
What no one mentions about the bear hypothesis

This actually provides we here in the Post-Industrial US immense cause for celebration. All of our lives(Regardless of gender)are so cushy, we have the luxury of devoting days and weeks to mulling over an extremely far fetched hypothetical, the likes of which no one who isn't living in rural Alaska will likely encounter

Camo is hard to photograph, and not for the reason you think! (Main cam vs Selfie cam colors)

First up yes I'm a camo nerd. Metal Gear Solid 3 awakened something in me! Anyway every now and then I take different camo patterns into the woods and take photos as a reference to help people choose what works best for them. This one, Pencott Wildwood looks way too brown in most photos. Check it out!...

r/sysadmin and the size of this community

So I have been a part of this community for a while and it seems pretty quiet. I know Lemmy is not as big as Reddit so this community will always be much smaller but I kind of miss the activity on r/sysadmin. Infinity for Reddit still works for view only so I have been scrolling though posts on Reddit as some of the stories and...

Star Trek shows come in varying degrees of quality, but one thing that has remained consistently good is the casting of Amanda Grayson, Spock's mom.

She's always this small, fair skinned dark featured woman, but more importantly is her strength and gentleness, and how they empower eachother. The subtleties are differently from series to series, but they're all good portrayals of a complex, interesting character.

Enable/Disable KWin Scripts depending on current activity?

So, I like working with tiled WMs sometimes though not always. And Polonium is working great for that in Plasma 6. But as I said, I don't want it enabled 24/7. And rather than open settings and toggling it on and off every time, it'd be wonderful if I could harness the power of KDE activities and automatically toggle it on in a...

Fix for the capslock slow response

This is an issue that I know for a fact that is not specific to plasma, but I came here to ask for help since I run Plasma and I'm hoping that there is something I can change on the DE to fix it. Caps-lock is very slow and causes THis ISsue, and it is driving me crazy. I'm the person who can never learn how to use the shift to...

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