That is massively different than what you are getting paid each year which is what a lot of people here are using as a metric.

It isn’t out of the question for someone to make “only” $100 or 200k/year and be considered a “millionaire” by most people’s definition. They might be older and have paid off their house. That house might be worth $500k and all the other stuff they own is a few hundred thousand more. Plus maybe $100k in some investment portfolio. Thus making them technically a millionaire. There are a lot more millionaires out there than people realize, including some people here or their parents or maybe grand parents.

That’s not to take away from the argument that billionaires have too much money, but at least phrase the movement correctly. Stop equating someone making $50k/year with someone’s who’s assets are worth $1B. That’s comparing apples to oranges and not just by the sheer difference in the numbers either.

dangblingus ,

Okay, but Zuck doesn’t make 50K a year. He makes billions a year. AND he has a net worth of over $100B.

meekah , avatar

Meta makes billions a year. Zuck “just” makes millions.

He’s definitely filthy rich, but it’s not like he makes billions for his personal spending.

yoppa ,

Well depends on the accountant. How to make an expense, a “business expense”. Surely there’s millions of expense going as facebooks business expense.

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