trimmerfrost , to Photography in Synchronized walking

Not so much

bstix , to Photography in Car-Park attendants in Bundang, South Korea

I could not do that job. At least not like that.

AfricanExpansionist , to Photography in Car-Park attendants in Bundang, South Korea

Oh, which subway stop? I used to live in that city

jeena OP , avatar
AfricanExpansionist ,

Ah yeah! Is the party still going at Pub210?

jeena OP , avatar

Hehe, no idea, I personally haven’t been there yet because I didn’t hear about it yet ^^

AfricanExpansionist ,

When I lived in Bundang, there were three expat bars: Travelers, Pub210, and Dublin. I know Dublin is still open. Travelers closed years ago.

But I think you’re not an expat ^^

jeena OP , avatar

Haha yeah, at least not a typical, I’ve been living here for about 2.5 years but I’ve been living more like a family/dad life ^^.

AfricanExpansionist ,

Ah I gotcha

kandoh , to Photography in Car-Park attendants in Bundang, South Korea

I could do that job really well I bet

greyfrog , to Photography in Car-Park attendants in Bundang, South Korea

They have these everywhere when I went China and Vietnam too.

MrFappy , to Photography in Me in Hebron, Palestine

Before seeing the body of the post my first thought was (sadly) was, ‘there’s no way this is recent, I see a building standing in the background’

jeena OP , avatar

Mind you this is Hebron which is in the Westbank, not in Gaza.

MrFappy ,

Doesn’t it all look like this anywhere that’s considered Palestinian territory? Honest question based on what I’ve seen, not trying to be a dick.

jeena OP , avatar

It depends on your question, yes it looks like that everywhere in Palestine, but also in Israel, for example in Betlehem or Nazareth. But you mentioned the building standing in the background. In Gaza most of the buildings are destroyed now I would assume. In the Westbank this is not the case.

SubArcticTundra , to Photography in Me in Hebron, Palestine avatar

I hope they’re alright.

PeepinGoodArgs , to Photography in Composition examples

Rule of thirds was the first composition rule I learned when I began photography may years ago, and has stuck with me since.

OhmsLawn ,

It's pretty bulletproof.

Unless I have a damn good reason, things usually end up on the thirds lines in some way.

Gerudo ,

You and me both. I remember still to this day the roll of film I shot after learning about it. I was really young and that roll really got me into photography.

megane_kun , avatar

Rule of thirds, framing, and leading lines are the ones taught to me when I first took interest in photography. It's been really helpful to me, but it's really the rule of thirds really that stuck to me.

I guess cameras having those rule of thirds (or fifths) guide lines helped a lot too.

hoherd , to Photography in Composition examples

This is brilliant. Saved! Will definitely be sharing this.

Ottomateeverything , to Photography in Composition examples

All I can see is ASL

RGB3x3 ,

No, this is ∆SL. It's for ancient Egyptians trying to hook up online.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Hottest single mummies around your area!

nfsu2 , to Photography in Composition examples avatar

I am seeing a Debian, Arch and Slackware logos, I need help.

I_Miss_Daniel , avatar

I only saw ASL twice. Memories of mIRC on a monochrome laptop.

justme , to Photography in Composition examples

Rule of thirds hurts my OCD brain. But it's probably a fair enough approximation

FQQD , to Photography in Composition examples avatar

Thought this was a XKCD comic and looked for the joke way too long xd

showmeyourkizinti ,

No this is LOSS

SorteKanin , to Photography in Composition examples avatar

Me seeing the last frame: Is this loss?

ianovic69 , to Photography in Composition examples avatar

As always, there is some errant info in this, and there is a great deal missing entirely.

For a much better explanation of composition, I urge you all to read this article on Petapixel - 10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds.

9point6 ,

This was a really interesting read, cheers for sharing

zeograd ,

Thanks a lot for sharing this article!

I'm struggling with composition and never found such a comprehensive article.

Would you have, by chance, other composition-related articles or posts to share?

ianovic69 , avatar

Would it be better if I made a new post? It would just be a simple list and explanation for the post.

zeograd ,

That would be ideal, I guess

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