Sharpiemarker , to U.S. News in Live updates: Shooting at Perry High School in Iowa

Every day a new mass shooting. But the availability/access to guns is totally NOT the problem, right?

lilmann ,

“We need more bad people with guns to give good people with guns a purpose.” - people who sell guns

admin OP , avatar
whatwhatwutyut ,

“But if we outlaw guns, only the bad people will have guns because they don’t care about the law anyway!!”

Sharpiemarker ,

Lol it’s all projection. “Of course they’d break the law and have illegal weapons, that’s what I’d do!”

xTechDeath , to Work Reform in Judge: Starbucks violated federal labor law by withholding pay hikes from unionized workers | CNN Business avatar

Starbuck’s little clean progressive image has been totally ruined for me by the way they fight so hard against these unions. I won’t support them in any way

MajorHavoc ,

Yeah. I keep seeing this and thinking,

“That’s a bold play for a luxury brand whose leading competition comes in affordable bulk tins for home use.”

Here’s my soap box:

I expect the gasoline industry to act like assholes all the way to their solar-powered graves.

But seeing overpriced coffee try it boggles my mind.

The CEOs of Starbucks, movies, streaming television and music production have clearly alienated that one friend they could trust to tell them they’re being idiots.

In case any of the CEOs are reading along, I’m going to be that final friend to you now:

“The demand in your industry is something called highly elastic. That means that people given any motivation whatsoever to boycott your product will take decades, at minimum, to return to using it, if they ever do. It’s easier and more economical to just pay your workers a fair living wage. If you honestly can’t afford to pay a fair living wage, that is okay, you may stop now, no one actually needs your product.”

And for any really dumb CEOs reading along: “Home coffee grinders are pretty great.”

surewhynotlem ,

People don’t go to Starbucks for coffee. People go to Starbucks for their stupidly complicated coffee flavored morning milkshake. Those are hard to replace at home.

bobs_monkey ,

Mmm… 'beetus

TropicalDingdong , to Politics in A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump | CNN Politics

Its important to keep in mind CNN is in the business of selling headlines.

dingus , avatar

Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS”…/leslie-moonves-donald-tru…

Generally, media barons don’t give a fuck about accuracy of if it helps the country, as much as if it gets clicks/gets views/sells issues.

littlewonder ,

Yeah, would love to ban them from the list of allowed sources. I HATE when news plays on emotions, tribalism, clickbaiting, etc. and CNN checks all those boxes.

btaf45 OP ,

Yeah, would love to ban them from the list of allowed sources.

Then you would have to ban every media outlet from the list of allowed sources.

I HATE when news plays on emotions, tribalism, clickbaiting, etc. and CNN checks all those boxes.

LOL not that CNN is my favorite source, but this is not a talking head tribalism segment. It is a substantive news article and it is not wrong.

btaf45 OP ,

Every other media source is also in the business of selling headlines.

CluckN , to Politics in A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump | CNN Politics

I’ve been reading the same “Trump is about to be in trouble” articles since 2015.

dingus , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, the continued treating Trump with kid gloves and continually proving there are two separate justice systems gives me very, very little faith anything will actually happen to him.

Remember, they weren’t actually looking to prosecute him for much of anything until the documents fiasco where they gave him multiple chances to cough up the documents, but only turned it into a criminal prosecution when it became completely clear he was unwilling to cooperate. They’ve slow walked this shit as much as humanly possible and not to “ensure the case is rock solid.”

The fact is, any normal person would have been locked up two years ago, with an unaffordable bail, and would have been thrown behind bars with additional charges the first time he threatened the courts, the jurists, and society in general.

Hell, there was an anarchist in Florida who simply posted online about how people needed to own guns and be prepared to defend themselves. He posted these ideas online on January 6th and in the days following. He has never committed any violence. He’s got a longer prison sentence than a lot of people who were actually present at January 6th.

I’ll believe something is going to happen to Trump when I fucking see it.

btaf45 OP ,

I’ll believe something is going to happen to Trump when I fucking see it.

This article is about “election deniers”, not just Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump. e.g. It is about the Punk Boys receiving long prison sentences, and Ghouliani being found guilty of slandering poll workers.

takeda ,

To be fair, how can you be in legal troubles if your best buddy is deciding if you get charged or not?

Yeah, I’m not holding my breath, it is possible that he could stil avoid jail, but at least now there’s a real chance he could end up in one.

btaf45 OP ,

I’ve been reading the same “Trump is about to be in trouble” articles since 2015.

This article is about “election deniers”, not just Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump.

