shortwavesurfer , to Politics in Live updates: Another shockingly good jobs report shows America's economy is booming

Press [x] to doubt. If three-quarters of these “jobs” aren’t people working for Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash, I would be shocked.

Midnitte ,

NPR reported on this well, it’s spread across a large number of sectors in the economy.

yogthos , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

Biden loves genocide so much that he’s willing to to any length to keep it going.

Simmumah OP , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

Guessing this is where all the political news is now?

Omega_Haxors ,

LW admins must be actively trying to nazify if this is the kind of stuff they’re censoring…

Pratai , to Politics in [Analysis] What is no-fault divorce, and why do some conservatives want to get rid of it? | CNN

Without even reading that article, I’m going to guess that no fault divorce is something that benefits women. I’m basing this solely on the fact that conservatives don’t like women much- as most of their policy seems to be designed to hurt them in some way.

snooggums , avatar

You are correct.

admiralteal ,

It's also classic "XYZ behavior that most people agree is not a preferable outcome is against our preferences, but instead of creating a safe and protective society that prevents people from ending up in bad situations in the first place we'll instead legislate the preference directly."

See: abortion, war on drugs, the entire carceral system, etc.

ThirdWorldOrder , to Politics in Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro’s testimony in contempt case is ‘weak sauce,’ judge says avatar

Another patsy thrown under the bus by the Bigly

Pistcow , to Politics in [News] Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners | CNN Politics

Joe Rogan? Elon Musk?

Arotrios OP , avatar

Most likely, but they're not in this article. I called out the operatives they did name in the tags on the post:

rafoix ,

They do regurgitate some of the propaganda. Musk prefers nazis though.

Jaysyn , to Politics in [News] House Judiciary Committee expected to launch inquiry into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis avatar

while there are questions about what jurisdiction they have over state-level investigations.

This is false . The lawyers that you should have spoken with about this would have told you that this is settled law & the answer is "very little".

The has already made it clear that Congressional whatevers are now optional.

They are going to get hit with State Obstruction of Justice charges, though. Bet.

roofuskit , to Work Reform in Another Hollywood strike? Musicians union ‘prepared to do whatever it needs’ for AI protections and streaming residuals

Good, get the piece of the pie back that they weasled from you.

aelwero , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel

So selling guns and ammo is a big priority for Dems as long as the customers aren’t American I guess…

the_q ,

This would be a sick burn if you weren’t comparing apples to guns, you moron.

ChonkyOwlbear ,

Selling guns to militaries defending their countries, aka the “militia” as described by the 2nd amendment. Not randos who have no good reason for ownership by them.

Krause , avatar

israel is a terrorist state and it also has no right to defend itself under international law

davel , avatar
aelwero ,

Isreal isn’t defending Israel…

And assuming you aren’t military, WE are the militia… The gaggle of “randos”… We aren’t charged with defending the US from invaders, the military is (and I was, and did). We, the militia, are charged with keeping the free state intact and secure.

Our purpose, as “a well regulated militia”, is to show our asses up under arms if something like Jan 6th actually succeeds. All the “randos”… That’s the whole point :)

Dems should be buying a shitload of guns right now, specifically because trump… He’s already shown the capacity to threaten the free state, he’s the first in a damned long time, and we, the “randos”, should be as ready as we can… That, as far as I’m concerned, is a damned good reason for randos to have guns (especially Dem randos)

AnarchistsForDemocracy , to Work Reform in The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up avatar

Who’s dreams are these? Nobody dreams of a 4 day work week,

we all dream of a 2 hour workday.

Froyn , to Work Reform in The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up

A hockey game is only played for an hour, yet each team has 5 lines.
Auto plants run 24 hours and have 3 lines.

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in New York judge finds Donald Trump liable for fraud | CNN Politics avatar

Thank you, Letitia James!

UsernameIsTooLon , to Work Reform in Flashback - Mark Zuckerberg on billionaires: 'No one deserves to have that much money'

Sounds like he’s been humbled by the Metaverse’s failure. Big money also means big losses one day.

Jeff Bezos recently pledged to donate about $124b for charity and fighting climate change. It really seems like these billionaires have been hit by 3 ghosts.

Still eat the rich, but I guess there’s been some good news from them.

floofloof ,


Amazon founder Jeff Bezos plans to give away the majority of his $124 billion net worth during his lifetime, telling CNN in an exclusive interview he will devote the bulk of his wealth to fighting climate change and supporting people who can unify humanity in the face of deep social and political divisions.

Though Bezos’ vow was light on specifics, this marks the first time he has announced that he plans to give away most of his money. Critics have chided Bezos for not signing the Giving Pledge, a promise by hundreds of the world’s richest people to donate the majority of their wealth to charitable causes.

So he made a vague promise, “light on specifics”, that he would give away “most” of his money to fighting the climate change that is exacerbated by his lifetime’s work and the social divisions that he has worked relentlessly to entrench? He could fight social divisions by treating his employees well and allowing them to unionize, but Amazon is notorious for mistreating its workers, it profits off forced labour in China, and he has fought dirty against unionization at every opportunity.

Forgive me for suspecting he’s full of shit with his vague and noncommittal promise, after a self-serving lifetime of aggressively doing the opposite.

Changetheview ,

Yeah, the wealthy “giving it all away” is always a bullshit scheme in some way. If they really felt that way, they would have shared the profits with those who helped create them. This sort of wealth only happens in literally one situation: greed overcomes compassion for others.

These schemes usually fall into one of three categories:

  1. I fucking hate my kids and don’t have anyone I think actually deserves this money, so I’m giving it to some random charities of my choosing when I die because I know damn well I can’t spend it all and I have to do something with it
  2. I’m just putting it all into a charitable trust that I still have full control over and likely won’t spend much out of it, unless it benefits me personally
  3. Straight up bullshit PR campaign about a future promise that is not binding

Quite often, it’s a combination of 1 and 2, locking up the money for a loooong time and only to be used for a specific purpose.

KevonLooney ,

Charitable trusts have to be donated to charity. You can’t pull the money back out. It’s like giving it away that year.

Yeah, a ton of things can be a “charity”. You can donate the money to your friends at a church or a clubhouse for your friends and still have it be a “charity”.

Changetheview , (edited )

I think we’re saying the same thing, but it’s definitely not like giving it to charity that year. They are irrevocable trusts so you can’t take the money back from it, but the majority money doesn’t immediately have to go anywhere.

And even when money does flow out (beyond admin/establishment costs), there are TONS of creative ways to use it for personal benefit.

See Rolex and Hershey for two of the biggest examples. Or giant charity galas.

Many ways to use the funds for “non-profit” entertainment. Plenty of ways to get kickbacks from “charitable” donations. Non-profit status is not that high of a hurdle.

unfreeradical , avatar

These tactics are precisely intended to placate critics.

It is not good news when Bezos commits funds to charity and fighting climate change.

Good news would be the mass of society rising to end the conditions that cause climate change and that make charity necessary.

AnalogyAddict , to U.S. News in Kraft recalls faulty American cheese singles that might be ‘unpleasant’ or make you gag - CNN

Wouldn’t that be all Kraft Singles ever?

Lawliss , to Politics in Clarence Thomas officially discloses private trips on GOP donor Harlan Crow's plane | CNN Politics

And yet a doctor can’t receive a pen from a pharmaceutical rep because of ethics. Amazing that these other professionals can’t simply do whatever they want.

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