…far-right Proud Boys group received long sentences despite their pleas for mercy…

…judge ruled that Giuliani had lost the defamation suit…

Landrin201 , to U.S. News in Tennessee State House votes to 'silence' Rep. Justin Jones, 1 of 2 Democrats expelled earlier this year avatar

The racism is so blatant. Idk how this isn’t a civil rights lawsuit already, the whole situation is utterly ridiculous.

cloudpunk , to Politics in Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro’s testimony in contempt case is ‘weak sauce,’ judge says

I love how weak sauce is in her vernacular.

bedrooms , to U.S. News in Harsh penalties approved for Florida state college employees who use restrooms that don't correspond with gender assigned at birth | CNN

Why are these right wingers obsessed with toilet rules? Rhetorical question.

rothaine ,

Seriously, they care about this so fucking much, it’s just boggling

lilmann , to U.S. News in 7 Republican AGs write to Target, say Pride month campaigns could violate their state’s child protection laws

For God’s sake. This is just getting exhausting and depressing. Worry about the fucking economy, not rainbow t-shirts, you embarrassment to the human species

wintermute_oregon , to Texas in A Texas woman is suing the prosecutors who charged her with murder after her self-induced abortion

Prosecutors have immunity. It’s next to impossible to win a lawsuit against one. We give immunity to too many people which prevents accountability and bad behavior.

halcyoncmdr , avatar

Normally yes, however the State bar is penalizing the prosecutor for misconduct in this case. Immunity has been removed for similar in the past, almost surely will happen for this case as well.

An investigation by the Texas State Bar found this January that Ramirez had committed professional misconduct and fined him $1,250, as well as placing his license under probated suspension for one year, beginning Monday.

stormtrooper , to Texas in Texas student suspended over his loc hairstyle days after state's Crown Act takes effect

What a shitty school. But I couldn’t help but laugh at the name “barbers” hill heh

Bak ,

Barber’s Hill: It’s Not Racism, It’s Fashion

Neuron , to Politics in News: Barr obliterates Trump's defense: 'He knew well that he had lost the election'

Understandably people have been pretty aghast that Barr is saying all this stuff while being non committal about whether he would still vote for Trump. I wonder if it’s possible he’s avoiding saying that publicly for now in case he’s called on to testify in the triak. If he’s on the record on public TV saying he’s voting against trump, possible on the witness stand on cross examination trump’s lawyers could try and argue he’s partisan and his statements are politically motivated. Or he’s a coward I don’t know, just a thought.

crusa187 ,

I mean he’s definitely a coward, just like all the trump sycophants. Barr is weird because he was the one who wrote the whole memo about how executive power should be expanded/absolute, while on his way into the trump admin’s good graces. Something flipped a switch for him, could have been Jan 6 stuff but not entirely clear. I’m sure he’ll try to cash in on a biographical novel to tell us all about it someday.

Nougat , (edited )

Barr announced his resignation on Monday, December 14, 2020, to take effect Wednesday, December 23, 2020.

What happened over the weekend of December 12/13, 2020, or maybe in the week prior?

Edit: Let's take a look through the indictment!

[Georgia] 27. On December 15, the Defendant summoned the incoming Acting Attorney General, the incoming Acting Deputy Attorney General, and others to the Oval Office to discuss allegations of election fraud. During the meeting, the Justice Department officials specifically refuted the Defendant's claims about State Farm Arena, explaining to him that the activity shown on the tape Co-Conspirator 1 had used was benign.

Immediately after Barr submitted his resignation, Trump initiated a meeting with Barr's successors in the Oval Office to discuss allegations of election fraud in Georgia. We also know that, later on, Trump would attempt - and very nearly succeed - in appointing Jeffrey Clark (Co-Conspirator 4) to the office of Attorney General, after Clark had drafted memos to be sent to state legislatures stating that the US Justice Department had concerns about election integrity (which was plainly false).

The section titled "The Defendant's Use of Dishonesty, Fraud, and Deceit to Organize Fraudulent Slates of Electors and Cause Them to Transmit False Certificates to Congress" is where a potential smoking gun can be found, in the context of Barr's resignation.

The weekend of December 12 and 13, 2020, is when the conspirators met and worked on drafting and delivering documentation and instructions to seven states in order to execute the plan to draft fake electors. On December 14, 2020, all legitimate electors met and formally cast their votes for president. "66. On the same day, at the direction of the Defendant and Co-Conspirator 1 [Rudy Guiliani], fraudulent electors convened sham proceedings in the seven targeted states to cast fraudulent ballots in favor of the Defendant."

William Barr knew all about this fake elector plan, and only submitted his resignation after it was executed. Based on Trump's immediate meeting with Barr's successors in an attempt to leverage the US Justice Department to join in the pressure campaign against state legislatures, it stands to reason that Trump had been trying to get Barr to do the exact same thing.

In a best case scenario, Barr would have been advising Trump that if the fake elector plan was put into action, Barr would resign. Does Barr have the integrity to do such a thing after having been such a Trump supporter for so long? I think not.

The remaining options are for Barr to resign of his own choosing, or for him to be told "resign or be dismissed." In either case, I think the reason behind was that Trump was trying to get Barr to use the Justice Department to pressure states in precisely the way Jeffrey Clark would ultimately be prepared to do, and that Barr refused to do so.

For Barr, the incentive is "If I participate in this scheme, and it doesn't work, I'm going to prison." For Trump, the incentive is "This scheme has to work, or I'm going to prison." Those incentives are in direct opposition to each other. I feel pretty confident that Trump pushed Barr out of the Atty Genl office. And I think it's because "have the Attorney General pressure the states" was always part of the scheme.

takeda ,

December 18 is when they had meeting where they decided to plan Jan 6th. I think before that trump likely asked Barr to make DOJ use something illegal to hold power.

BTW: I found it interesting when Barr was discussing trump's documents handling indictment, he said that AG still had some discretion about who special counsel charges and some other things. Then he realized that this applied to Mueller and him so added that that case was "obviously" bogus.

bedrooms ,

Well, if you know your enemy won the election, you'd not commit a crime.

DarkGamer OP , avatar

Something flipped a switch for him, could have been Jan 6 stuff but not entirely clear.

Criminal liability has a funny way of doing that. I suspect he's smart enough to not end up under the bus via defending or breaking laws for Trump in a losing legal battle.

Lutefisky ,

I’m sure he has good legal reasons (in his mind) about what and when to speak about Trump, but one thing is absolutely clear, he’s a traitorous fuck who’d still be doing what he did as AG if trump won the last election. I hope he’s legally cornered at some point in the subsequent investigations and testimony he’s compelled to give in the future. Then I hope gets a horribly painful and eventually lethal case of herpes.

HappyMeatbag , to U.S. News in These cities are ending fares on transit. Here's why avatar

TransitCenter, a transit advocacy group, found in a 2018 survey of riders with household incomes below $35,000 in eight major cities that frequency, safety, crowding and reliability were higher priorities than bus fare.

Maybe I’m missing something, but if they’re surveying people who are already riders, then OF COURSE fare isn’t their biggest complaint. They’re not getting feedback from people who want to use public transit, but can’t afford to.

The information gathered from this survey is still valuable, but shouldn’t be used as an argument for or against free public transit.

mutant , to Politics in Michael Imperioli forbids 'bigots and homophobes' from watching his work following Supreme Court ruling avatar

rage baiting incredulous republicans to boost views, this dude is playing 5D chess lmfao

spacecowboy , to Texas in Darryl George: Texas judge rules school district can restrict the length of male students’ natural hair

Texas fucking sucks

taanegl , to Politics in Live updates: Another shockingly good jobs report shows America's economy is booming

Yet people are getting fired left and right.

marx2k ,

But more are getting hired

yogthos , avatar

more are getting hired because jobs aren’t paying a living wage and people are forced to have multiple jobs to pay bills…/could-you-handle-more-than-one-full-ti…

taanegl ,

Weird how that works.

Say, how much do you think they pay an employee with years in the game, vs newly hired developers?

marx2k ,

Are your suggesting that everyone let go had years in the game? Are you suggesting everyone getting hired is entry level?

taanegl ,

Why yes, dialectical materialism does play into this. Very good.

When people work over a period of time, they expect higher pay, better benefits or even promotions. A way to offset this is to have seasons of firing and hiring.

Mind you, I’m not talking about small to medium size businesses, mostly large businesses with predatory HR.

You also have to remember that some hires are symbolic, in that some people were just hired to keep the employee away from the competition. I’ve met people who sat on their ass and did nothing for of all companies Apple (in that case, it was sales and marketing).

And again, it all stems from dialectical materialism, because junkie needs that line go up, get dopamine mmmmmm so good.

I.e degeneracy.

Remember; ideology and materialism cannot share priority in the human brain - so sayeth Engels and Marx, which means things like “an honest wage”, “free market principles”, etc, all go out the window, cus junkie needs it’s fix.

Don’t enable degeneracy plz.

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